FBI said to be investigating legislators for ‘pay to play’


Must Read Alaska has learned that the FBI is poking around and talking to several legislators about a supposed “pay to play” scheme.

The rumor of the investigation has been swirling for days. There may not be an actual crime, however there have been allegations by some of the members that there is corruption because of votes that were taken earlier this year. The focus seems to be on the Alaska Senate.


  1. Suzanne, is this in the State or is this nationwide? I wouldn’t be surprised if it was both, but I was just asking for clarification … thanks.

  2. Meanwhile, we’re all still waiting to hear something new on the Berky scandal. The msm can sure clam up when things negatively affect them.
    Ah , Alaska…where truth goes to die.
    Keep digging Suzanne. Thank God someone is on our side.

  3. Are we talking about pay to play like Hillary did raking in money for the Clinton foundation while she was in the cabinet of Obama, or surely they’re not talking about Joe and Hunter Biden selling out the United States to our enemies. Surely not that kind of pay to play.

  4. Is this the same FBI that has had Hunter Biden’s hard drive for over a year and done nothing about the crimes admitted to on the drive and the same FBI that tried to put General Flynn in jail for NOT lying to them and the list of do nothing investigation cover ups goes on and on throughout the entire Trump Presidency..!! and the same FBI that worked with and allowed the far left to spy on President Trump and who know who else..??

  5. There is no Berky scandal other than cheating on his wife, which is none of our business. The other, unsubstainiated allegations came from an alcoholic, scorned woman, who has absolutely no credibility, except to people, who are uninterested in the truth, but simply want to score political points.

    • TB, blaming the woman? I wonder how she got the pictures? Why do you respond with such vitriol towards this woman? Obviously it is you who is uninterested in the truth.

    • Right! That’s why an investigation that usually takes months (with the attendant hype by the press) by the FBI and the Anchorage Police was complete before we even knew it happened. That’s why the serious charges against her for terroristic threatening and assault were dropped ( so Berky wouldn’t have to testify). That’s why we don’t know who else he sent pictures to and how old they were.
      If it had been a Republican it would have dragged out for months with a feeding frenzy from the press. His Grandmother would have been stretched in blocks. Law enforcement in America is the exclusive tool of democrats. (See Gestapo; see STASSI, see KGB.) Did I hear a cricket?

  6. Wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a pay to play with pebble mine as well. The decision by the USACE reeks of corruption. It went against the science and legal record. I wouldn’t be surprised if some palms were greased there too!

    • AKA Donald Jr. and Ivanka Trump? You do realize that they recently went public with their opposition. Check Don Jr’s recent Twitter feed and you’ll find what you need there.

  7. I wonder if the FBI has obtained warrants to electronically surveil the target Senators based on made-up rumors provided by Scott Kendall. Given the FBI’s recent history, this seems like a reasonable question. Or maybe they could set up a nice perjury trap, but only, only, only for Republicans.

  8. Was Attorney General Barr taken out by the Left and water-boarded? He looks sick and is not the same value centered American he was just 40 + days ago?

  9. FBI ha ha let’s hire some corrupt scumbag keystone cops to investigate political corruption. Give me a break. The FBI has no integrity whatsoever. It would be humiliating to wear that badge.

  10. Sarah Palin’s New $1.75 Million House Purchase Exposes Another Facet Of The Neverending Housing Scam – Short Sale Fraud…..

    How about our former Governor who not only sold Alaska out but She couldn’t beet them so she joined them!

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