Ghislaine Maxwell, gal pal to former owner of ADN, guilty on 5 sex-trafficking charges


It took the jury five days to deliver five guilty verdicts on sex-trafficking charges brought against Ghislaine Maxwell, who groomed and delivered young girls to Jeffrey Epstein, the millionaire and convicted sex offender who reportedly hanged himself in his own jail cell in 2019.

Maxwell is guilty on the charges of:

  • Conspiracy to Entice Minors to Travel to Engage in Illegal Sex Acts
  • Conspiracy to Transport Minors With Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity
  • Transportation of a Minor With Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity
  • Conspiracy to Commit Sex Trafficking of Minors
  • Sex Trafficking of Minors

On the second count, Enticement of a Minor to Travel to Engage in Illegal Sex Acts, Maxwell was not found guilty.

Maxwell and former Anchorage Daily News owner Alice Rogoff were friends and colleagues back in the days when Rogoff owned the political landscape of the state.

In 2014, when Maxwell came to Alaska to spend time with Rogoff during the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, the two adventured across Alaska, as detailed a few days later in the New York Post’s Page Six gossip column, when it reported on her at a glitzy soiree in New York.

“Maxwell traveled across hundreds of miles of icy wilderness to the finish line in Nome, where thousands of fans of ‘the last great race’ cheered on the mushers and their dogs,” the Post reported. They flew the race route in two of Rogoff’s private Cessna 206s. Three years later, Rogoff, who obtained her pilot’s license during her time in Alaska, crashed one of planes while visiting former Sen. Clem Tillion in Halibut Cove.

Maxwell is the youngest daughter of the late British publishing magnate Robert Maxwell, who was a member of Parliament, a suspected spy, and scandal-ridden fraudster, who stole millions of dollars from his companies’ pension plans, a fact only discovered after his death.

Adventuresses and millionaires both, Rogoff and Maxwell were increasingly involved in global Arctic politics, which was a growing fad among the elite in those days.

In 2012, Maxwell founded an environmental nonprofit called the TerraMar Project, which allowed her to jet around the world and gain credibility at various influential conferences. She was a featured speaker at the Council on Foreign Relations in 2014. She was also a featured speaker at the Arctic Circle Assembly, both in Reykjavik, Iceland and Seattle, Washington.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski serves on the honorary advisory board of the organization, along with HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, and Artur Chilingarov. Rogoff to this day, although no longer a resident of Alaska, is still on the advisory board.

At the time of her Iditarod adventure, Rogoff was still in negotiations with McClatchy to have her Alaska Dispatch News purchase the Anchorage Daily News for $34 million, which she accomplished that year. It took Rogoff three years to run the newspaper into bankruptcy; she sold it in a bankruptcy settlement for $1 million in 2017, leaving many Alaska businesses out in the cold with their invoices to her company unpaid.

In 2019, Epstein, who was Maxwell’s companion and partner in sex crimes, was charged with sex trafficking, and the justice system started closing in around the person now known as the woman who arranged for Epstein’s parade of girl victims, with crimes going back to the 1990s.

When the charges against Epstein were making headlines, Maxwell had gone into hiding, remaining elusive for a year in a 4,365-square-foot home surrounded by 156 private acres in Bradford, N.H., which she had purchased a few months earlier. No longer was she splashed across the society blogs and news pages; in fact, she studiously avoided being seen in public.

On July 2, 2020, she was arrested there, and a federal appeals court twice denying bail requests from her attorneys, as she was considered a flight risk.

During the trial of Maxwell over the past two weeks, the sordid details came forward. One of the victims who testified told the jury that Maxwell and Epstein started abusing her when she was just 14.

According to The Guardian newspaper, the women – Jane, Kate, Carolyn and Annie Farmer – testified they met Maxwell as teens, “and that she lured them into Jeffrey Epstein’s orbit. While the dates and exact circumstances of their encounters with Maxwell differ, they all share striking similarities. Only Farmer used her real full name.

“These four women all describe being vulnerable when they met Maxwell, such as suffering financial precarity or strained family relationships. They said that Maxwell made them feel comfortable before Epstein’s misconduct and that she made them feel special by asking questions about their lives. She served as a reassuring presence that tempered concerns or suspicions about Epstein.

