Gov. Dunleavy endorses Brian Flynn for Assembly


Gov. Mike Dunleavy has endorsed Brian Flynn’s candidacy for the West Anchorage District 3 seat on the Anchorage Assembly, which is being vacated by Austin Quinn-Davidson.

However, Democrats are advocating for Anna Brawley’s election, despite her potential conflict of interest as an employee of AgnewBeck, a company that has received multiple government contracts through the Assembly.

The voter turnout for the April 4 election has been lower than last year’s election, with only 28,500 ballots received as of Friday afternoon, compared to 33,809 at the same point in time.

To ensure your vote is counted, remember the following guidelines:

  • – The Anchorage ballot is not a ranked-choice ballot. You may only vote for one candidate.
  • – If you’re mailing your ballot, be sure to use two first-class stamps.
  • – If you mail your ballot on Election Day or the day before, request that the postal worker hand-cancel or hand-stamp the envelope with the date.
  • – Ballots must be postmarked on or before April 4 at 8 pm.


  1. We can only hope that this endorsement will not hurt Mr. Flynn, and that, if the the election should go his way, that Mr. Flynn may return the favor, and donate his spine to the good governor.

  2. Could be wrong, but I don’t see the endorsement of a spineless, locally unpopular governor moving the needle in Anchorage.

      • Governor Dunleavy won 38% of the vote in House District 16 in 2022, its not reasonable of you to assume that since he won elsewhere, he automatically will be popular in a very similar district just half a year later. We’ll see, but overconfidence and premature declarations of victory are unearned.

        • House District 13 is not all of west anchorage. The west anchorage assembly seat covers a significant section of conservative south anchorage which house district 16 doesn’t so get your math right.

    • Avenger: maybe, just maybe, it is about time for you to get a life outside of countless comments. Sometimes on
      point, sometimes not, but mostly mean spirited, and more prolific than anyone else. Comments from those who really have a life and a stake in the outcome are persuasive. Yours lack that.

  3. If Anna Brawley has a conflict of interest due to her working for a company that gets Muni contracts, then wouldn’t it be a conflict of interest for Brian Flynn if he will be voting for/against contracts that his wife, the purchasing director for the Muni, brought forward?

    Fair is fair. Either both are wrong, or both are ok. Or are we ok with them recusing themselves from those votes?

  4. We need conservative values on the Anchorage Assembly defending the US Constitution in Alaska.

  5. Disappointing Mike never misses a chance to be the little leader he is. If he had come out 1 or 2 weeks earlier, it might’ve made a difference, as most ballots have probably been cast. I fear this will be another futile legislative session where he fails to use the power of veto pen to reign is spending; little Mike.

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