Has Palin hit bottom? Describes feeling rejected, being denied credentials to GOP national convention


Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, in an interview with Al Arabiya News said she hopes President Donald Trump will appoint her to some position in his administration, preferably related to energy.

But she said she’s having trouble getting a meeting with Trump because of his gatekeepers.

“Again, President Trump knows where I am. You know, we have a good relationship. He knows that my administrative experience on a local level, at a state level, being chair of resources on a federal level to help with energy independence, he knows my area of expertise. We need to tap into everyone who has an ability and a willingness to serve this country. I’m certainly willing and I’m able. I hope he calls me,” she told Tom Burges-Watson, the interviewer for Al Arabiya.

“I know that there is that question out there as to why I’m not tapped into yet. President Trump has around him some gatekeepers that have made it very difficult to kind of, I guess, ingratiate oneself into the idea of the agenda that must be Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, in an interview with Al Arabiya News, said she hopes President Donald Trump will appoint her to a position in his administration, preferably related to energy.

According to Palin, she could not even secure credentials to attend the Republican nominating convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the summer of 2024, despite being a former vice-presidential nominee who spoke at the podium when she ran with Senator John McCain in 2008. Back then, she was invited to everything, but not now.

“I haven’t been invited to things. That’s OK because you kind of get used to that. I’m not gonna say rejection, but you kind of get used to that redirection. That is protection,” she said, reprising her role as victim.

Watch the interview at Al Arabiya News’ YouTube channel.

In the interview, Palin also commented on Trump restoring the name of Mount McKinley after it had been changed to Denali by President Barack Obama in 2015.

“It didn’t need to have its name changed to start with. It’s always been Mount McKinley and McKinley Park. It’s absolutely beautiful. We locals up here and as governor, former governor, we’ve always called it Mount McKinley. So when it was changed to Denali for no reason. No, nobody was begging for a change in name in that peak. Just put it back the way it was, more common sense. There are so many other things that need to be focused on. So changing the name back to what it was from the beginning makes sense.”

Ironically, she called the mountain Denali many times in the past and her code name used by the Secret Service during her vice presidential run was “Denali.”


  1. This is a hoot.
    “ He knows where I am” and “ my area of expertise” Ha
    I think she is sadly delusional
    At least her outsized ego is intact.

  2. Trump also understands you supported Mary Peltola when she won a term in Congress. Oh sure, you ran a half-hearted race against her. The problems were the accolades you showered on Marxist Mary. Not that Trump cares. But he does have an image to protect.

  3. She keeps stepping on her own tongue. Would have been much better for her to have read the room and kept her mouth shut. She’s added more grist for the Palin irrelevancy mill. Please, for your sake and for Alaska’s, quietly go away. Your time in the limelight was squandered. Deal with it.

  4. Fame and fortune can be very addicting. Unfortunately it often has a way of destroying lives, families and a general grip on reality. Case in point.

  5. In case no one is aware of the fact Governor Palin’s oil and gas laws policies allowed Alaska to have smaller competitors like Bill Armstrong and others finally breaking down the big oil monopoly WALL that kept smaller oil and gas competitors out due to red tape and abuse. The attacks on small oil and gas competitors resumed to this day since she left, only now with Governor Dunleavy and his Trump-like Department of Natural Resource Commissioner John Boyle has any oil and gas competitors large or small had a chinaman’s chance in hell or a snowball’s chance in hell in success. Alaska had great leadership with Governor Dunleavy and his team, as for Alaska’s few remaining oil and gas competitors all should wish Governor Palin a wonderful retirement as we do President Biden. Drill Baby Drill at Greater Point Thomson Unit and ANWR: God Bless America and Alaska’s energy future and its wonderful workers.

  6. Sara was one of the most delusional Governors Alaska had. She says she’s conservative but she supported extreme leftist policies! And Sara put in one of the most restrictive policies with the taxes she leaved on oil and gas development companies. She’s now irrelevant! Go back to your Arizona home!

  7. She’s wrong, as usual. I’ve been up here my entire life. Most locals have always called it Denali, even when it was Mount McKinley on a map. Only Outsiders called it “Mount McKinley” when they first moved here, but quickly learned. If it’s renamed McKinley we will still call it Denali. Who cares.

  8. Loser Lisa came out against Pete Hegseth for DOD, again against her own constituents ~ oopsie, for her constituents (DEMS) absolutely worthless.

  9. Sarah, you are so yesteryear. No one cares.
    If you want attention, go to NYC and walk naked down Broadway. The Enquirer “might” run a story.

  10. Having this article side by side on the MRA website to the article describing Murkowski voting no on Hegseth is screen photo material. I sure recorded it. Maybe I can use it later to headstrong Republicans and conservatives to illustrate their image problems.

  11. When the Donald was first elected in 2016, Ms. Palin made a highly-publicized trip to meet with President-elect at Trump Tower. No appointment came out of that meeting and Ms. Palin was, at that time more politically visible. Now eight years later, the President has much more experience in picking people and Ms. Palin has added almost nothing to a political resume that essentially ended sixteen years ago. No government appointment is coming. She should be working with her entertainment agent for new gigs in that field.

  12. Governor Palin is slowly learning what Vivek “Screech” Ramaswamy just learned: if one’s ambition is to use proximity to Trumpworld to burnish your own credentials, distract the message and try to gain spotlight. Trumpworld will exile you.

  13. At one point Sarah was the most popular governor in the country. She made Alaska great again. Under her leadership we put $20 billion into savings, and our economy was roaring.

    In my personal interactions with Sarah she was always polite, smart, and never hesitated to say thanks if I did something to help her.

    She should have a role if she wants to serve.


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