After an Early Treatment Symposium took place in October in Anchorage, some in the mainstream medical community got up in arms and started a drive to force the Alaska Medical Board to investigate local doctors who T took part in the event, which was attended by about 1,200 Alaskans and which was broadcast on the internet to thousands more.
The following letter was sent by 141 doctors as written testimony to the Alaska Medical Board regarding early treatment of Covid-19 by Alaska doctors, which these physicians are calling “incompetent, unprofessional and improperly trained.”
In a scan of the voter files for the first 50 doctors on the list of signers, fully 50 percent of them are registered Democrats, and one-third of all of the 142 doctors were politically active enough that they signed the Recall Dunleavy Petition in 2019. Only two of the 50 were registered Republicans, and the rest were Undeclareds and Nonpartisans.
The Alaska Medical Board meets on Friday and will likely discuss the matter, since this is the board that handles complaints about the profession.
Must Read Alaska obtained the doctors’ letter through a public records.
Below the doctors’ letter is a file with multiple comments submitted by the public, mostly in support of the pioneering doctors who are using drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of early Covid.
From: Denali Psychiatry
Date: November 16, 2021
To: Alaska State Medical Board
Subject: Witten Testimony for Medical Board Meeting
We are writing out of concern that medical misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine and treatment is being spread in Alaska, including by physicians.
The US Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, has declared that health misinformation is “a serious threat to public health”, and urged “all Americans to help slow the spread of health misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond…it can cause confusion, sow mistrust, harm people’s health and undermine public health efforts. Limiting the spread of health misinformation is a moral and civic imperative that will require a whole-of-society effort”.
Alaska’s chief medical officer, Dr. Anne Zink, recently wrote about a patient “…he had chosen not to be vaccinated because he feared side effects and misunderstood the risk of COVID; when he became ill, he had spent hundreds of dollars for online remedies. My patient…was suffering not just because of the virus, but also because of the deadly combination of misinformation and disinformation in a broken health-care system, in a country of broken trust”.
The American Boards of Family Medicine, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics recently issued a statement to the Federation of State Medical Boards (which supports state licensing boards), saying that providing misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine contradicts physicians’ ethical and professional responsibilities, and therefore may subject a physician to disciplinary actions. They further state “expertise matters, and board-certified physicians have demonstrated that they have stayed current in their field. Spreading misinformation or falsehoods to the public during a time of a public health emergency goes against everything our boards and our community of board certified physicians stand for. The evidence that we have safe, effective and widely available vaccines against COVID-19 is overwhelming. We are particularly concerned about physicians who use their authority to denigrate vaccination at a time when vaccines continue to demonstrate excellent effectiveness against severe illness, hospitalization and death…providing misinformation about a lethal disease is unethical, unprofessional and dangerous”.
Such misinformation seems to have been spread in October 2021 at the “Alaska Early Treatment Medical Summit”, presented by a group called the Alaska Covid Alliance. Parts of the conference that were “live streamed”, as well as some of the information reprinted in the media, misrepresented the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines and the recommended courses of treatment. Some local physicians were involved presenting this event (which has been documented in the local media). This is of grave concern.
We hope that you will investigate this seriously, as the spread of misinformation has been identified as a threat to public health by the US Surgeon General, the Alaska Chief Medical Officer, and three medical specialty boards. According to the AMA Journal of Ethics, “The overriding mission of medical boards is to serve the public by protecting it from incompetent, unprofessional and improperly trained physicians”. We believe that this conduct, as defined by the Federation of State Medical Boards, meets the standard for investigation.
