Fletcher turns her final Fairbanks Assembly meeting into a campaign stunt


The final Fairbanks Borough Assembly meeting that Presiding Officer Savannah Fletcher managed was turned into a type of campaign event for her on Thursday, after two dozen people signed up for public testimony and used their time at the podium to show their support for her campaign for Senate. Much of the meeting was taken up by her campaign rally.

Community activist David Leslie spoke early during the public testimony period, thanking Fletcher for her work in stopping genocide in Gaza. Fletcher, originally from Washington State, has been an opponent of Israel’s right to exist. Others echoed the Leslie words of praise for Fletcher, a radical member of the Assembly.

Two of Fletcher’s major campaign funders — Kristen Schupp and Bobby Burgess — showed up to the meeting with flowers, which they presented to her. Burgess sat in the audience wearing a Fletcher for Senate pin.

The curious thing about the entire spectacle is that all of those who signed up had the same handwriting. It is against Assembly rules for a person to sign up others for public testimony, but in this case, all were signed in by the same hand and Fletcher did not object. A scan of names revealed nearly all were registered Democrats or Green Party members; Fletcher is one of the fabulous fakes who says she is not with any party, but she is paying the Alaska Democratic Party to use their coordinated campaign program and she volunteers with the Alaska Democratic Party.

Fletcher is running for the seat being vacated by Sen. Click Bishop. Her opponent, Rep. Mike Cronk, is a Republican from Tok who serves House District 36.


  1. Not so fabulous Fletcher. How many complaints have been filed against her to date? With the court? With the Bar? With the State?
    Isn’t Fletcher smart enough to know that honest residents have a tendency to chuck out the dishonest leaders? It should come as no surprise that Fletcher is going to be a plague on herself.

      • No. Just praying you and yours are moved on by the Lord.

        There is a reason societies forbid such open degeneracy throughout all cultures and time. It destroys civilization. We see this all around us.

        Repent while you are still able. The Lord is merciful.

        • Societies? Oh like the Greeks? Mayans? Anatolis? Caucasians? That’s a big word are you sure you know what you’re talking about? You seem kind of obsessed with peen.

          • You seem easily confused when met with contempt and derision. That lack of recognition will not serve you well in the days ahead as more and more adults realize the threat you are.

            I look forward to the day when you operate in the shadows (if at all) and self select into ghettos. It will also be a severe boon to not have state or corporate interests promote this degeneracy.

    • That twink is a full-fledged beta male, with all the credentials of wokeness. No gonads either. He got in line for a standard circumcision and came out castrated. Now a dink.

  2. Oh to hear Savanna Fletcher on Problem Corner with a soft and sweet voice. Mike Prax practically gave her the damn show. Didn’t even press her on any hard questions just basically gave her free time to run her mouth about why she’s so qualified for the job. But she is not. As for Mike, this Rep. needs a challenger to replace him.

    And what about that David Pruhs taking off so he doesn’t have to respond to the candidates that have been on Problem Corner. He sure has done a lot of harm to the Republican Party on Assembly and definitely the School Board. It sure seems like he’s a RINO hiding out behind Mike while he sits in to host the show. It’s time for a change to Problem Corner. Maybe we can get Michael Dukes to host the show.

    • I heard that interview on Problem Corner. Mr. Prax didn’t even try to pose a tough question on her. WTF? I guess he is flat out intimidated by this amazon woman.

    • Prax was the host? I thought Fletcher was the host interviewing guest Prax. Prax hardly got a word in, while Fletcher controlled the entire program. No wonder she agreed to go on the show.

    • Agree. Pruhs and his cronies are making sure the flow of cash from City projects go to their companies. They don’t care about anything else.

  3. Her and her cohorts are a bunch of nasty people. She spreads lies about her opponents voting record, she pulls of stunts like this, manages to get her bestie Kristen Schupp and Bobby Boy to play her “it’s a beautiful life” games. It’s time for our community to run her out of town. She needs a nice legal battle to finish her off! Where are our deep pocketed Fairbankans… to give her a good run? SAVANNA F. HER wont make a good candidate! Period!

  4. How about direct complaints against Fletcher to the Fairbanks North Star Borough for her conduct during the Haney hearings? Isn’t a Presiding Officer who takes large donations from a complainant supposed to recuse herself from proceedings?

    Is this woman so unethical in her behavior that she thinks the rules of conduct don’t apply to her?
    This is NOT the kind of individual we want in Juneau representing our state. She’s only been on Alaska a few short years and already she has proved herself untrustworthy.

  5. Our family already voted for Mike Cronk. After listening to Fletcher’s self-aggrandizing, self-promoting garbage, we got turned off. A real condescending b.

  6. “….thanking Fletcher for her work in stopping genocide in Gaza.”

    Wait. What??
    Some unknown woman from Fairbanks Alaska did that all by herself?
    Amazing, simply amazing…

    • Obviously, Fletcher thinks a lot of herself. She even looks like a scoundrel with her shifty eyes. Money and votes going to the real candidate and Alaskan…….Mike Cronk.

  7. The good news is that Fletcher will stop inflicting her radical political views via the Fairbanks Assembly platform. Hopefully she will be relegated to being a mere democrat operative after November 5th as she always has been. However, it is disturbing that the Fairbanks Assembly found enough assembly member votes to elect such a loon as Fletcher to be their president. It is clear that the post-Fletcher Assembly is retaining a very leftest majority. It’s time for the people of Fairbanks to pay attention to who they choose to represent them. Does Fairbanks really want East Coast / West Coast leftists like Fletcher running their community? Elections have consequences.

  8. LMFAO. Bobby Burgess and his child masseuse wife bringing flowers to her. And the good folks of Fairbanks don’t understand. Let me say it straight up. Fletcher is an imposter in this community with a law degree and some phony ideals about how we Alaskans are supposed to live. She is a loud boisterous POS who lives on lawsuits against good people. Send her back to whatever commie city she comes from. Vote for Mike Cronk, and vote early.

    • Bob,
      And she can take her husband with her. She admits that her husband is a ride-along attorney with Robin Brenna. So there’s the connection: Scott Kendall has weaseled these two outsider lawyers into the Fairbanks political scene. Hopkins Junior, Uncle gasbag Guttenberg, and now this creature Fletcher trying for the state Senate. The Fairbanks marijuana experiment seems to be paying off in spades for Communists. Now a dumping ground for freaks.

  9. The list of names all were in the same handwriting because testifiers called or emailed the Clerk to get their name on the list. Nothing nefarious about that at all.

    Also–only one person who spoke mentioned Fletcher’s campaign, and even then, she only mentioned it obliquely, referring to Fletcher’s future “community work for the state.” The Assembly meeting was not a campaign rally in any sense of the word.

    • They have swept every election in the last three years. What changes and how? We have to run better people. Unbelievable Tammie won but she did it!

      • Tammie will be a blight on Hopkins Junior Administration for the next three years. Put that in your green woodpile and smoke it.


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