Haines man sentenced for grooming kids for child porn


A Haines, Alaska man was sentenced on Wednesday to 20 years in prison for sexually exploiting minors. Christopher Panagiotou-Scigliano, 41, pled guilty to one count of production of child pornography, involving coercing a minor to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing child pornography.

In 2015 Panagiotou-Scigliano moved from Idaho to a farm in Haines. After his arrival, Panagiotou-Scigliano arranged for several children he had been grooming and abusing in another state to visit his farm in Haines multiple times.

When the children arrived, Panagiotou-Scigliano continued grooming and sexually exploiting them by taking numerous sexually explicit images and videos of the victims.

Panagiotou-Scigliano is also charged with the sexual abuse of multiple child victims in Idaho. That case is still pending.

“This office will continue to vigorously prosecute heinous predatory crimes such as this,” said S. Lane Tucker, United States Attorney for the District of Alaska. “Although no term of imprisonment can repair the harm caused to the victims, anyone engaging or thinking about engaging in grooming and sexual conduct with minors should take warning from this significant sentence.”

“In this unconscionable case, the defendant engaged in a years-long manipulation and grooming process to isolate and sexually abuse minors, all under the guise of being a trusted family friend,” said Special Agent in Charge Antony Jung of the FBI Anchorage Field Office. “The FBI and our law enforcement partners will continue to identify, aggressively pursue, and hold accountable those who commit these vile crimes against children.”

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force investigated the case. The Haines Police Department, the Bonner County, Idaho, Sheriff’s Office, the Bonner County Prosecutor’s Office and the Alaska State Troopers supported the investigation.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jennifer Ivers and James Klugman prosecuted the case.


      • Wow! The agenda in full force. I guess you have made it clear though. Your words, and I quote,
        “We lead with our bias.” I know you won’t display this comment, but it’s worth a try.

    • It’s amazing how many pedos there are that work in public schools, almost like they know where their prey is. And when you see their pictures…well sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

          • Are you defending pedophilia? Or are you trying to say there is no evidence of child grooming in public schools?

          • Boy Paul, where do you get your stuff? I didn’t bring up the term and don’t think the above article even mentions pedophilia either. While this may be the case due to the large sentence, not all sex offenders are pedophiles.
            Steve-O seems to believe large numbers of “pedos” work in public schools and thus the term surfaced so you might want to ask him. And what does this have to do with “child grooming in public schools?”
            You got any more strawmen you need to build?

          • Bill,
            Read the article before you say such ignorant things as “the above article even mentions pedophilia” THE ARTICLE IS RIGHT UP THERE^ MAN!!! Read it before you comment. The term pedophilia is used because the guy THE ARTICLE about is a pedophile convicted of pedophilia for numerous acts of pedophilia.

          • Steve-O, the article says nothing of the sort.
            That said, child pornography is usually a form of pedophilia but the article doesn’t say that either.
            And further, my quote was “I don’t think the above article even mentions pedophilia.” What reason would you need to remove the first part Steve-O?
            Frankly you are just posting your usual bullshit but try harder next time.

          • From the article above…”sexually exploiting minors”, “production of child pornography”, “coercing a minor to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing child pornography”, “several children he had been grooming and abusing”, “continued grooming and sexually exploiting them”, “taking numerous sexually explicit images and videos of the victims”, “sexual abuse of multiple child victims”, “grooming and sexual conduct with minors”, “The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force investigated the case”

          • Steve-O, your collection here does say, in a round about way, that this guy was not a good guy but doesn’t say pedophile and we just don’t know the age of these kids that he is sentenced for.
            You are clearly struggling with the understanding of what a “pedophile” is and the sooner you get educated on it the better IMO. Till then “tough noogies.”

          • Bill,
            I get it now. You are saying that child molesting, child exploitation, child rape, and child pornography aren’t as bad as long as the child is of a certain age…presumably above 16 years of age. I will hand it to you Bill, in all the years you’ve commented here you’ve literally never bought any useful information to the table. But now you finally deliver with the differences between a child molester and a pedophile, congratulations Bill, you must be so proud. It’s a strange and gross line for someone to argue, but leave it to you to defend the indefensible. In all the years you’ve argued idiotic points, this is by far your lowest.

