Flights through Anchorage canceled and delayed due to volcanic ash


Some flights in and out of Anchorage are being canceled Thursday because of ash from the volcanic eruption on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia has reached the skies in Western Alaska. Many of the cancelations involve flights to places like Bethel, Dillingham, and King Salmon. Even flights to and from Homer and Nome are showing up on the canceled/delayed list.

Alaska Rep. Mary Peltola was on a flight back from Honolulu, but her flight returned to Hawaii due to the suspended ash cloud. On Thursday, she was still was still on the ground.

Two dozen Alaska Airlines flights as of this writing have been canceled, and more airports are expected to be impacted across the state as schedules get backed up. For example, Fairbanks International Airport is now seeing delays.

The Sheveluch volcano in the Russian Far East erupted over the weekend, and flights that usually take a more northerly route have been heading across the Pacific Ocean at a much lower latitude than normal, avoiding the North Pacific.

The National Weather Service has now posted ash advisories for the Pacific and Alaska.


  1. Do volcanos contribute to climate change? If so, we need to call John Kerry and have volcanos defunded.

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