Here come the lawsuits: Washington’s AG sues to undo Trump’s ban on child sexual mutilation

Washington AG Nick Brown


Washington Attorney General Nick Brown on Thursday filed a multi-state lawsuit against President Donald Trump’s executive order banning gender reassignment procedures, such as mastectomies and puberty blockers, on children.

Trump’s EO states that “it is the policy of the United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called ‘transition’ of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures.”

Brown argued at a Feb. 7 news conference that the EO was not only “disgusting,” but it was illegal for violating the Fifth and Tenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

Brown also said that the EO “promotes harassment and discrimination against people that are already marginalized. It risks their literal health and safety, and that of their providers.”

Last year, nonprofit Do No Harm unveiled a database of gender reassignment procedures carried out nationwide, reporting that Seattle Children’s Hospital was among the top providers for procedures in the country. The Center Square also uncovered that the top surgical provider for underage gender reassignment surgeries had previously been fined $5 million by the AGO for deceptive business practices. 

Brown was joined by several individuals testifying in favor of youth gender reassignment procedures, with one person saying they “would rather die than go through male puberty” and that “this order will kill trans children if not stopped.”

Washington state has recently enacted numerous laws regarding underage gender reassignment procedures, including SB 5599 passed in 2023, which allows host homes and youth shelters to hide the whereabouts of children from their parents if the children claim to be seeking gender affirming care.

Washington state is joined by Washington state is joined in the lawsuit by Oregon and Minnesota, along with three unnamed physicians.


  1. There’s only one way to complete the transition of Washington, Minnesota, and Oregon from U.S. States to non-U..S. States… naturally, they must be cut off.

  2. Liberals love children. Mutilated and dead, but they love children.

    Not surprising, but vile nonetheless.

  3. We must also sue for the constitutional right of 3-year olds to vote in elections and arm themselves with assault rifles despite their parent’s objections. Surely Washington, Oregon, and Minnesota will follow on to that logical extension.

  4. That’s all the Democrats have left………federal lawsuits in US District Courts, where most of the judges are lefty Democrats appointed by Obama, Biden and Clinton. Republicans own the executive branch, both chambers of Congress, and the Supreme Court. And that’s why Trump is moving at lightening speed ……Trump Time.
    He wants to clean out the corruption in the US government, clean out financial waste, and clean out fraud. All the Democrats have left is ……lawfare against the Trump Administration. Donald Trump loves a good fight.
    All of those Democrats driving Teslas are going to be buying gas powered Suburbs and Hondas, crying for lower gas prices, while they scream for climate action. Biggest fools on the planet.

    • Every person on social security disability should be made to reapply. Like they can’t work at something? The FAA was hiring. In concert, raise the retirement age and age for Medicare benefits. Wouldn’t hurt to cut the defense department budget too. Pete’s on that!

    • Presumably you are referring to male circumcision which is less radical than having four wisdom teeth removed. Or correcting a cleft lip. Or rhinoplasty. Most importantly, these and similar examples improve biological functionality rather than diminish it. Figuratively, your attempted logic does not hold water.

      • I usually agree with you completely but not on this one. Circumcision is a type of genital mutilation that was wrongly pushed by the medical establishment for many years. There are circumstances where it might be necessary but they are the exceptions. Since so many men have had it done over the years, it is difficult to accept that it wasn’t a good idea. My heart goes out to the millions whose parents were convinced to do it or as more usual, boys were done because dad was done. Men who were “fixed” can’t imagine being any other way but intact males can imagine it the other way and most are horror stricken by the idea. Some researchers even contend that the old Jewish method was not near as drastic but only a small clip to differentiate the dead bodies on a battlefield. I’ve laughed for years at the outrage at some of the African tribes who cut off parts of female anatomy but we just shrug at mutilation done to males. Sorry, pet peeve of mine…

        • The circumcision produce by the medical association is one thing…The Circumcison he is asking about is according to the Jewish Laws (Exodus and Leviticus) that the Jewish people obey.

        • Gretchen, as a circumcised male, I agree mostly with what you say. However, this practice has been ongoing for over 3,000 years. It is a religious issue now.. not a medical one (even though you are correct; medically speaking) It’s near impossible to stop it as it is a religious issue. Granted, doctors should be speaking against it.

          Not an easy fix.

  5. When rejected by the voters, radical leftists invariably resort to trying to ramrod through their vile, anti-human agendas via the courts.

    Oh, what was that about “democracy” again?

  6. In a just society, those who continue to fight for the ability to mutilate children would be forced to undergo the procedure themselves. Without anesthesia. I had to explain this to my 9-year-old daughter (thank you Anchorage School District). She was flabbergasted. All Americans should be flabbergasted.

      • Actually, looked at another way, it is a veritable whose who of Washington State communists, communizers, wannabes, and possibly a couple of those who aren’t smart enough to not run with the wrong crowd. Its a very comprehensive listing of connections. Kind of surprising he has it up.

      • OE, I guess, because it actually just came up.

        On 8-1/2″ x 11″ paper, with normal margins, it constitutes 52 pages.

  7. I was born, raised, and lived most of my life in WA state. Glad I got out when I did, it’s changed so drastically and not for the better. Sadly, you can talk with many current residents (my relatives included) and they have no idea this is going on.

  8. (the EO) “It risks their literal health and safety, and that of their providers.” Right, the only way we can understand that to be true is if we’re talking about the health of the providers’ wallets. There is big money in child abuse. Much has been written about the “trans” phenomenon – most of it promoting expensive “treatments” for what was once considered normal childhood inquiry about the opposite sex.
    Let’s stop the propaganda too – gender is not “assigned at birth”. Gender is what chromosome you have at conception – a biological, physical, and mental reality – not a social construct. A lot of the confusion stems from social deconstruct!

  9. The Governor and AG did not get the memo.
    Pandering to the extreme leftists is not going to get you reelected. Which, is fine by me. I say keep on doing what you are doing.

    • I”m wondering what the Trans Rights activists who claim that child mutilation has never happened are saying right now?

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