            Good day to you sir.

          • I see you are still trying to change the subject when you find yourself floundering-nobody said a thing about one being “bad” just that they are different crimes and often times come with different ideas about penalties determined by society.
            But anyway nice strawman you are trying to build here and as usual you are just posting bullshit Steve-O.
            By the way here is a good definition for pedophile: “A person aged 16 years old or older who is mostly or only sexually attracted toward prepubescent children.”

          • Bill Yankee, the article sure doesn’t need to say pedophilia for it to be a good description of what was going on with underage boys. Please don’t fall into the usual Democrat defense of child sexual abuse. Not a good look, dude.

        • ‘Sexually exploiting minors’ and ‘sexual abuse of multiple child victims’ and yet you say that the article doesn’t mention pedophilia. You have a different definition of ‘pedophilia’?

          Giving us crap for wondering if he was a teacher/school board member? Have you not read any articles lately of teachers pushing personal sexual ideals on kids and school boards covering for them? Or do you just conveniently shut them out of your mind?

          • Here you go Paul: “A person aged 16 years old or older who is mostly or only sexually attracted toward prepubescent children.”
            Alaska has a line in the sand about what is allowed for adults with minors Paul and that line in the sand is 16 years. Now plenty of folks get convicted of having sexual relations with those under 16 but most of those are not considered pedophiles, just sexual offenders (big difference). Frankly, sexually exploiting minors could include those over 16 as they are surely minors-are you starting to get my drift Paul?
            You can wonder all you want about whether/not this guy was a teacher/school board member, but I can sure see why you don’t use your real name Paul. Get a grip on yourself Paul, as you are fast losing it IMO. Heheh!

        • Bill,
          You clearly didn’t read what I wrote, maybe you should give it a try before displaying your ignorance once again.

          • I know Bill, you’re not very familiar with the English language or written words. Keep practicing your reading and one day you’ll figure out what it means when different characters are put together into words and when those words are grouped together into sentences.

          • And there it is…Bill thinks an adult having sex with a teenager as young or younger than 14 is ok. He was thrown off a jury because of it and still sees nothing wrong with it. Why stop at teenagers Bill, age is just a construct. Absolutely disgusting.

          • Still looking for something to say Steve-O? How about you try staying on the subject of your thinking all child sexual offenders are “pedos” (your term).
            It does look like you are thinking age has something to do with it.
            Keep trying and it will come to you. You do seem to be slipping lately Steve-O. While it could be normal dementia, it also could be due to your sniffing too much of your gas stove without opening that window. Heheh!

        • Bill you seem to be extraordinarily interested in making sure we all know that pedophiles are different from child sex abusers. We are fascinated by your knowledge and ability to parse terminology. Your stunning ability to differentiate between these two activities is beyond impressive. It’s almost like you’ve studied it in great detail for some reason. Do go on.

          • It became important, to me, during the years that Catholic Priests were first being tried and punished for their pedophile crimes that had been hidden for many years by the Church. These crimes were mostly against prepubescent alter boys and differ much from the child sex crimes committed by adults against teens earlier than 16 years old. When teachers are involved that age of consent goes beyond 16 but that is really just semantics IMO.
            I was a potential juror in jury selection for the trial of an adult who was accused of having sex with a 14 year old and the sticking point was whether/not I had a problem with Alaska’s age of consent being 16. Frankly I thought a specific age for all teens was absurd and spoke to both judge and counsels about my reasoning. Prosecutor bounced me without cause and once the jury was picked the perp pled out so he was likely guilty as charged.
            There is little question that pedophiles differ immensely from these other child sex offenders and society treats them differently for good reason IMO.

          • And there it is…Bill thinks an adult having sex with a teenager as young or younger than 14 is ok. He was thrown off a jury because of it and still sees nothing wrong with it. Why stop at teenagers Bill, age is just a construct. Absolutely disgusting.

