First Elon Musk, now Chevron moves headquarters out of California to Texas


Chevron Corporation announced Friday it will take its headquarters out of San Ramon, California, where it has operated for the past 140 years, and move to Houston, Texas.

The announcement comes just days after Elon Musk said he is moving his operations to Texas from California. In addition from his personal residence, Musk is moving the headquarters of X/Twitter and SpaceX to the Austin area. He had already moved Tesla to Texas, and after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law that allows schools to keep gender-identity switching of children a secret from the children’s parents, Musk chose to move all his operations from California.

“This is the final straw,” said Musk, basing his decision on “this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies.”

Chevron was sued by state regulators last year, claiming the company deceived the public about the connection between climate change and fossil fuels. The company decided it was going to face increased hostility from California liberal policies and overbearing regulations.


  1. Oracle corporation moved to Texas as well in 2020. Looks like they’re moving again to Nashville, I missed that news from last April.

  2. Look at how many jobs AI is taking from the movie industry. Won’t need actors of film crews shortly. California will be a scene out of water world. Soon

  3. California has always been haughty in believing everyone wants to do business there. After decades of democrat craziness more and more businesses are fleeing the state seeking sanity.

    The same can happen in Anchorage. A ‘perfect storm’ of crazies on the democrat-run Assembly and the democrat Mayor are readying all sorts of climate-change insanity, a good mix of identity politics, D.E.I. mandates, more taxes to support social programs, lessening of support for law enforcement and on and on. If you have a biz in Anchorage why put up with that lunacy? Move out of Anchorage! So we will now watch the crazies build their ‘utopia’ for Anchorage and see the tax base slowly collapse. What to do? Stop voting for democrats and those hiding behind the label of ‘non-partisan’. That would be a good start.

  4. This is the way. Leave California to the bums, druggies, illegals and Hollywood stars. Set up cameras and we can watch the ensuing dumpster fire on pay per view.

  5. This is not good for Texas. What happened to Alaska can happen to them.

    If Texas get Californicated, the nation is done.

    • And kamala Kamala Kamala chameleon wants to bring those same policies nationwide and force them on all of us, so there is no refuge, no escape!!!

  6. Why would Cali need corporate taxes or employees who pay taxes , they’ve got 25% of the nations homeless? That will more than make up the monies missing from these corporate taxes . In fact since 2020 the Federal govt has pumped in $22B dollars in benefits for the homeless in Cali . The 7,200 Houseless in SanFransisco received $300,000 each in 2020. No one in the city govt knows where the funds went and no ones held accountable in the city govt . And still pooping in the streets with no bathrooms . Can’t make this up ! One common thread , bigger the city govt the bigger the homeless issue ! Noticing the same trend in LosAnchorage

  7. After listening to many in Hollywood complain loudly and abusively about conservative opinions and values AI may be more tolerant…although I will miss the punches thrown at each other during the awards ceremony.
    Not that its worth watching but does provide great late night entertainment material at least for the one that is still worth watching.

    • They did their homework prior to making the decision to move and saw Alaska as the future of the west coast idiocy.
      One only has to look at the enormous amounts of cash from DCville Soros,Bankman-Freid based influence being spent on so called local elections. Murky and Peltola are the big winners of that cash cow.

  8. I suppose the gender bending secret chemical castrations of the young people will reduce the number of Democrat voters too shortly.

  9. If you are tired of Anchorage, move your company HQ to Kenai. We have land, jet capable airport, a liaise fair attitude to business, and the Kenai Peninsula has all the best of Alaska in one place. Welcome home neighbor.

  10. They finally recognize that Commiefornia is an enemy state and hostile place to operate in. I hope they leave their employees behind and rebuild the employee base in Texas. Commiefornians wanting to follow Chevron, need to prove themselves by being on the hook for moving themselves.

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