Merijeanne Moore DO, DLFAPA
Helen Adams MD
Ankita Ambasht MD
Saket Ambasht MD
Jessica Arasmith MD
April Arseneau MD
Beth Baker MD
Sharolyn Baldwin MD
Timothy Bateman MD
Will Bemben MD
Matthew Berenson MD
Anna Berkeziewicz DO
Tyler Berliner MD
Randal Bladel MD
Derek Bowers MD
Desiree Brooks MD
Leslie Bryant MD
Robert Bundtzen MD
Jaime Butler MD
Andrea Caballero MD
David Cadogan MD
Leslie Cayco-Travis DO
Anson Cheng MD
Monique Child MD
Megan Clancy MD
Steven Compton MD
Nicholas Constantino DO
Margaret Constantino DO
Jeannette Cook MD
William M Cox MD
Gwenyth Crabtree MD
Bradley Cruz MD
Irisa Devine MD
Susie Dietz MD
Jennifer Dow MD
Andrew Elsberg MD
Summer Engler Jager MD
Shannon Faber MD
Shannon Faber MD
Robert Finch MD
Lucy Fisher MD
Steven Floerchinger MD
Gregory Gerboth MD
Zach Gibson DO
Casey Gokey MD
Leslie Gonsette MD
Madeleine Grant MD
Katie Grey MD
Dwight Gurley MD
Douglas Haghighi MD
Hannah Hawkins MD
Susan Hayner MD
Meghanne Hendricks MD
Michelle Hensel MD
Susan Heverling MD
Sean Higgins MD
Eiluned Hogenson MD
Jessie Janowski MD
Brian Jeppesen MD
Laura Jones MD
Michael Jones MD
Emily Junck MD
Javid Kamali MD
Chris Kelly MD
Ronald Kim MD
Mary Klix MD
Thomas Kramer MD
Nancy Kraught DO
John Lapkass MD
Anthony Larson MD
Jeanette Legenza MD
Tanya Leinicke MD
Corrine Leistikow MD
Megan LeMasters Soule MD
Joseph Lestina MD
Lisa Lindquist MD
Jana Linfield MD
David Ling DO
Stephen Livingston MD
Lucinda MacNeal MD
Jordan MacNeil MD
Julie MacNeil MD
Stacey Maddox DO
Karen Mailer MD
Elizabeth Martinez DO
Terin Martinjak MD
Kathy McCue MD
Allison McLellan MD
Jennifer McNichol MD
Sean Meadows MD
Sar Medoff MD
Rhene Merkouris MD
Danny Mindlin MD
Triin Minton MD
Jacob Miss MD
Laurie Montano MD
Peter Montesano MD
Shari Morgan MD, FACP
Michael Mraz MD
Sarah Murphy MD
Rick Navitksy MD,
Mary Nettlow MD
Brian Newman MD
Robin Ninefeldt MD
Cristin O’Grady MD
James O’Malley MD
Jozef Ottowicz MD
Tanya Pasternack MD
David Penn MD,
Timothy Peterson MD
Elise Pletnikoff MD
Ronald Pollock DO
John Quimby DO
Max Rabinowitz MD
Syed Rahman MD
Robert Reeg MD
Megan Ritter MD
Julian Rojas MD
Michelle Rothoff MD
Erin Royal MD
Katy Ryan DO
Rachel Samuelson MD
David Scordino MD
Dorothy Shearn MD
Benjamin Shelton MD
Tim Silbaugh MD
Jess Sotelo MD,
Charles Steiner MD
Mary Stewart MD,
Tina Tomsen MD (retired)
Ailinh Tran MD
Allison van Haastert MD
Maude Vance MD
Nilam Vaughan DO
Natalie Wallace MD
Andrea Wang MD
Kendal Webb MD
Scott Wellman MD
Benjamin Westley MD
Pamela Williams DO
Gina Wilson-Ramirez MD
Theodore Wright MD
Chris Zerger MD
Other public testimony received by the Alaska Medical Board:
Thank you for providing this, MRAK.
Wonder how many work with the Sisters of Perpetual Motion at Providence Hospital?
Many of them are physicians there.
Most have privileges at more than one hospital. Some of you folks don’t have a clue about how healthcare actually works.
We know that Providence has become a Covid death camp that won’t allow the use of safe, proven, effective, and inexpensive miracle drugs like Ivermectin and HCQ. They’d rather you die from dead kidneys (from remdesivir) or snuffed out by the contraindicated ventilator. As long as you don’t take the inexpensive, proven stuff.
