Heads and Tails: Lobbyists shift clients

We’re going through the lobbyist reports, and it appears the recession is causing things to shift around even in the persuasion economy. Here are some tidbits, although reports are not all in, it appears:
Sonia Henrick

Sonia (Christianson) Henrick has opened her own consulting and lobbying firm, Good Faith Consulting, working with lobbyist Dave Parish….She has worked for Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Gov. Sean Parnell, and ExxonMobil…

Royce Weller has ended his lobbying association with Ashley Reed and is in business with Kris Knauss as the new company called Confluence Strategies….Confluence Strategies appears to be now representing GCI along with Reed Stoops…But Eldon Mulder and Sam Kito Sr. no longer represent GCI, and neither is Ashley Reed….

Speaking of Confluence Strategies, the new group also has “flanged up” with Kent Dawson, who has a an A-list of clients…

Myer Hutchinson, son of lobbyist Kim Hutchinson, is working as a lobbyist for Charlie Miller…

Jim Lottsfeldt appears to have picked up the lobbying business of the ACLU for the third year in a row but has yet to report lobbying contracts with the Municipality of Anchorage…

Diane Blumer is in business association with Ray Gillespie…But ATT is being represented this year not by Gillespie, but (we are hearing) by Jerry Mackie...

In nonpolitical people news, Alaska’s top figure skater, Keegan Messing, (dual citizenship with Canada) is on the Canadian Olympic team for competing in South Korea. Which anthem will they play if he makes the podium?

And RIP to George Brown, 96, founder of the Lucky Wishbone restaurant and a wonderful Alaskan.


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