Former Rep. Bob Herron files for Bethel House District 38


Bob Herron, who was in the Alaska House of Representatives for the Bethel area until January of 2016, is running again for the seat, which is being vacated by Tiffany Zulkosky.

Herron, who was a Democrat, was bumped out of office by the Alaska Democratic Party, which ran Zach Fansler against him. Fansler is a Democrat who took office and and resigned just a year later after he allegedly ruptured his sex partner’s eardrum during some rough intimate situation after business hours in Juneau.

According to Politico, it was Anchorage Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar who convinced Fansler to run, and it was the Ship Creek Group, a leftist campaign group that came into the state to turn the state blue, who engineered the Fansler campaign to a 1,234-919 win in the primary; Fansler was unopposed in the general in 2016.

After his resignation, Democrats in the region asked Gov. Bill Walker to appoint one of Fansler’s aides to replace the former legislator. That man was soon charged with raping an 11-year-old girl.

The next person chosen for the seat was Zulkosky, who was first appointed by Gov. Bill Walker to the House in March of 2018, and then ran for reelection in 2020.

Now, with the seat opening up, Herron is hoping to win it for District 38, having served as representative for the rural district from 2008 to 2015. After being disrespected by the Alaska Democratic Party in 2016, Herron reregistered as a nonpartisan voter.


  1. Bob Herron wants to be in the state legislature so he can suck up ALL the per diem, benefits, and perks he can possibly get. He is all about himself. You may recall that after he was “un-elected” in 2016, he used the remaining legislative office funds to purchase Alaska Airlines executive lounge benefits for the period roughly 2016 until 2019.


    And, also, too … Herron is Lyman Hoffman’s brother-in-law. This is not good.

  2. Quite a lineage to this seat. Eardrums, etc. This is why people have such high regard for those who hold high office..

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