Since you have chosen to condescend to other readers, would you like to use your enlightened view to address this and explain why local medicos at the major hospital groups are so blatantly ignoring science and lying about these very efficacious drugs? “https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/now-365-studies-prove-efficacy-ivermectin-hcq-treating-covid-19-will-anyone-confront-fauci-medical-elites-deception/”
I am not condescending (That’s when you talk down to people).
Not privileges, employees. But go ahead and spin it however you like while you insult the ‘Rubes’.
And probably some of you folks as well. Good grief. ?
Since you have chosen to condescend to other readers, would you like to use your enlightened view to address this and explain why local medicos at the major hospital groups are so blatantly ignoring science and lying about these very efficacious drugs? “https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/now-365-studies-prove-efficacy-ivermectin-hcq-treating-covid-19-will-anyone-confront-fauci-medical-elites-deception/”
See above.
Lots of them. I worked ER for 7 years. Recognize 8 names. Of course providence is pushing the vaccine vaccine vaccine. They make tons of Covid $$$. Will never let the golden goose die.
Everyone needs to wake up to the reality of this dire situation. Politicians have absolutely no place in deciding medical treatments. Covid is really about keeping and evil narrative going as long as possible. The jabs are neither safe or effective. If they are then why do you have to have boosters? Will it be one, two or five boosters when this is all done? Why are there so many adverse events reported in VAERS? Why are they editing data out of VAERS? Why are there agreements to not release certain data with Pfizer? Do you actually trust a pharmaceutical company that pays billions in fines? There are hundreds of lawsuits pending, including racketeering by these pharmaceutical groups and Fauci! The reason they want the alternate treatments shut down, it is means they lose the Emergency Use Authorization (EAU)! I don’t know about anyone else, but I will always chose safe and effective treatments, that are FDA approved, that have been used worldwide prior to even considering something that DOES NOT HAVE FDA approval. Let’s actually look at truthful data and stop letting corrupt politicians push their fear porn! Any doctor that violates the Hippocratic Oath will have to face the consequences when the dust all settles. This is still America and our civil liberties have been trampled upon too long. The truth will set us free!
Absolutely! And meanwhile the FDA has just asked a federal judge to not release the data and information they used to approve the Pfizer vax until the year 2076.
Things that make you go Hmmm.
It’ll be released right along with the JFK/CIA assassination plot papers……. #nowaynever #CYA
Yeah there’s some things that apparently we don’t need to know about until a future date. Like the Kennedy assassination, the Roswell crash, where is Jimmy Hoffa, and Hitler died in Argentina. Remember in A few Good Men the Nicholson said you can’t handle the truth. There was a lot of things correct about that statement.
Gol dang you seem way stressed out afraid. Fear is a powerful and dangerous motivator. As you mentioned, fear has clouded your reasoning.
Mr. Covidisthedangerousest?!?!
Mr. Taketheclotshot?
You’re hilarious.
Evan, you are engaging in more classic radical leftist projection again, assigning to others your own faults and sins.
Yep! Pfizer is asking to not have to release their study data for 55 freakin years! Nothing to see here, right folks? “https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/now-365-studies-prove-efficacy-ivermectin-hcq-treating-covid-19-will-anyone-confront-fauci-medical-elites-deception/”
A who’s who on who to not go visit when you’re actually sick.
I will be printing off this list and keeping it for a reference when choosing which doctors I will be seeing in the future. They have lost my faith in their abilities as doctors and they have lost my business.
Amen. I was gratified to see none of the doctors that I have researched with good reputations on here.
I copied and pasted this list to a note. I’m sharing this list of Faucciite Karens with all of my contacts.
Please provide a list of the doctors who partook in the covid alliance early treatment summit. Myself and many other people I know are looking for good reliable doctors to go to.
Yes, I’d love to see s list.
Shame on them all! All their patients should look for another doctor. I wrote to the Medical Board last night and laid into any doctor who wants to punish good doctors wanting to help their patients. This kind of behavior is unacceptable in the medical profession. It is this type of behavior that is adding to the distrust of the medical community.