          • Boy Steve-O, you can read almost anything into your own asinine assumption. FYI I was not thrown off any jury and it had nothing to do with the age of the plaintive.
            All you are attempting here is to try to save your own face for being so ignorant on this entire subject. Good luck as it’s pretty hard to fix stupid. Tough noogies to you.

          • Bill, are you now claiming you didn’t post this? It’s right up there^ I’d deny it too if I were you, it’s very incriminating what you’ve written here on this subject.
            Bill Yankee February 11, 2023 At 1:41 pm
            “I was a potential juror in jury selection for the trial of an adult who was accused of having sex with a 14 year old and the sticking point was whether/not I had a problem with Alaska’s age of consent being 16. Frankly I thought a specific age for all teens was absurd and spoke to both judge and counsels about my reasoning. Prosecutor bounced me without cause…”

            The reason they threw you off the jury is because of you disturbinging views that you’ve admitted to here Bill. Do you think they’d put a potential juror on a murder trial if he said he doesn’t think murder is wrong?

          • Steve-O, the prosecutor wanted his case and he didn’t feel he needed to chance my opinions about Alaska’s line in the sand. Nothing disturbing about my views that not all 15 year olds are cut from the same cloth and that many other states even use 14 years as this age of consent.
            This attorney knew the Alaska’s age of consent was a contentious issue and he specifically asked the potential jurors if they had any issue with it-I got to give my thoughts on it to judge and attorneys in chambers and nobody thought it disturbing either. That said, neither was I thrown off that jury as I was never on it.
            This perp had little options (as he did know the age of the plaintiff) and was several years older, as well, and plead out after jury was selected.
            Do you think this guy is a “pedo” Steve-O? Heheh! You’ve been quiet on that subject lately? Still sniffing your gas stove?

          • Bill,
            Your views are certainly disturbing to anyone with any sense of decency. And please don’t try and kid yourself, that’s why you were removed from that jury. No prosecutor anywhere is going to seat a juror who is sympathetic to the perpetrator of the sexual abuse of a minor in a case dealing with the sexual abuse of a minor. You probably get strange looks around town from time to time, you might even get different treatment than others might since you are so open with your opinion to the judicial system and random comment sections that teenagers as young or younger than 14 years of age are sexually fair game for adults. Your views are disturbing to say the least.

            It’s very telling that you give your standard “heheh” line here, on an article that is no joking matter…only a pedophile and child sexual abuse/exploitation apologist would think this a joke. Seek help Bill, seriously.

            I can only hope you’ve never acted upon your beliefs.

          • Boy Steve-O, you’ve clearly been sniffing your gas stove too much lately and you’ve forgotten to tell us whether/not you think that “perpetrator” is a “pedo.” And you are the only one that is “disturbed” around here.
            You likely have never served on a jury Steve-O or you would know that “being open” with the judicial system is nothing more than telling the truth when asked.
            The rest of your screed is nothing more than gibberish you’ve conjured out of thin air. Your absent any logical or critical thinking here-get a grip as you are losing it. Tough noogies to you.

        • So, you take said comment as a personal affront, based upon your profession.

          No one is accusing YOU of said offense, Bill, merely that some of those sharing your profession are guilty of said offenses, though it seems to be prevalent within said profession as reported when it happens.

          One may wonder why you take such offense as a personal offense, rather than a simple, and factual, observation.

          Within mine own profession, should it be observed to contribute to said behaviors, I would be abhorred that those behaviors were perhaps more prevalent than within other professions, rather than defending the profession as a whole.

          One may wonder why you personalize the issue, Bill, rather than completely denigrate those behaviors of those deviants within your own profession, as the rest of us surely would, regardless of our profession.

          Just saying.

          • What do you base your assumptions on Randy? I’m a retired gillnetter of 26 years and hardly think that profession is any more guilty of those offenses than say yours (whatever that is Randy).
            Logic evidently is not your long suit, but making assumptions by pulling them out of your a$$ is something you can hang your hat on. Just saying.

          • Bill, it is extremely interesting to see you going through verbal contortions and gymnastics to defend the indefensible.
            It would seem that the subject of attacking the growing pedophilia in our society hits very close to home for you, and methinks that you doth protest too much.