“They all said that Maxwell was involved in Epstein’s abuse or misconduct. Three said that Maxwell coordinated their appointments with Epstein. Three said that Maxwell touched them. They all described Maxwell as working to satisfy Epstein’s physical needs. Accusers’ testimony portrayed Maxwell as an enabler and, in some instances, an enthusiastic participant.

Click here to read the Guardian’s summary of each of their stories of abuse.

Maxwell’s attorneys say they will appeal the verdicts, but for now, the former high-flying Arctic expert is in jail, where she will remain for at least many months to come.


  1. This is just about the best thing to happen for her since watergate. Maybe the same miracle can happen to her as charles colson.

    • Whichever prison may she be sent to may there be a Christian who prayerfully speaks and moves her the same way spirit did in cChuck Colson, and she can be a new light on a hill and an encouragement.

  2. I would ask former Governor Bill Walker to comment. He certainly knows Ms. Rogoff. He also knows a bit about child predators.

  3. Don’t forget Lisa Murkowski sits on Rogoff’s Honorary Board of Directors for that putrid Arctic Circle Organization, which Maxwell is speaking at in this photograph. Swamp?!…More like a global sewer!

  4. Oh yah make this as ugly as you can by dragging in others that may or may not have anything to do with it. Those others may be just as surprised and dismayed

  5. This situation and incident not only has strong Alaska connections but it has an Alaska counterpart. Federal officials had the goods on Bill Allen, who had been a close friend of Senator Ted Stevens, for transgressions not unlike those of Epstein. The federal officials could have brought both what would have amounted to a life sentence to Bill Allen and wiped out his substantial family assets and wealth. So allegations against Senator Stevens were contrived and Senator Stevens was convicted by a largely black inner-city jury of those invented crimes. Thankfully Senator Stevens’ case was given a look by honest people and he was absolved of all crimes. No one who knew Stevens thought for a moment he was guilty of anything. And similarly to Epstein, one of the prosecutors supposedly committed suicide, but more likely it was murder that successfully shut up the other prosecutors. This Maxwell woman will be very nervous in prison because with people like Bill Clinton and British royalty potentially on the hook for raping little girls there has to be some chance she will end up like Epstein. What ever happened to Bill Allen anyway?

  6. This situation and incident not only has strong Alaska connections but it has an Alaska counterpart. Federal officials had the goods on Bill Allen, who had been a close friend of Senator Ted Stevens, for transgressions not unlike those of Epstein. The federal officials could have brought both what would have amounted to a life sentence to Bill Allen and wiped out his substantial family assets and wealth. So allegations against Senator Stevens were contrived and Senator Stevens was convicted by a largely black inner-city jury of those invented crimes. Thankfully Senator Stevens’ case was given a look by honest people and he was absolved of all crimes. No one who knew Stevens thought for a moment he was guilty of anything. And similarly to Epstein, one of the prosecutors supposedly committed suicide, but more likely it was murder that successfully shut up the other prosecutors. There continue to be allegations that the prosecutors had dirty hands; in their zeal to bag a long-standing US Senator they may have helped Bill Allen transport little girls for his prurient needs, and sacrificing an attorney to keep this quiet would have been a small price to pay. This Maxwell woman will be very nervous in prison because with people like Bill Clinton and British royalty potentially on the hook for raping little girls there has to be some chance she will end up like Epstein. What ever happened to Bill Allen anyway?

  7. Two things:

    The FBI and the rest of the Executive Branch could shine here if the powerful clients of Maxwell and Epstein are finally brought to justice. They have the evidence…
    Maxwell didn’t kill herself…

  8. Why is it that MRAK is always so obsessed with Rogoff? Is there bad blood between them somewhere in the past? Or, is MRAK simply resentful that a rich woman could splash out for a ready-made media outlet, while struggling to create one itself?

    • Why are YOU here at MRAK, Dog? If you don’t like the intelligent articles at MRAK, then go to your Commie bros and sis’ at ADN and take your daily medicine without engaging a critical brain cell. You belong there, guy.

      • Why am I here? Actually, I’m everywhere, reading sites across the spectrum from both the Right and the Left. I call ’em as I see ’em, and when I read closed-minded commentary anywhere I call it out. To be honest, such viewpoints are much more prevalent on Right-wing sites like this one. So I’ll remain, thank you very much. And, after all, it does say MUST READ, doesn’t it?

