Fritz Pettyjohn: Which Alaska voters will cast a ballot for Trump and then also vote for Peltola?

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The best way to see how the political winds are blowing is at Election Betting Odds.comEvery 20 minutes it averages the odds from six different betting sites. A month ago, Kamala Harris had a slight lead. Today Donald Trump is up 61 to 38.  What happened?

It started when Harris rolled out her new appeal to black men, offering them $25,000 to get into the marijuana business. It was stupid – deprecating and invidious. Her downward slide accelerated when, in an attempt to appeal to the macho man, she featured an endorsement from some doofus claiming he ate carburetors for breakfast.

The final weeks of the campaign revealed Harris as an empty suit. Like Hillary Clinton in 2016, she has nothing to offer except more of the same. The ultimate rationale for her candidacy is that she’s not a blithering idiot like Joe Biden. And she’s not Donald Trump.

It didn’t work for Hillary, and it’s not working for her.

In a telltale sign of desperation, her closing argument is to compare Trump to Adolf Hitler. The dreaded October surprise was the revelation that Trump’s embittered former chief of staff heard Trump saying complimentary things about Hitler’s generals. Her closing argument is that Trump is a fascist.

Miracles happen, and there’s a small chance this line of attack will propel her to the White House. But fewer and fewer bettors are willing to put their money on it.

This is all fabulous news for Alaska, its economy and work force. We may never see an economic boom like the old pipeline days, but good times are on the horizon. Gov. Mike Dunleavy may, or may not, be the next Secretary of the Interior, but in any event, he has Trump’s ear, and the development of Alaska’s natural resources will be high on Trump’s agenda.

Which brings us to Nick Begich and Mary Peltola. 

How is it possible for a voter to support Trump, and then turn around and vote for Peltola? She’s a Native candidate, amiable and attractive, it’s true. But does it make any sense for Alaskans to have their only member of the House to be as incompetent as Peltola has proven to be?

In contrast, Nick Begich shows promise of being as effective an advocate as his grandfather, the original Nick Begich.  Thousands of Alaskans have had the chance to meet Nick. He’s an impressive candidate, smart, affable, energetic, and ready to get to work for the people of Alaska. He’d be a great asset to the state, just as his grandfather was.  

The only way he can lose is if some of Trump’s voters desert him for Peltola. How, in the name of all that’s holy, can you explain that decision?

It can only be people who, for whatever reason, sympathize with someone who is clearly over her head. We can only hope there aren’t too many of them.

Fritz Pettyjohn’s first venture in politics was working for Goldwater for President in 1964. He served in the Alaska Legislature in the 1980s and writes the blog


  1. Trump has lost thousands if not millions of voters due to his mouth and his antics and his bullying and threats that leaves a bad taste in many people’s mouths. You can’t blame sweet Mary on that.

    • But Trump is living rent-free in your head. Your TDS is showing. You really should stick to your local sites, now that you live in Floriduh.

      • Herman, the presidency and a congressional seat is in my head. You backed up yet? I can see people voting for experience. They both have had the job. Nick has lost multiple times which proves he is a good looser. Have a blessed day.

    • Again dummy go look at social media. Trump has made great gain in black and Latino voters than anyone could imagine. Pair that with his increase in independant voters and non communist dems means more votes. Wait until his appearance on Joe rogan airs. More voters for DJT. Are you on fentynal?

      • A vote for Trump is to become Canada. He wants to do away with income tax, and overnight raise tarrifs up to 20% and anything from China 60%. That helps rich folks and hurts the middle/low income earners. You must be rich.

        • It actually brings back manufacturing to the US, Jobs that the dems gladly sent over seas, and with time lowers taxes on the middle class. You surely need better information to the table Gregg. Maybe watch a trump rally and less mainstream propaganda.

        • For a real time what is coming from trump second administration, look to Argentina and Javier Milei and what he has done in less than one year.

        • Who wants to be like Canada? Socialized medicine is so great, Canadians flee to Mexico’s northern border for procedures they can’t get performed because they have to get on a list, which could take years. Canada- such a freedom loving country, froze bank accounts of Canadians during the trucker’s strike. It back fired on their government, Canadians withdrew their money in the form of cash and almost started a bank run. Canada- so great that the government will euthanize their own citizens when they feel like they’re no longer useful. You know, it’s “der reich” thing to do.
          Are you saying you’re middle/low class on a fixed income..? I guess you’re hurting when food goes up 100% in two years and your social security check does not. I hear iguanas are pretty tasty.