          • Apparently you do, Billy, or you wouldn’t have commented.
            Anyway, are you so completely arrogant that you believe that you can speak for every reader and poster here? Yes, I do believe you are.

    • I want to read about a teacher in Chicago that was a child molester and the nea was defending him. That was a long time ago but that was what made up my mind that I would never join the nea or support them.

  1. Sicko ! I’m wondering how minors got the money to fly here….especially to Haines. So much more to this story
    I’m sure. I hope he rots in jail.

  2. OK. I’ve read this article closely several times, and there is nothing in it to indicate that the individual was a teacher. The phrase “trusted family friend” sure doesn’t give that impression.

    So folks, why the automatic association of this behavior with teaching in the Comments section? It would appear that your hatred of the local school district, and its teachers, is now spilling over into ugly insinuation, either intentionally or unintentionally, because your minds have been twisted by too many stories about litter boxes in classrooms, LGBTQ library books, Drag-Queen story time, and the like.

    And I am speaking directly to you, Madame Editor, for seconding the comment made by micah 6v8.

    My first thoughts when thinking about teachers is that they are magnificent people who do a lot for our kids (and grandkids), sometimes at their own expense, with inadequate compensation, and often in the face of increasingly aggressive attack from Conservative parents.

    Anyone who associates them with pedophilia, upon their initial reflection, should be ashamed of themselves, and should seek help.

    • If you’ve ever read a newspaper in Alaskaand seen a story about a pedophile you’d understand. A large percentage of the time when someone in Alaska is convicted of pedophilia of a non-family member they were a teacher, this isn’t to disparage teachers it’s simply a fact.

        • Bill,

          Are you really asking me what I think a large percent of the time when someone in Alaska is convicted of pedophilia of a non-family member they were a teacher? Any percentage is a large percentage to have educators molesting children, Bill.

          Nationwide about 93% of cases of sexual abuse of children is done by a person familiar with the child.
          This includes family members, friends of the family, teachers, coaches, clergy, etc. You can use any search engine you want to find out how many teachers are involved in the large percentage of non-family member child sexual abuse. From different numbers I’ve seen teachers are about 100 times more likely to commit sexual abuse of children than clergy members, you’ve certanly heard about all the rampant sexual abuse of children by clergy members right Bill?

          • What a cop-out Steve-O. You specifically said “A large percentage of the time when someone in Alaska is convicted of pedophilia of a non-family member they were a teacher, this isn’t to disparage teachers it’s simply a fact.”
            If, it’s a fact, than provide your source or stfu.
            Again you seem to like equating child sexual abuse with pedophilia and need to learn the difference in many cases. And you seem to have your finger on the pulse of how clergy members are involved in sexual abuse of children, but the issues with nearly all of the Catholic Priests involving children were pedophiles and not merely sexual abuse of children. Learn the difference Steve-O. The Catholic Church has plenty of gay Priests but it’s not them causing the storm of those abusing the young alter boys.
            Anyway, you specifically said Alaska so address your source of your facts to specifically Alaska. Thanks. Heheh!

          • Bill,
            I’m not sure what you are looking for since as per usual you clearly don’t know what you are looking for.

            Do you want a link to all the news articles that show a large percentage of the time when someone in Alaska is convicted of pedophilia of a non-family member they were a teacher? Do you want the exact percentage? If you just want a specific percentage then you can do the leg work and find it yourself. Do you want my personal belief of what “a large percentage” is? The reason I wrote the words “A large percentage of the time when someone in Alaska is convicted of pedophilia of a non-family member they were a teacher” is because that is a stone cold unassailable fact.

            You seem to be defending child sex abuse and pedophilia for some reason, why would you defend such monstrosities?

          • So now you want to change the subject Steve-O? Just justify your statement “A large percentage of the time when someone in Alaska is convicted of pedophilia of a non-family member they were a teacher, this isn’t to disparage teachers it’s simply a fact.”
            You are the one that says it’s a fact so justify it. Real simple!
            But, but………..”it’s a stonecooled unassailable fact.” Just show it! Heheh!