Maybe all of these “good” doctors that signed this letter should ask themselves who will defend them when Nuremburg 2.0 Trials begin or what will God think when their numbered days are up? They all better start understanding that in order for someone to participate in an experiment, which is what the jabs are, you must have informed consent without being tricked, bribed, coerced, fooled, etc. We all must use discernment! We must ask why are so many people including doctors and nurses refusing the jab? Maybe it is because they are informed and therefore are willing to give up their livelihood rather than consent to a dangerous experiment? Why has the definition of “vaccine” recently been changed? Why are their financial incentives to treat Covid patients? Why did Fauci not disclose his financial interests in the jab? Lots and lots of questions with no answers, right?
And the dummies provided a list of their names by signing.
Good to have a list of doctors I will not be seeing in the future.
Any maybe everyone should be asking Dr. Zink about her standing on eugenics? I wonder if there are any ethical considerations in her position with the State of Alaska versus her personal philosophy? Can she actually be trusted to represent the best interest in the citizens of Alaska if she believes there are too many people on earth? Is she part of the evil agenda? Makes me wonder? Maybe everyone in Alaska should be wondering? Maybe it is time for Dr. Zink to step down.
How many Alaskans have these so called Doctors killed by only following the CDC death protocols? This needs to be investigated!
I think I read a comment on MRAK that once a hospital patient is put on a ventilator, they are likely to die. Therefore, ventilators cause death.
Still puking out the asinine, I see?
Are all you have straw men?
That’s it? Pathetic.
Ventilators are contraindicated for the China virus. Oxygen is a better option. Heck, statistically for the China virus, stomach sleeping is more useful.
Thanks for sharing the list. Perhaps the intent by these Drs to discredit will ultimately cost them.
Sure be nice to know where these doctors work. Would not like to give them my business.
Thank Goodness my primary physician did not sign this trash. TO the doctors that did sign: You have just tossed HIPAA to the wind and diminished your Physician/Patient confidentiality. All the left dictators like Dr. Fauci and Biden need is in a foot in the door and the rest is history. Early treatment works and should be left to the physician and patient. . The misinformation today is the information needed to save lives tomorrow. Some of you may be great physicians however, in my opinion you have no common sense. This is just the beginning if you don’t go along with the herd some day you will be the one left behind.
Pulitzer Prize, that’s what I thought after reading this article. Wow ?
I could walk away and feel that was time well spent. Real investigative reporting! Thank you MRAK and those who contribute with thoughtful input.
Thank you for posting this information. I now have a list of doctors I will never go to and will make sure no one I know and love does either. These political hacks are an absolute disgrace to their profession.
I am proud of all the good patriots and free thinkers in town who wrote to the Medical Board. I know of at least 7 folks (including myself) who did as well but did not see any of our letters here. That can only mean that they were absolutely bombarded!
Yes, I’m guessing that those posted before Tuesday were not included. I sent mine on Monday.
The sad thing, is among these folks I bet their political ideology is 100% uniform. Whereas, among the ones calling for early treatment, I bet you’ll find a mix.
Years of college does not mean wisdom, it means you are good at doing what you’re told. Head down, follow the line, don’t think for yourself, etc. Our education system breeds some of the smartest sheep on the planet. They’ll fiercely protect and defend the wolves that shepherd them..
Actually Doctors base there decisions on Science and practice, neither of which involve politics
Oh, you mean like Dr. Fauci? If his opinions were based on science, they wouldn’t change every day.
Try again. And pull the wool off your eyes.
What a load of horse paste!
Frank, every one of the fascist little Karens on this list is more into politics and the Fauci religion than saving lives. If they cared about science and the Hippocratic oath, they’d prescribe ivermectin like there was a tax deduction in it.
A quick match with those signing the Governor’s recall petition would be start..although waste of time.
As the number of active Covid 19 cases (and deaths) increases in the fully vaxxed population, the question may not hinge on the waning effectiveness of the “vaccines” but the incurred decline in the immune system. Every drug has better “results” early on until the full picture comes out…but in this case… if ever.
Thank you MRAK! !
This is just stunning. These doctors, Merijeanne Moore and her merry band, are an absolute embarrassment. I cannot fathom the worldview, the hubris, the lack of basic common sense and ethics. However, I am grateful these small minds have chosen to expose their true selves to the world. Thank you for printing this list.
