Fritz Pettyjohn: Will Kamala pardon Biden Crime Syndicate?

White House file photo


As soon as he became President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for any crimes he may have committed as President. President Kamala Harris could pardon not only Joe, but the whole Biden crime family.

The resignation would be best done before the November election. If Biden resigned after losing the election, and was then pardoned, it would like a quid pro quo, a deal they cut. But if Biden resigned in the next few weeks, and President Harris pardoned him shortly before leaving office on January 20, 2025, it would look like clemency, and a path out of the tawdry business of prosecuting your predecessor in office, a terrible precedent set by Biden himself.

I think this would appeal to all the criminals in the family. Biden could go out gracefully and be responsible for the first woman to become president, if only for a few months.  Hunter, especially, would like this.

Biden is an abandoned, broken man, a shell of his former self.  He’s no more capable of being President than he was of running a campaign.  All he has left is his pride.  His party wounded that pride by muscling him out of the nomination.  If necessary, they’ll force him out of office as well.  He should just resign, soon, for health reasons, as gracefully as possible.

President Harris, campaigning from the White house, flying around on Air Force One, would be a more credible candidate than she is now. This process, including hearings on her selection of a new Vice President, would dominate the news for weeks.  Attending to presidential duties would keep her off the campaign trail, limiting the chances of her reverting to her trademarked cackle.

This would best be done before the Democratic Convention, so Harris can deliver her acceptance speech as incumbent president of the United States.

Ain’t politics fun?

Fritz Pettyjohn’s first venture in politics was working for Goldwater for President in 1964. He served in the Alaska Legislature in the 1980s and writes the blog


  1. Why would anyone assume she is being elected.

    My forecast: a sex tape released in October showing Kamala and PDiddy.

  2. Since he’s done nothing to be pardoned for he has nothing to worry about. Show me the indictments. Heck, if Jim Jordan and his ridiculous impeachment inquiry have come to a big nothing burger. If Jordan had the goods to impeach, he would have done it by now.

    The author does understand that just because one person or a million people SAY he did something illegal, that doesn’t provide any evidence that he did, right? Right??

  3. I’m actually surprised his party didn’t knock him
    Off. Course it isn’t over yet. For 3 years we have had the man with the nuclear code walking around like a moron with his corrupt handlers directing his every move. Shame on all of them. Incompetent people leading incompetent people. What possibly could go wrong.

  4. Agree. Timing is the key to Harris dominating the news cycle.
    My guess is it will be after the August convention. Biden’s resignation could replace any Chicago convention chaos in the news cycle, keeping Harris on the “top fold” of the news.
    I even think they will reinvent her swearing in ceremony to include a full inauguration parade – even if that isn’t the normal process.
    Dominating the news not only keeps Harris on top of the polls, it maximizes Trump’s ability to make some outrageous statement in an effort to regain his post assassination attemp news position, that D’news will use against him.

  5. What “Biden Crime Family Syndicate?”

    The only person in that family that has been charged and/or convicted is Hunter, and he should suffer the consequences of his actions. Just like the former President Trump


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