Gov. Dunleavy elected chairman of Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission

Gov. Mike Dunleavy speaks at his third-annual Sustainable Energy Conference in Anchorage this week.

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy was elected the incoming chairman of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission on Wednesday. He will succeed Gov. Mark Gordon of Wyoming, taking over as chairman at the annual meeting, which will take place Oct. 28-30 in Colorado Springs, Colo.

The IOGCC is a multi-state government group promoting best practices for regulating and conserving the “recovery of domestic oil and natural gas resources while protecting health, safety and the environment.” Membership is comprised of the governors of oil and gas producing states, as well as appointed representatives, affiliated provinces in Canada, and some federal agencies.

“IOGCC provides member states and international affiliates with a clear and unified voice and serves as a primary authority on issues surrounding these vital resources,” the group explains.

Members of the IOGCC include governors of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

The most recent chair of the group who hailed from Alaska was Gov. Sean Parnell in 2012 through the end of his term in 2014.

In a related matter, Alaska State Sen. Bert Stedman of Sitka is the 2023-24 chairman of the Energy Council, a legislative body with a similar mission to the IOGCC, with legislators from 15 energy-producing states and two Canadian provinces.

Dunleavy and Stedman in leadership roles in these key organizations puts Alaska in a leadership role for oil and gas policy, regulation, and conservation.


  1. It is my hope that Governor Mike Dunleavy’s election as chairman of the IOGCC may be a ‘pivotal moment’ for those who champion responsible development of our nation’s oil and gas resources. The hope extends to his leadership, alongside Senator Bert Stedman’s role in the Energy Council, that it would position Alaska at the forefront of shaping policies that not only balance development with environmental stewardship but also prioritize the needs of the industry and community in general over the transient needs of Washington.

    However, the oil and gas industry faces significant challenges that must be addressed to ensure its future viability and contribution to energy security. Key among these is the need to open more lands for development. Current restrictions limit access to vast reserves that could significantly boost domestic production, reduce energy costs, and enhance national security. By expanding access, we can tap into these resources while employing state-of-the-art technologies to minimize environmental impact.

    Streamlining the permitting process is another critical issue. The current bureaucratic hurdles can delay projects for years, inflating costs and deterring investment. A more efficient, transparent, and predictable permitting process would encourage development, spur economic growth, and create jobs, all while maintaining rigorous environmental standards.

    It is also essential to address the dubious tendencies of the clean energy sector, which often advocates for policies that unduly restrict oil and gas development. While renewable energy is an important part of our energy mix, it is not yet capable of fully replacing the reliable, on-demand power that fossil fuels provide. A balanced approach that includes oil and gas alongside renewables is crucial for a stable energy transition.

    Moreover, caution must be exercised against the increasing federal overreach and land grabs that convert potential resource development zones into national parks and protected areas. Such actions not only hinder resource development but also undermine state sovereignty and the economic benefits that come from responsible resource management. States are better positioned to balance development with conservation, tailored to their unique landscapes and needs.

    In conclusion, while leadership roles in the IOGCC and the Energy Council are vital, the real challenge lies in advocating for policies that facilitate development, streamline regulatory processes, and resist undue restrictions from anti-development factions. It is through such balanced, pragmatic approaches that we can ensure the oil and gas industry continues to thrive, supporting both economic growth and energy security.

  2. I wish both Gov. Dunleavy and State Senator Bert Stedman the best in their additional roles. And I hope that one of the things that will be done is to relocate some of the temperature measuring equipment outside of the urban heat zones which make up 5% or less of the earth and put more measuring equipment in the open areas to really get accurate climate measuring data on our planet. Having most of our temperature measuring equipment in the urban heat dome areas with all of the cement highways and buildings and air conditioners are giving us false readings. Science can do better, and some scientists have already suggested this as the readings we are receiving now may be as much as 9C higher than actual planet temperatures.

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