          • Bill,
            What are you talking about changing the subject?

            I can’t help you if you don’t know what you want, and you clearly don’t know what you want other than to argue. This subject is all over the news far too much. You want to keep your head in the sand and remain, like always, willfully ignorant…that’s your modus operandi.

            Also, Bill you’re still failing on the use of quotes. You can’t put quotation marks around words and attribute them to someone when they didn’t use those words.

          • Still trying to change the subject Steve-O and worried about a misquote when you find yourself floundering. Usually it’s best to stop digging when you find yourself in a hole.
            Just go ahead and attempt to justify your stone cold fact. Heheh!

        • You’re a smart man. You can look this up just like the rest of us. I know you won’t believe any conservative publications but how about the go-to for leftists like you: Slate.

          So, in your words, put up or shut up.

          • Bullwinkle, you’re as confused as Steve-O here because sexual abuse in schools is rarely pedophilia. You don’t know the difference still and neither does Steve-O.
            They both are criminals but are two entirely different animals IMO. There is rarely pedophilia in schools but lots of sexual abuse (also IMO). My reasoning for this is that just like Chris Rock said about fidelity in movie stars, “men are as faithful as their options.” And I suspect this also works for women as well. The options for teachers, especially high school teachers, are many and some just can’t turn it down-that, by the way, is sexual abuse and because teachers are involved the age of consent (16) doesn’t work. What that says is that the act wouldn’t be a crime if the perp wasn’t a teacher yet becomes one due to that one fact.
            Your turn.

          • Bill,
            Wow, you just keep digging the hole don’t you? “sexual abuse in schools is rarely pedophilia”, “There is rarely pedophilia in schools but lots of sexual abuse” care to put up or shut up on this?

            I get it now. You are saying that child molesting, child exploitation, child rape, and child pornography aren’t as bad as long as the child is of a certain age…presumably above 16 years of age. I will hand it to you Bill, in all the years you’ve commented here you’ve literally never bought any useful information to the table. But now you finally deliver with the differences between a child molester and a pedophile, congratulations Bill, you must be so proud. It’s a strange and gross line for someone to argue, but leave it to you to defend the indefensible. In all the years you’ve argued idiotic points, this is by far your lowest.

            Good day to you sir.

          • Steve-O, nobody said anything about one thing not being as bad as the other-you just pulled that out of your whatever. And whenever you make a false assumption, usually what conclusions that come from that are also false. But you know that and just continue to build your strawman in the hopes you can somehow knock it down. Good luck with that.
            Anyway, as far as my opinions above, those are just my opinions, that I don’t claim to be facts, and I don’t have to justify them and have explained why I think that right there in plain site.

    • We have drag shows in grade schools, pornography in middle school libraries, young kids encouraged to get sex changes and not tell their parents. There are many good teachers, but we have a lot of bad eggs out there hence the comments.

    • Thanks for that wisdom here dog.
      These clowns on here can’t waste a chance to punish public schools. Disappointing to see Suzanne pipe up on micah’s insane “first thought” but perhaps she will give us the rest of the story.

    • Oh, go blow it out of your windy pipehole. I can speculate- or have thoughts- anyway I choose to.

      Constantly the hall monitor with you people. The prigs of our age…

      > My first thoughts when thinking about teachers is that they are magnificent people

      I never had any use of them. The ones I have met generally fail to impress. We homeschooled all of ours. All now happy and productive adults. I’ll take h/s over any public schooling every single time.

        • Because the government (not “public”!) school system, as it exists today, DESERVES to be put down! In fact, it deserves to be abolished, as it consists of little more nowadays then pure indoctrination into pro-government, pro-globalist, pro-neoMarxist propaganda.

      • So I guess there’s no doctors, lawyers, or engineers in the family, then.

        The real hall monitors are you thumpers who try to force your religious strictures on the rest of us. Go away.

        • You need to be investigated, Bill.

          Your defense of pedophilia is simply too strong.

          You obviously think child sexual abuse and pedophilia are separate things.

          They are not.

