Gov. Kristi Noem endorsing Kelly Tshibaka for Senate


Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota is soon going to be endorsing Kelly Tshibaka for the U.S. Senate, Must Read Alaska has learned.

During her first term as governor and her tenure in the United States Congress, Gov. Noem emerged as a conservative leader, and brought America First policies to South Dakota, which now has the #1 economy in the nation. She was named the top governor in the country by the American Legislative Exchange Council.

 Noem, when she served in Congress, helped pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put $2,400 back in the pockets of the average South Dakota family. Importantly, that was the legislation that also opened the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 Area for limited oil development, after decades of stonewalling by the federal government.

“Kelly Tshibaka will be an America First senator who knows that what’s good for Alaska is also good for America. She will fight for the constitutional rights of all citizens and work to revive the Alaskan economy, which has been devastated by the horrendous policies of the Biden administration. I am proud to endorse Kelly and look forward to working with her on issues we have in common for years to come,” Noem said in a statement.

“It is a high honor, and I am grateful to have the support of Kristi Noem, one of the nation’s most successful governors,” Tshibaka said. “She understands what it’s like when the federal government seizes control of huge chunks of your state’s land and when it interferes with people’s livelihoods. When I’m Alaska’s next senator, I will always stand up for the rights of our people, and I will never forget who hired me to represent them.”

Tshibaka is the Republican challenger for Sen. Lisa Murkowski and has been endorsed by President Donald Trump, the Alaska Republican Party, and a growing list of conservative groups. She filed for office in March of 2021.


  1. Go Kelly Go..!!!Alaska needs change and you are on deck to bring about that needed change in the US Senate for us in November….

  2. Great endorsement from a solid conservative governor of a solid conservative state !! However it seems odd that it’s posted next to an advertisement for Lisa Murkowski which have been significant in MRA as of late!!

      • Everytime I see a Lisa ad here at MRAK, Nancy and I chuckle. Our entire family now supports Suzanne (and Kelly Tshibaka).

      • No apologies for posting Lisa Ads, it’s called Free Speech! I find it ironic however that Lisa and the Establishment drones are helping support their demise via purchasing ads on the very kind of publication that is truthfully informing the public about their deeds. It’s a beautiful thing!

        • Well, Lisa did take the Bar Exam about 5 times before getting the answers just prior to exam #5, …….which sort of indicates Suzanne may have the upper hand in getting a few bucks from the soon-to-be-dethroned Princess.

        • I bet, after drilling down deep, the source of the money to purchase ad buys like that, come from dark money, non-Alaskan entities. Entities relentlessly pushing globalism and marxist agendas. But–you’d have to dig several layers deep. They are insidious and clever.

      • Not only that, it is about balance, and trying to maintain an unbiased atmosphere.
        Do not become a site where you refuse to carry ads or content because of a political bias. Your readers are smart enough to vote their conscience, regardless of the ads they see. They are also smart enough to realize an ad is not an endorsement.

      • Suzanne, you needn’t explain your operational decisions to any “commentator.”

    • Girl’s gotta eat– after all’s said and done, MRAK might as well recapture & repurpose some of those liberal Lisa dollars.

      • We love MRAK so much, Frankie and I are considering making a buy-out offer to Suzanne. Of course, we would retain her as the senior writer. Our purchase price would be offset by 5 months of pre-paid ads placed by the “Soros For Lisa Murkowski” campaign committee. Frankie always wanted his own publishing company.

        • I hope this proposed sale goes forward, Nancy. I’m really getting sick of reading Frank Murkowski’s op ed pieces in my local propaganda rag. Does Frankie really think he’s still has influence, or is he heading down the same path as Joe Biden?

  3. Noem is not conservative enough for me. Still voting for Kelly but Noem is bought and paid for by big pharma and the chamber of commerce.

  4. No offense to Kristi, but why should we care about the opinion of SD’s governor?

    Unless she’s throwing money and media behind Kelly, this is an Alaskan issue.

  5. Kristi Noem is so outstanding. I think support from her means a lot. Her state didn’t declare a covid emergency early in the respiratory ailment. She said her state “didn’t need the money”. Everyone went to work as usual and carried on a normal economy. Less economic stress in her state. She is a regular American. I’m glad she is supporting Kelly Tshibaka for Senator.

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