        As far as this particular article goes, it’s pretty clear that MRAK has some sort of grudge against Rogoff, (just as Craig Medred does, btw). The conviction of Maxwell is indeed newsworthy, although not in any real Alaskan context aside from the fact that she occasionally interacted with Rogoff. The sole intent of this story is to foster some sort of guilt-by-association, and thereby take another whack at the woman that Downing, for some reason, despises.

        • Actually, I think of you more as an opportunist, Dog. You call em as you see em, which means you only see what you want to see. You are a close-minded reader, and a hypocrite. You just want to take a whack at Ms. Downing, who, for some reason YOU despise.

          • Well, dear Mr. Frog, I wouldn’t go that far, but I will say that MRAK provides a platform for people who, although within their rights, really shouldn’t be given one due to the nature of their messages (anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-authority, personal attacks, white supremacy, anti-gay, anti-immigration, Big Lie, and gun worship all live here). And this is done for the sake of profit, clicks, and notoriety. That’s the thing I do despise.

          • Whidbey, lest you forget, this country was founded by anti-authority figures as well. The fact that you despise all those who challenge and fight corrupt authority tells me exactly where you stand: with corrupt and self-serving authority. You are nothing but a servile and spineless follower, and a contemptible conformist.

          • Dog:
            All of that and you call yourself an independent thinker? Everything you just stated is directly out of the Marxist playbook. That means your only reason for being here at MRAK is to antagonize and troll. You are more credible if you just submit your monthly letter to the editor at ADN. You only show your ignorance and hatred here at MRAK.

  9. Those girls went to an island intending to meet a middle-aged guy to play checkers, go swimming, play more checkers, tour the island, play more checkers, etc, etc. Were you that dumb at 14-yrs old?
    Coincidentally, they are now entitled to sue Prince Andrew. Connect the dots.

    • Your assumptions are completely false Wayne-they knew exactly what they were going for. The crimes committed are because they were 14 years old and society has placed that line in the sand about when a person can consent to this stuff.
      It’s these yahoos (including Prince Andrew) that are the dumb ones, we are finding out.

    • Yes, 14 year-old girls can often be that dumb. That is likely how Bill Clinton got a 14 year-old black girl pregnant. That is one reason why there are laws against taking advantage of girls that young. Another reason is it keeps the perp from being murdered, which is what should actually happen. Oh, it did happen to Epstein of course, but very likely to protect other guilty parties rather than settle the score for the girls. As for myself, I was almost dumb enough to fall for a too good invitation from a 15 year-old to go in the hay barn but at the last minute I decided the girl might have already been dumb and was then looking for a husband. I was right. Yes, young people can be dumb.

  10. Everyone should ask themselves who(m) were Maxwell’s closest friends. Maxwell supposedly was at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding. Maxwell supposedly stayed with Lisa Murkowski. The little black book has been sealed by New York legal officials and has only released a few of the names. Why is that? If someone at FAA leaked the flight log that contains hundreds and hundreds of names of people that visited the “Island” and many of those names also appear in the little black book, shouldn’t those people also be charged with sex crimes? Birds of a feather flock together. Deep State protects their own! Human trafficking is immoral and everyone that participates should be arrested and face the toughest penalties available.

    • You know a number of elites ran in the same circles….including President Trump. Before long we’ll hear more about Bill Clinton and probably Hunter Biden….

  11. Feds sealed all records of who she procured for, what she procured, and details about the tryst. Only info released was about Epstein who didn’t hang himself. Feds are as usual hiding something. Cheers –

  12. J- Mark, I think it would be insensitive asking Bill Walker to reply to your question above.
    Turns out there is an unwritten code which prohibits Independent/ Unity Party/ Democrat candidates from answering such harsh questions due to cultural and other political considerations.

    • Bob: You are probably correct about the code. That said, I will continue to ask these sorts of questions.

  13. Yup.
    The Alaska delegation is CORRUPT in so many ways.
    Nepotism Lisa’s Kenai Land Deal.
    Slow Don’s Florida land deals.
    Now this affiliation with Walker, Lisa, and God knows who else?…
    Voting doesn’t work anymore.
    When will we revolt against these corrupt, to the core, leaders.

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