          • “Child sexual abuse is any interaction between a child and an adult (or another child) in which the child is used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or an observer.”
            A pedophile is “A person aged 16 years old or older who is mostly or only sexually attracted toward prepubescent children.”
            OK Randy, this is for the low-watt bulbs on here that think these two folks are one and the same. Say you understand this plain English as it’s pretty clear IMO.

        • Ah. So, if one is home schooled, and achieves a resultant degree accepted by various colleges or universities, one cannot achieve further education so as to attain degrees as unto doctors, lawyers, or engineers?

          You are a moron, Whidbey.

          And prove it more so every day, within every comment.

    • Most stereotypes have a basis in reality.
      Just like the stereotype of the dog that craps wherever and whenever the urge strikes it (including in online comment sections).

    • Many people on here are just hateful of teachers no matter what. I was a shop teacher yet I have been chastised on here about reading test scores being poor. They didn’t have anything to do with me. People on here don’t need to think rationally in order to point the finger. That being said I did know a teacher that dated one of his students in high school in the bush, and after she graduated, they were married and that’s been over 30 years ago. So you have to ask yourself, was it love, or statutory rape, or both? Of course the answer is both. That person is now in a position of high authority and is going to have to remain anonymous even though there’s no statute of limitations on rape in Alaska.

      • > That person is now in a position of high authority and is going to have to remain anonymous even though there’s no statute of limitations on rape in Alaska.

        Profile in courage there Greg.

    • Our minds have been “twisted by too many stories about litter boxes in classrooms, LGBTQ books, Drag-Queen story time…” Our minds twisted? Poor Whidbey. You are so lost, man, open your eyes.

  3. Internet has been scrubbed of him. This was also done for that native guy who goes around stabbing people in Anc. Attorneys and the court system protecting their voting scum.

  4. All serious committed
    child sexual predators they have same eyes: an abyss stretching from here into hell. Quite ugly. You’ll never forget such eyes seeing a pair
    in-person. I’m thankful
    the department of justice
    did actual meaningful work instead of wasting its time investigating
    patriotic conservatives.
    I’m thankful forall our men choosing to attend New Life’s -Every Man’s Battle workshop.

  5. To Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jennifer Ivers and James Klugman, thank you for this work.
    To Assistant U.S. Attorneys Jennifer Ivers and James Klugman, we refer to “Anchorage School Board shuts down parent reading a passage from a sexting-porn manual in schools’ libraries” (MRAK, February 9, 2023):
    May we ask whether Anchorage School Board members and Anchorage School District officials will be investigated and prosecuted for criminally misusing their authority under color of law to: (a) insert child pornography into public-schools explicitly for the purpose of grooming and indoctrinating vulnerable, minor children, and (b) deprive parents of their right to read the same pornography into public record as evidence in a formal complaint to the school board.
    Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
    For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, —and others who are acting as public officials— (emphasis added). (www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law)
    Further basis may be found in the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, which defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum:
    “Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or —emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation—” (emphasis added).
    The concern is that Anchorage School Board members and Anchorage School District officials may be engaged in similar activity, in this instance a taxpayer-subsidized years-long manipulation and grooming process resulting in known potential for isolation, abuse, emotional harm of and to minor children, all under the guise of being trusted authority figures.
    Than you for your time.
    Your response is requested.

    • Morrigan, I have several times informed the powers tobe but got NO response what so ever to accusations of 18USC 242 & 241 Both to the FBI & Local AG’s offices …..No one Cares! You are 100% right if you can get your concerns investigated by a allowable Grand Jury currently derailed by our own State Supreme Court under SCO 1993 of Dec.1st 2022 ! If one asks the AG to investigate anything they will refer you to the State Troopers … good luck they willfully break the law or they state there is no ” probable cause ” anything has happened !

