A side group backing Rep. Mary Peltola that calls itself “Vote Alaska Before Party” is coming out of the closet: It’s all Democrats.
The group reveals a much bigger expenditure than the last report to the Federal Elections Commission leading up to the primary. To date, the group, headed by Alaska Democrat operative Jim Lottsfeldt, will now spend almost $834,000 opposing Nick Begich, Nancy Dahlstrom, and Gerald Heikes — all before the Aug. 20 primary.
The filing at the Federal Elections Commission shows the Peltola campaign is in more trouble than the campaign earlier predicted, because this filing shows that money has been pulled forward in time. It was money the group intended to spend after the primary.

“Vote Alaska Before Party” is a front group for the Democratic National Campaign Committee. The House “Majority PAC,” which is for Democrats, is its largest funder. The year-to-date expenditures of $834,000 is a lot of money to spend in the Alaska media market, which is small compared to almost all other states.
The group doing the work for “Vote Alaska Before Party” is Waterfront Strategies, which is a group with links to George Soros.
According to Influence Watch, Waterfront Strategies is an advertising purchasing firm formed by principals of the powerhouse Democratic political consulting firm Greer, Margolis, Mitchell, and Burns (GMMB Consulting). Waterfront typically works in conjunction with GMMB, placing media buys for political action committees (PACs), while GMMB works directly for political candidates and committees.
Jim Margolis was a top campaign consultant for President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
“Since its first election cycle on record in 2012, Waterfront Strategies has become the top vendor for Democratic PACs, labor unions, and left-of-center nonprofits, spending $206,003,697 in the 2018 election cycle. 1 Senate Majority PAC, House Majority PAC, Women Vote!, League of Conservation Voters, NextGen Climate Action, and the government worker labor union AFSCME are among Waterfront Strategies’ top clients,” the watchdog group says.
Walker used the same scam. And people bought it.
They know Peltola is slipping. The race to save her butt is on.
I see in the filing that they are still trying to stop Mark Begich – good luck with that
My personal experience.
If the ad does not specifically support a candidate, it is funded by leftists. I cannot think of a single time there was a conservative funded group that advertised in these kind of generic terms.
Wow! Ballot measure 2 was really an effective tool in creating the safe operating scam for outside dark money.
You gotta admit they used the right subject to get people to vote for it ….AND it worked hard for rigged elections.
Nice picture, is the broom to represent cleaning house or is she going somewhere?
I’ve heard the ads being played on the radio. All BS. “Mary is for Alaskans, fishing, prosperity, blah, blah, blah. Sadly there are those out there that believe this nonsense.
Are any of the quotes and sources in the ads untrue? No? Then it’s not fear factor. It’s saying the quiet part out loud. Time to own up to the extremist, and overwhelmingly unpopular, garbage these candidates all stand for.
In one of their ads, they warn us that Nick Begich supports allowing Alaskans to decide the abortion issue for ourselves. Oh the horror! I guess this group is unaware that Alaska has already decided this issue decades ago when it enshrined the right to abort babies in the State Constitution.
You do realize that federal law supercedes state law, right? Were that to pass federally, it would be the law here, regardless of the state constitution.
Thanks for posting this…. I have. been wondering where all funding for these endless commercials for Peltola has come from….
This group name is contradictory since mary doesn’t vote Alaska first.
I see she has her mode of transportation hanging on her wall for quick departure!
I was suspicious of the ads warning that three candidates “MAY” join others and say no exception to abortion “not even to save the life of the mother.” I suspected they were paid for with Outside money that supports Mary Petola, but I didn’t KNOW until I read this. Thank you very much. Contrary to one other comment, I do see this as “fearmongering.”
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