    • GF, after a conversation with my 80+ year old parents the other day, I was stunned to find that they didn’t like Trump solely because of his personality!! When I probed into this, they liked most everything he stood / stands for, but just couldn’t get past his personality. They both eventually acknowledged that their dislike had not served them well in the past 4 years based on all economic indicators and the overall world situation.
      You must be an elderly person as your view is like theirs. Your cognitive dissonance, like theirs, is presented publicly with attention to the person, not the policy. Hopefully you will soon temper your thoughts with a more broad outlook after Trump wins as the US will significantly improve, especially for our elderly population.

      • I am a senior citizen. I’m around of the morals you folks stick too. A man should try to live his life in a good way. Potty mouth, failed marriages, finance issues, law suits all point to a man that says do as I say, not as I do. Talk is cheap. I want actions. I’m leary of false profits. The prophecy says there will be many. I want an honest man of character.

        • So did you vote for Biden? He is surely an honest man of character, with the exception of literally everything he has ever done in politics. Like other IGM (I Got Mine) people of your age, there appears to be a propensity to place yourself on higher ground claiming that it is moral and right. You should be careful as you literally know nothing of Trump other than what the media has said as goaded on by the Deep State and the Swamp who want him gone. Trump wants the same thing MOST rank and file Americans want. This goes diabolically opposite of the elite swamp, which is why you have witnesses what you have for the past 8 years. As odd as this may be to say to a senior citizen, Greg, grow up.

  2. This is true for EVERY state. If you support Trump, ya gotta give him legislators who will support him, too. Otherwise, he won’t be able to fix anything! Kari Lake should be a shoe-in for AZ, yet she’s polling behind a committed liberal/leftist. Lots of other areas, too! C’mon people!

  3. Good question, Mr. Pettyjohn. Now, here’s another question for us to contemplate: which well-known Alaskan RINO will vote against Donald Trump, our state’s great friend, and for an incompetent Mary Peltola? Hint: this RINO’s politics and character are entirely murky.

  4. Mary Peltola has a pretty smile, but we’re not voting for a pretty smile. We’re voting for competency and business acumen that translates into a vibrant economy and good jobs. We’re voting for Nick Begich.

  5. It’s her condescending attitude towards others. A nasty, mean woman with no outward appeal. And she can’t answer a very simple question:
    “As border Czar, how many illegals have snuck into our country in the past 3.8 years?”

  6. There is no room in leadership positions for incompetence. Lefties way too up in there feelers, move to France .
    Notice there are no “Foremothers” in the US
    Semper Fi MF’s

  7. Voters that shoot themselves in the foot.
    These are independent for the most.
    Can’t blame people for voting but look what choices we are given each vote crooks lairs and power is are choices.
    We need real Americans who want the best for Americans first and then look at the rest of the world.
    There are 6 plus billion people who need help but we can’t afford or house the world.

  8. How is this great news for Alaska? Trump keeps saying his goal is to get gasoline to $1.87/gallon. That translates to under $20 a barrel. Tell us how that would lead to good times for the Alaska economy. Explain it to us with detail.

    • If gasoline is cheap, that’s good for everyone. But probably not too good for your p, f. D, but it’s not gonna be around in 5 to ten years anyway, so might as well get what you can.

  9. Fritz may need to step away from the Koolaid he’s sipping. So, why will some vote for Trump, and not Begich? Because in two years, assuming Peltola wins, a better Republican candidate will be there. Recall Don Young described Begich as a back- stabber- a kid that Young would not support.

    As far as the red sweep, since I’m playing devil’s advocate here, PA and AZ could easily go for Harris. Why? Recall two years ago PA voters went for the brain dead Fetterman slob. They could have voted for the intelligent, decent Oz. But they voted for a moron. In Arizona the voters there elected a Democrat govenor who isn’t bright, and never will be. Why would the voters in those two states suddenly start voting against their idiot Democrat candidates?

    Republicans could have won this race in a landslide if they’d not picked Trump, with all his baggage.

    There is hope. JD Vance has a brain, and is a good bet in four years.

    • “……..More oil flowing daily, even at lower price per barrel equates to more revenue………”
      If said oil comes out of federal (not state) ground (NPR-A or ANWR, for example), the royalty split is 50% federal, not 90% state like if it comes out of state soil. And the PPT is at a lower rate if the price per barrel is lower. Today the PPB is @ $77. The Saudis are talking about increasing production in order to put increasing pressure on the Russian war machine. Unfortunately, that also increases pressure on Alaskan socialist fantasies.

  10. I love this GOP coalition: the religious and Reaganites rallying for the ultimate pious man with true conservative values. And it’s summed up so nicely with a focus on gambling. Consistency and purity.


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