Florida man files for president: Miami Mayor Francis X. Suarez


Miami’s Republican Mayor Francis Suarez on Thursday joined the Republican field of candidates that already includes two other Floridians — former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — vying for the White House. He is the first Hispanic to throw his hat in the ring for 2024 for any party.

Known for his focus on attracting tech businesses to Florida, reducing crime, and capturing the Hispanic vote, Suarez believes he can lead the party in a positive direction and appeal to moderates by addressing climate change.

A real estate attorney and son of former Miami Mayor Xavier Suarez, he was first elected as Miami Mayor in 2017 with over 81% of the vote, and overwhelmingly secured re-election in 2021, with 78% of the vote.

Suarez, the son of a highly popular Miami Mayor, Xavier Suarez, is the president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors. During his tenure, he gained recognition for his efforts to attract technology investors to Miami, meeting with prominent figures like PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Suarez is deeply interested in the role of cryptocurrency, and wants Miami to be the leading hub for digital currency.

Suarez may be more interested in simply advancing his career after he leaves office, either in the cabinet of a Republican president, or in business.

In March, Suarez was a featured speaker at CPAC, a gathering of conservative thought leaders, where past, present, and future conservative speakers are invited to present.

In addition to the three from Florida, several others have filed with the Federal Elections Commission to register their presidential bids: U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, media personality Larry Elder, tech mogul Vivek Ramaswamy, former Vice President Mike Pence, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

It’s a diverse field on the Republican side, with two candidates of East Indian descent (Haley and Ramaswamy), two blacks, one from Italian heritage, and now Suarez, a first-generation American of Cuban immigrants.

On the Democrat side, there is the 80-year-old President Joe Biden, Marianne Williamson, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

A super PAC is already placing ads favoring Suarez. On Wednesday, SOS America PAC released a two-minute ads in New Hampshire, Iowa and Nevada, according to a press release.

“America needs a leader who supports our police, is tough on crime, and has the proven ability to save America’s economy,” the PAC says on its website. “Conservative Miami Mayor Francis Suarez has backed the blue, cut crime to record lows, and revitalized Miami’s record-breaking, innovative economy.”


  1. Why don’t our local leaders just run for local office and be happy and content. So many candidates. Very few local leaders can make it to the Top: Governor, US Senator, US House, or the president of the United States- Those are big dreams that many won’t attain it. But they will be more impactful maintaining or continuing a state or town’s RED or Blue nature for 40 more years. Todays generation’s local leaders should be practical, our grandparents were, and America was served better under their practical nature.

    • Campaign funds!

      It sure would be nice to see all our local leaders stay put and ‘content’.
      I can also see a political landscape where we take a nod from SBC and keep women out of leadership roles. It’s not a ‘globalist’ approach that’s hampering us…it’s this egalitarian system that is driving us further from God.
      Would it work to have an assembly of men leading our dear community?
      Biblically speaking, our community needs stout leadership with a great support system (not behind, but beside).

  2. Looks like he’s part of the Klaus Schwab team: ‘https://twitter.com/FrancisSuarez/status/1528790138595196933

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