      • Job’s just beginning, Ed.
        A good start would be writing a factual, objective probable-cause complaint with exigent circumstance, asking Senator Sullivan to assist in obtaining follow-up, and having the statement couriered to S. Lane Tucker, United States Attorney for the District of Alaska.
        Exigent circumstance? A situation that would cause a reasonable person to believe law-enforcement intervention was necessary to prevent further harm to children, destruction of evidence, the escape of suspect(s), or any other issue obstructing legitimate law-enforcement efforts.
        Senator Sullivan to assist in obtaining follow-up? You’re not asking the Senator to argue the case on your behalf. You’re asking the Senator to help assure you get a reply from the U.S. Attorney. You’re also implicitly assuring the U.S. Attorney that you and your complaint should be taken seriously.
        Maybe we should keep this between us, Ed. Can you imagine what would happen if dozens, hundreds, of parent/taxpayers, maybe even lawyers, found out about this process and decided to respond the same way?

  6. Wow everyone here is disgusted as I am with this man for sexually exploiting minors. So this guy gets 20 years in jail. However the Librarians and people in our schools allow pornographic books like Let’s talk about it and This is Gay? for students to digest. These kids are minors, I suggest those who approve these books should be put in jail. As far as I know in years past no student learned to masterbate from a book in a school Library. i am totally with Jay McDonald. He needs to go to Steller and get all their books on promoting sex and read them to the school board at every meeting.

    • The dog is right though. Many aren’t here aren’t fair to teachers. Maybe on here think that every teacher is a member of the nea. I never joined the club and most teachers that I knew out in the bush weren’t members either. Most didn’t want to join because they simply couldn’t afford the fees. I have my own reasons for not joining. Because the system is broke, I don’t think it’s fair to blame the classroom teacher. I’ve known some bad classroom teachers but they should be blamed individually not as a group. Yes I hear words about indoctrination and brainwashing and all that on here. That doesn’t describe any teachers that I ever knew in the bush. They must be talking about Anchorage teachers.

      • Greg, in theory I agree with you that we should not judge all teachers by the action of some. However it seems all teachers can receive materials for their classrooms/libraries that are clearly inappropriate for kids, are told that they can call little Billy, little Suzy and encourage him to become a her, but keep it a secret from the parents. Yet they do not speak out publicly, alerting parents to what is going on.
        As teachers they are mandatory reporters and this materials is clearly in conflict with that requirement. Therefore they become complicit, aiding and abetting a degenerate system. They deserve the ire of parents and community members.

    • Citizenkane, what a wonderfully concise and brilliant put-down!
      In the Dog’s case, I suspect the answer is “both”.
      The extreme gullibility and naivete of radical leftist catfish like Whidbey is both remarkable and depressing.

      • Funny thing – I was a Conservative Republican like y’all for 55 of my 66 years. Finally saw the light, though, before it was too late. Maybe the same thing will happen to you – if you’re lucky enough! But probably not, since this kind of change requires open eyes, and an open mind.

        • I believe you in that claim about as much as I would trust any financial advice from Bernie Madoff.
          I have been a consistent and principled libertarian since my teens, Whidbey, and that is NEVER going to change.

  7. Greg: It is not the teachers, it is those in power.ie The school Board, and most importantly the Administration.
    Teachers can be the victims. Example: In Mn I recently heard that one will not be able to obtain a teaching certificate unless they agree to teach CRT training and Transgender education. Want to teach somewhere, you comply with their rules. I have worked with many great teachers who are also great people as I am sure you are. The way Administration changes curriculum is beyond the pale. I say go back to the basics, discipline children and we may be able to turn education around. Also throwing more money at Education only gives those in power more money to spend . In the last 50 years, I have never seen improvement ,only decline. Glad my kids graduated from Anchorage schools when they received a great education. They were college prepared.

  8. I suggest all of us commenters be careful in measuring out our condemnations. As a guest on the Tonight Show, Billy Graham accurately admonished that Johnny Carson was guilty of every sin described in scripture. As we all are. He referred to James 2:10. Look it up; its very plainly written; no semantics.

  9. I’ll bite, Bill Yankee. My name really is Paul. I do live in the Mat-Su. And some of the people here on MRAK do, in fact, know me. If you want to verify my identity, come out here and meet me. In fact, anyone that wishes to meet me in person is invited to do so. I will sit down with any of you and share breakfast at The Noisy Goose in Palmer. Maybe a bunch of us should get together?