Having been at the meeting to which Dr. Gonsette and Dr. Moore objected, I am fairly certain that there are not 142 physicians who attended this meeting in person. In fact, I would be glad to be corrected if I am wrong, I would hazard to guess that NONE of these physicians who signed this letter were there and that NONE, at a medical board meeting, would be able to give the specifics of who spoke, who said what, or to give any specific objections to the material that was presented. What I do know is that unidentified text messages were sent out asking physicians to sign the letter, and nowhere in those texts was a suggestion that the petitioned for signers actually watch the readily available streaming of the meeting, before signing on to a letter to the state board condemning content that they had not seen.
This is the very definition of anti-science, condemning something without even looking at it first. The physicians who signed this without looking at the 4 hour part of the program dedicated to medical professionals should be ashamed of themselves. Gonsette and Moore should both be reprimanded and rebuked by the board. It takes five seconds to sign onto such a letter. Gonsette and Moore failed to urge those willing to sign onto such a letter to actually look at the program, instead of participating in a witch hunt of those involved and wasting the medical board’s time.
This is 100% accurate. These “signatures” were gathered by a series of groups texts, which I saw. I am fairly certain none of the list attached to the letter attended the conference or bothered to watch its recordings. Most have no idea what was actually presented. Most have never reviewed any of the widely available science, let alone that which was cited at the event. Most, to this day, get their “facts” from what others tell them to say, social media or news reports of the CDC and FDA announcements. Most probably haven’t even read the CDC updates themselves. Misinformation for this group is anything they say it is. They are lazy, self-righteous and the very definition of anti-science. So they throw stones at the only doctors in the community who are actually trying to use globally published data to guide their practices and provide the best available advice to their patients. I can only hope that someday there will be a reckoning. These people must be held accountable. Someday when the people of the world have woken up, and the lies are fully exposed, we can not let these people slink back into anonymity.
You are spot on with those who signed this petition. Read first, gather more information, digest, critical thinking next, then decide. Kinda like the scientific process.
How many of these sheep were concerned enough for their (sorry to say “ patients”) actually attended said venue to have the wherewithal to want to to save lives.
And there is the list of them. Maybe they get emails now. Good to see my comments made the Boards list too 🙂
A few observations:
Dr. Gonsette’s parents missed the boat when they didn’t name her Karen.
By signing this letter, these doctors effectively declared war not only on Drs. Nolte and Dr. Farr, but also on the entire Alaskan citizenry. Perhaps not the expected outcome.
At the early treatment summit, I sat behind a woman whose father had died from COVID-19 at Alaska Regional Hospital two days prior. He fell victim to Remdeathsivir and the vent. She was rebuffed when seeking alternative treatments. When she threatened legal action, the attending doctor replied “Have at it.” I have no doubt that monster is one of the signatories.
It is incredible how so many doctors have become political activists. Perhaps they should spend their time studying naturopathy instead of filling a letter with the same tire old buzz words over and over.
Al this discord orbits around one question: who do you believe? Which medical entities have studied the many variables of Covid under the strict and defensible scientific method with its hallmarks of blind studies, large sample size, conclusions reviewed and argued over by board certified researchers and physicians?
I believe those folks. Unfortunately, as always, there are grifters who see a big and easy buck exploiting fearful people looking for an easy solution that doesn’t require a lot of critical thinking.
It’s a shame that the grifters have been so successful. Now, instead of people rushing to take a safe, effective, available and free life saving vaccine, some eat horse deworming medicine.
Evan, seriously? Life saving vaccine? Are you talking about the Pfizer Pig in the Poke? You know the one that the FDA Science Advisory Panel voted 16 to 2 against releasing since the best data showed that for every person “saved” by the m-RNA jab, two would perish from it’s effects. That double blind study Evan? You might want to put down the MSNLSD remote and actually do some research. I think your interpretation of Science is one of “Don’t Question Authority”. Science isn’t like that Evan, it questions, especially when Politics and Profits seem to be prescribing the medicine.
If Evan looked at actual news, he’d know that even the EU is starting to figure out the danger of the ineffective clot shot.
