Flight cancellations continue at Alaska Airlines


On Monday, 37 Alaska Airlines flights were canceled, about 4 percent of the airline’s scheduled flights. Some 183 flights had delays, about 24 percent of all Alaska Airlines flights. 13 flights have already been canceled for Tuesday. Many of the canceled flights are for those to or from the airline’s main hub, SeaTac. Sixteen flights from SeaTac and 17 flights to SeaTac were canceled Monday, although not all of them were Alaska Airlines flights.

The airlines has suffered from cancellations since April 1. More cancellations are expected Tuesday and Wednesday, as a shortage of pilots continues to plague the company. The airlines has begin to trim its spring schedule, eliminating 2 percent of its flights. Some of those eliminated flights are showing up as cancellations.

Alaska Airlines and the union that represents its pilots have been stalled for three years and is now the subject of federal mediation.


  1. Make the seats smaller! Jam more of us on the plane, charge more for inflight snacks and drinks, increase the price of baggage…..just off the top of my head, surely this can help the multi-million dollar corporation make more money. Just don’t pay the pilots, flight crew and ground crew more…..we don’t care about safety and courtesy…….

  2. The pilots timing is not good. AK Airlines realized they can survive with less revenue over the last 2+ years. They’re willing to continue to have that reduced revenue, then claim the loss on taxes. Pilots probably won’t suffer; only the customers will.

  3. Well Frank, at an average annual salary of $350k, which is competitive amongst airlines, I’m not sure how much more AK Airlines could or should pay, particularly after experience $2.8 Billion (that’s the B word Frank) of losses. I don’t know, but you may want to re-think your comments above abs get educated.

    • Yes! And as I recall their benefits package is generous. Their salaries are more than any other pilots. All this does is transfer their big salaries to higher air fares—which in inevitable given the rising fuel costs.

      • Incorrect. They are paid less than most other major airlines. The $341k might be inclusive of all benefits and per diem. Salary is probably around $266k/yr for top end captains, assuming 1000hrs of credit per year (pilots cannot work more than 1000hrs a year). To compare, a Delta 737 captain makes around $286k/yr. The total compensation package for the Delta captain will be much higher. A delta pilot can also eventually fly much higher paying, wide-body aircraft. It is unsurprising Alaska is hemorrhaging new pilots when the grass is considerably greener at a different airline.

    • Uhhhhhhhhh Ray, it’s called sarcasm. Have you seen my screen name? Maybe educate yourself and loosen up a little. You think I really want a smaller seat? Cripes.

  4. Alaska Airlines has turned into just another radical, woke corporation. I have lost all respect or sense of loyalty to them. I remember the days when they were captained by a true leader, when a printed verse from Psalms was placed on every meal tray, and when their employees were taught how to render service, not entitlements.

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