    So ‘Bill’, what’ll it be?

  10. Now look who’s dodging, Bill! You make a false claim against me but are not willing to meet face to face and verify my identity?

    If I cared enough to wish to verify ‘Bill Yankee’ as a real name, I’d be willing to put in the effort. The difference between you and me, is that if I verified your I.D. I would do it in such a way as to protect your home/work/friends from online predation. You on the other hand attempt to bait people into putting their personal info online and therefore exposing themselves to physical harm.

    • Feel free to put in print anything you discover about Bill Yankee and I’ll tell you straight up whether/not it’s bullchit Paul.
      What in the world would I want to have a sit-down with you and your crazy concealed carry friends Paul? Heheh! Frankly anyone posting such garbage as you do should perhaps keep his name out of print. Most of your ilk do keep their names anonymous which is a good indicator of their IQs and sanity IMO.

      • Well we’ve just discovered that Bill Yankee has no qualms with adults raping children as young or younger than 14 years of age. Bill, you just said “Frankly I thought a specific age (for sexual consent between an adult and a child) for all teens was absurd” You admit you were thrown off of a jury because of your beliefs that children as young or younger than 14 years of age should be allowed to be exploited by grown adults.

        This is a shocking revelation and helps explain why Bill has been defending those who would take part in child rape, sexual exploitation, and child pornography.

        • Again Steve-O, I was not thrown off a jury and I did get to explain my issues with Alaska’s line in the sand of 16 years for consent to sex. I’m guessing you’ve never served on a jury as you seem quite naive here. Also Steve-O, it appears you can’t read because I’ve not been defending “defending those who would take part in child rape, sexual exploitation, and child pornography.” I’d venture here that this is your last gasp at attempting to justify your own ignorance here on the entire subject-Since you latest posts are missing your “pedos” classification for these crimes.
          Tell us if you’ve also just discovered that these sexual crimes against minors suddently appear to have different classifications? Heheh!
          And while you are at it please show us where I admit I was thrown off of a jury because of my beliefs that children as young or younger than 14 years of age should be allowed to be exploited by grown adults. You appear to be drowning here Steve-O and fast running low on oxygen that could be due to your sniffing too much of your gas stove without the window open. But do keep us informed on your ignorance of the subject at hand and even on your knowledge of our jury system and Alaska’s age of consent relative to other states. Till then, tough noogies to you Steve-O.

          • Bill, are you now claiming you didn’t post this? It’s right up there^ I’d deny it too if I were you, it’s very incriminating what you’ve written here on this subject.
            Bill Yankee February 11, 2023 At 1:41 pm
            “I was a potential juror in jury selection for the trial of an adult who was accused of having sex with a 14 year old and the sticking point was whether/not I had a problem with Alaska’s age of consent being 16. Frankly I thought a specific age for all teens was absurd and spoke to both judge and counsels about my reasoning. Prosecutor bounced me without cause…”

          • Steve-O, my comments were strictly relative to Alaska’s “age of consent” and had not a single thing to do with the age of the plaintiff in the case. While the perp sat at the defense table, the plaintiff was not present for jury selection. All we knew about plaintiff was her age.

        • Given his profuse and rabid posts on the subject of pedophilia here, I can only come to the conclusion that Bill Yankee is not just apologetic of it, but more than likely actively engages in it.

      • Simple offer to meet and confirm that I am a real person and Paul is my real name. This after you, ‘Bill’, accused me of hiding behind a pseudonym. You have refused and repeated your claims about my name. When I pointed out that you are dodging a chance to prove/disprove your claim, you immediately changed the subject to ‘concealed carry’.

        Now, if I did carry concealed, how would you know ‘Bill’? And since you do live in Alaska, you walk by people, every single day, that are carrying concealed, without ever knowing. Are all these people crazed, bloodthirsty, murderers? Are there gun battles in the streets, daily? Bodies of the victims must be strewn in the streets of all the cities in every state where concealed carry is legal!

  11. Make sure to do the proper stretching exercises, Bill. Wouldn’t want you to pull a muscle with all that twisting and turning.

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