Governor’s trade mission to China roster announced


Gov. Bill Walker on Wednesday announced his choices for those who will go to China with him on his trade mission in May.  They include three economic development agencies, three Native corporations, five seafood companies, six tourism-related groups, and one local government — the Mat-Su Borough.

Out of the 40 who applied, the chosen delegation includes:

  • A2A Railway Development Corporation – The Alaska to Alberta Railroad Corporation, a Canadian company
  • Alaska Pacific University – School is interested in developing relationship with Chinese competitive skiers
  • Alaska Skylar Travel – The only Mandarin-speaking trip planner in Alaska owns and operates Alaska Skylar Travel & Charlene’s Express Travel
  • Alyeska Resort & Hotel Alyeska
  • Anchorage Economic Development Corporation
  • Bambino’s Baby Food – Anchorage start-up business
  • Bering Straits Native Corporation – interests include Arctic port at Port Clarence
  • Borealis Basecamp – owned by AIAX LLC
  • Chena Hot Springs Resort and Holdings
  • Copper River Seafoods
  • Denali Visions 3000 – 49th State Brewing Co.
  • Explore Fairbanks
  • Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation
  • Golden Harvest Alaska Seafood
  • Icicle Seafoods
  • Kachemak Bay Seafoods
  • Matson – ocean transportation, shipping
  • Mat-Su Borough
  • Mat-Su Economic Development Corporation
  • Nana Regional Corporation
  • PT Capital, LLC – Hugh Short, CEO, who is also on board of Alaska Gasline Development Corporation
  • RIM Architects & Design, LLC – Larry and Barbara Cash
  • Sealaska Corporation
  • Trident Seafoods – major exporter of seafood to China
  • Trilogy Metals US Inc. – Ambler Mining District interests
  • Visit Anchorage

Gov. Walker’s entourage will travel to China May 19-30 to meet economic partners, engage with key decision makers, expand Alaska markets, and meet potential customers, industry, and government officials. Each participant will be paying his or her own way


  1. It would be interesting to know what Trilogy Metals’ interest is. Perhaps looking for an investor for the Ambler mining district? Could be that’s also why NANA is going. They want AIDEA to built them a road but they don’t have the money to exploit the resources the road allegedly will open up.

  2. Gov Walkers trade mission with China we need to sell our product and get this State back on track (LNG) we have to become more creative and get our state moving again we have had enough studies, we need a leader that can Negotiate use your power to get our LNG to market we will fail if you keep stalling this project from moving forward. lets get the job done.

  3. How much is this costing the State of Alaska and are these people paying their own way? Doesn’t make sense in today’s economy. Why are we supporting the world’s largest communist regime in the first place. Looks like Walker is selling his soul to the devil.

  4. I would like to know why the Matsu Borough is going? Why are we paying for this? Not right for property tax owners to be burden with trips to China. We don’t want the gasline. Yet the Governor and his posse want this. Is about filling there poctets over the people. They have promised that they would open the mines yet we still haven’t seen that occur. Pebble mine is been shut down do to the Governors climate change iniative . Yes he supports the stand for salmon iniative. He will have a hard time building a gasline if the stand for salmon ballot measure passes. I can’t afford one more dime out of my pocket.

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