Up to Nov. 13, they have reported 1,163,356 serious adverse effect from the clot shots and 30,551 deaths from the clot shot. Now amplify that for the unreported one.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty bad for a “vaccine” that doesn’t even work.
The “doctors” on this list will soon find out that karma is stronger than their political connections!
Well my former PCP is in the list. Works at the Fbks area
Clinic for Banner Health org.
Former because she was too busy out mt. Biking to schedule a follow up for my preventive cat scan for lung cancer just months after she laughed at me for asking about a flu shot in jan. I got the flu within three months and ended up on oxygen and delayed a lung cancer diagnosis. Too busy playing in the outdoors for her patient to get proper care.
Corrine Leistikow MD
I fired her
Wow! That’s a boatload of second opinions. Anyone with half a brain would listen to these doctors, but NO, every moron trumper thinks they know better. Please don’t get vaxed, don’t wear masks, drink bleach, snort ivermectin, beat up flight attendants and please leave this planet soon as possible
Oh look, a loving, conscientious, caring liberal pontificating from his gilded throne.
I’ll make the observation that YOU choose to listen to these doctors, so by your definition, you have half a brain.
Love ya man. You might learn to do likewise.
Your grammar reveals both your intelligence and education.
In the end it’s about Power, pure and simple. This whole Covid-19 episode to date has been leveraged by some to increase their power. The Doctors signing this are pawns on the chessboard and are considered useful idiots to those who are playing the game. Sad…
That list of names will be a great resource when criminal/civil charges are levied against medical “professionals” who willfully colluded to stymy early treatment of Covid 19 cases.
Having watched the Early Treatment Summit in it’s entirety I would venture to say that most likely very few, if any, of the doctors “concerned about misinformation” took the time to watch it. It took many hours to watch it and these doctors are busy people. They should not be speaking out on this if they did not watch the conference in it’s entirety.
I swear, my heart swelled with pride for my fellow Alaskans, as I read their emails to the Medical Board condemning the Gonsette Group’s efforts!
Tyrants beware!!
All, please notice that the email list of those supporting the good doctors is only for November 16th. There are many, many more to be added to the official list.
Yes, there are many more!
Suzanne, thank you VERY MUCH for this article, and the .pdf of the letters sent on the 16th! That said, I wonder how the letters on the 15th, and the 17th read… I would guess that they follow a similar line of thinking.
Hopefully the Medical Board has their eyes open.
The current physician total co signators are now 500 according to the ADN. Some of the comments by anonymous posters are simply absurd entertainment for me.
Read more carefully. That’s not what it says. – sd
Frank, reading comprehension is important! The ADN writes that the complaint was endorsed by the Alaska Medical Association, which according to them has almost 500 members. The ADN worded it to give the impression that 500 doctors endorsed this, however the only endorsement came from the Association ( most likely their board) NOT from individuals members. For all we know some of the doc accused may be members of this AMA and I am certain would not sign this letter.
Now that Pfizer and Merck have developed medications that actually work to treat Covid, I hope people will stop taking these unproven remedies. And I would assume the doctors that have been recommending unproven therapies like Ivermectin will stop doing so now that there are drugs that have been proven to work well to prevent severe Covid. If they persist in doing so going forward I would think they should lose their medical licenses.
Like Remdesivir, which trashes the kidneys?!?
That Fauci religion turn you into a sheep?
Ivermectin baaaaaad.
Ivermectin baaaaaaaaaaad.
Ivermectin has been a miracle antiviral for years. Safe, effective, and inexpensive.
The controversy about Ivermectin is the latest in a long line of right-wing conspiracy theories used by the Republicans party to spin up and energize their base. Past example include the claims that President Obama was born in Kenya and is a Muslim, or that Bill and Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster. The far right crowd is willing to believe this sort of rubbish and it works to enrage and energize them, thus ensuring they will turn out to vote for the Republican candidates, That is the purpose for this website, to play the music for the monkeys. Dance monkeys, dance!
And you believe in your heart of hearts that Trump colluded with Russia, as proven by the Steele dossier, right?
If you’re going to throw stones, at least step outside your glass house first.
