Thursday in the Alaska Senate, Senate Bill 140, the “Even the Playing Field Act,” will be taken up by the Senate Education Committee. SB 140 has the support of numerous coaches and athletes who seek to protect women competitors from unfair advantages of biological males who present as women. Sponsored by Sen. Shelley Hughes, it would ensure that women’s athletics programs in public schools are reserved for women, rather than including biological men.

Jim Minnery of the Alaska Family Council pointed out that males typically have larger hearts and lungs, denser bones, and stronger muscles. It is for that reason that women’s sports programs were carved out, “to create equal opportunities for women to have fair athletic competitions. His organization will be advocating for the bill.
The committee meets at 10 am. Bill information is at this link. Those wishing to comment on this bill may contact the Senate Education Committee at [email protected].
Thank you GOD. The most awesome invention of all time is a good lady. Imagine a world without. We are who we are we are suppose to be the best we can be with what we was born with. To change your body is to say you don’t like GODs work. So change back. And act right and get on with it is all.
But but but …. we’re supposed to “follow the science”!!!
Wait, you mean that IS following the science? Well then we have to base it all on personal feelings!! We MUST!! That means you can decide to be part of a protected minority one day (gender expression) and then abandon that protection the next. Which is NOT WHY protection for immutable characteristics exists.
Sounds like some phrenology nonsense to me.
Okay???? Please explain.
Phrenology, if memory serves was the “science” of determining ones abilities and character traits by measuring head circumference, eyebrow ridges and such, definitely “faux science”. Biology is biology and 18 years of testosterone of a biological male can not be erased, simply by now becoming a woman. The bone structure and muscle mass have already developed.
Once again someone else is doing what Dunleavy should have done.
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