Gov. Dunleavy appoints Thomas Baker of Kotzebue to far north District 40 House seat


Gov. Mike Dunleavy appointed Thomas Baker to the vacant House District 40 seat in the Alaska House of Representatives. District 40, the northernmost state house district in the United States, stretching from the Kotzebue area east to the Canadian border. The seat was vacated last month after Rep. Josiah Patkotak resigned to become mayor of the North Slope Borough. 

Baker is a lifelong Alaskan and resident of Kotzebue. He is a construction operations manager for the Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation and chairs the Regional Advisory Council for the Federal Subsistence Board. His public service included serving on the Kotzebue City Council and the Native Village of Kotzebue Tribal Council. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Dartmouth College. 

Dunleavy followed the appointment process outlined in the Alaska Constitution. His office encouraged any qualified Alaskan living in HD 40 to apply for the seat, and he held discussions with applicants to weigh their qualifications. The Governor thanks all the applicants for their willingness to serve in public office.

Baker is a registered Republican. His name will be forwarded to the Republican members of the Alaska House of Representatives for a confirmation vote. 


  1. Scott Kendall is already trying to throw road blocks in the way of this nomination. Could he please consider moving to California?

  2. Thomas is the best choice of the folks Suzanne previously listed. Thank you Governor Dunleavy. Legislature – get behind Thomas Baker and vote him in. Republicans – get to work organizing D40.

  3. Interesting choice Governor, you are putting a Republican in a seat that was held by an Independent. There were individuals of the Independent party that put their name in. Oh yeah, a full PFD guy, just the way you like them, Mike.

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