No. actually I don’t. I know that both parties spread false information to rally their bases. Politicians only care about winning elections to stay in power. It’s just particularly sad to me that the right wing is spreading false information about Covid vaccines and treatments because they are quite literally sickening and killing people.
Oh do tell, Richard. Where are the volumes of the evidence that Ivermectin is not safe?
It has been safe and effective for years and years.
Also, even the EU is starting to figure out the danger of the ineffective clot shot.
Up to Nov. 13, they have reported 1,163,356 serious adverse effect from the clot shots and 30,551 deaths from the clot shot. Now amplify that for the unreported ones.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty bad for a “vaccine” that doesn’t even work well (if at all).
Any other drug would’ve been pulled long ago with dangerous numbers like that. I guess that’s why Pfizer lied by a large margin about clinical trial deaths from their clot shot. Gee! I guess the FDA should ask that those records be sealed for decades. Oh wait. They just did. How are these things not huge stories?
Can I call all Democrats jackasses? Isn’t that their symbol?
As usual Richard, or whatever your nickname is, you don’t have the brainpower to make a decent argument without ridiculous straw men.
It’s nice to have a list of our “betters” to work with. Maybe we should just get used to always following their guidance?
Next time I’m at Sullivan’s which of these incredibly well educated and smarter than me people should I call to see if I have their permission to order a steak? I’m obviously too thick to make any decisions for myself, so… who’s it going to be? Publish your cell phone numbers, doctors, so we can call you to make those tough choices for us.
Since you know better, and all.
Epoch Times just posted the FDA is asking the courts to wait 55 years to release the data on the Pfizer Covid vaccine.. I tried posting the link here and I was BLOCKED by the web, not MRAK… What are they hiding!?! Suzanne can you research this?
Here is the article on the feds asking for 55 Years to wait to tell the public regarding the Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine
I was at a functional medicine conference where there were over seven hundred medical providers in attendance. They were all there to learn if there was another way to treat patients other than the conventional pharmaceutical way they were taught in medical school. At the end of the conference, the father of functional medicine stood on the dais and asked the people, “Raise your hands if you decided to go to medical school to become the handmaidens of the pharmaceutical industry?”
The whole place erupted in laughter!
The doctors who signed the above petition, are the handmaidens of the pharmaceutical industry!
An apropos legacy for these Big Pharma minions ??
The Providence doctors in the complex refused my mom surgery because she was not vaccinated. The doctor told her, that it was unethical for her (doctor) to treat her. Then she called two weeks later, because she cared so much for and was checking on her, yea right.
Yuri Bezmenov would call these doctors “useful idiots”. In his Love Letter to America, he tried to warn us.
That’s right, folks with half a brain listen to the salesman, People with a whole brain do their research, or even listen to people who are not making money with their advice.
Merkouris was my doctor years ago. Ironically, she prescribed a med for me OFF LABEL like IVM has been. So thankful my current doctor is among those saving lives!
I wonder how these names align with democrat voting rolls and donation lists?
I know many of these doctors and they are really taking action and speaking outside their areas of expertise, something doctors know they shouldn’t do. A gastroenterologist shouldn’t be telling an ER doctor or a family practitioner how to treat Covid and ask for their license if they don’t follow the CDC guidelines. It’s really excellent you released their names. Their licenses should be in question and they can say goodbye to many referrals, I’m sure. And I know many doctors that are extreme with pushing the vaccines and fear, but I’m happy to see they didn’t join this. Actually, I know of a lot of doctors that didn’t join in on this and I’m sure they had an opportunity to. It restores some of my faith, but my faith is nearly at the rock bottom, so that isn’t saying much. The ones that didn’t sign it should be fighting against these doctors that did instead of just trying to stay invisible. “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”
The ones to especially notice are the infectious disease MD’s. Most of the ones in town didn’t participate in this, but some did: Megan Clancy, Benjamin Westley, Robert Bundtzen, Theodore Wright. Interestingly, if you care to know, none of them are registered Republicans and the first two are registered Democrats, while Robert and Theodore are nonpartisan/undeclared.
Hail Fauci, I mean, Stay Safe!
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