The FBI had 26 confidential sources at the Jan. 6, 2021, surge at the U.S. Capitol, but no undercover FBI agents were on the National Mall that day, contradicting theories about the event.
“We found no evidence in the materials we reviewed or the testimony we received showing or suggesting that the FBI had undercover employees in the various protest crowds, or at the Capitol, on January 6,” according to an 88-page report from the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General.
The FBI did have 26 confidential sources on the ground during the protests. Some of those sources fed information back to the bureau during the attack on the U.S. Capitol, according to the report. Three of those 26 went to D.C. with the approval of the Washington Field Office to report on possible domestic terrorism subjects who were possibly attending the event.
“Our review concluded that none of these three FBI [confidential human sources] were authorized to enter the Capitol or a restricted area, or to otherwise break the law on January 6, nor was any [confidential human source] directed by the FBI to encourage others to commit illegal acts on January 6,” according to the report.
None of the FBI’s confidential sources were allowed to enter the Capitol or a restricted area, but four entered the Capitol, and another 13 entered the restricted area around the Capitol. Nine confidential sources “neither entered a restricted area nor entered the Capitol or otherwise engaged in illegal activity,” according to the report.
“None of the [confidential human sources] who entered the Capitol or a restricted area has been prosecuted to date,” according to the report. “The OIG determined that many of these 26 [confidential human sources] had provided information relevant to the January 6 Electoral Certification before the event and that a few CHSs also provided information about the riot as it occurred.”
The report faulted the bureau for not asking field offices to collect information from informants ahead of the rally.
“Despite playing only a supporting role, the FBI recognized the potential for violence and took significant and appropriate steps to prepare for this supporting role, including attempting to identify known domestic terrorism subjects who planned to travel to DC for the January 6 Electoral Certification,” according to the report.
The report said what the FBI did was effective in part of its role that day.
“Indeed, after the Capitol was breached by rioters on January 6, the FBI was in a position to deploy tactical assets to help clear the Capitol of protesters and to help USCP secure the perimeter around the Capitol Complex,” according to the report. “The FBI told Congress that its posture for January 6 preparations was ‘extraordinary,’ and we found that the FBI effectively carried out its tactical support function on January 6.”
The FBI disputed some of the findings in the report, but agreed with the recommendations.
“Although the FBI continues to disagree with certain of the factual assertions in the Report regarding the manner of specific steps, and the scope of the canvass undertaken by the FBI in advance of January 6, 2021, a time period during which the Report recognizes as including multiple field offices providing information in response to direction from Washington Field Office and FBI Headquarters, the FBI nonetheless accepts the OIG’s recommendation regarding potential process improvements for future events,” an agency official wrote in a letter to the OIG responding to the report.
So, sources implies they knew about the riot before it happened.
And the FBI did nothing?
And, this is supposed make the FBI more believable, or something?
How many of these Feebs got promoted to the Anchorage Office (6th & A St) after their exemplary performance @ Waco, Ruby Ridge, OK City, and now J6???
Bwahhahaha. Oh my, never spent quality time with the FBI, I see.
No Fibbie ever gets “promoted” to Alaska. It’s usually a first stop or a “pasture” and it’s never been seen as a rung on the promotional ladder.
Every one of them I ever knew was either brand new or he made a lifestyle choice and wanted to live in Alaska.
Of course, there was that Ted thing, but that was an anomaly and more brought on by an A-USA.
You’re right, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to get you…unless you’re just paranoid AND off your meds.
The DOJ writes a report that absolves itself of participating in creating riots, who would have guessed?
Otherwise the Biden regime’s pardon list will need to much larger.
Report from Justice Department! lol I had to read no further!
This title conflicts with an earlier report news article I read claiming over 26 agents were imbedded and several entered the building.
Nope, not exactly, which in sense there were but not really.
The Fibs often use “contractors” which is just a nice word for paid snitches.
Depending on the agent who is running them, they are given often not quite specific directions and no one actually supervises them… depending on the agent running them. Some applaud a little “outside the box” behavior and give a wink-wink to the CI (confidential informant)!and some are very straight about it.
They ALWAYS tell their CIs to not break the law…not that anyone actually checks.
Once Patel is in and the real investigations begin, we’ll find that number in the IG report is low. And worse, that there were indeed FBI agitators on the ground and in the crowd during the capitol riots. When this cracks open and the world can see what really happened, there will be a reckoning for the party and the government people who did this.
“We investogated ourselves and found no wrong-doing. Move along, nothing to see here”. Sounds live APD or the Troopers self-investigations.
Aaaaw…so sad…did rumor mills and the ADN not agree with an investigation result for which every single note, scribble, or recording is public record and subject to an FOIA request?
And then that report goes to a different office of the Department of Law, reviewed by someone who happens to actually be trained in the law and someone who doesn’t actually know the involved parties.
Sorry Jeanette, if all you have is the ADN, a blog, or a FB rant, you have less than NOTHING.
Peter Rabbit told me the election was fair a above board, Right. I am from the government and hear to help you. ?
And there we have it. It was the FBI and the Deep State all along. Jan 6 was an attempted insurrection, but not by DJT! It was the FBI and it’s Deep State masters that successfully undermined the will of the American people by preventing DJT from his rightful second term!
Oddly Ray Epps ( how many EPP’s were there on that day) antifa AND the FBI are paid for with our tax dollars
Echoing sentiments from others: Do you really think this is the full, complete, unvarnished and final accounting of the FBI’s activities on J6? Credibility is gone. The agency DNA is malignantly compromised. The institutional culture of the FBI must be re-done. Many need to seek other employment.
As a fellow who has spent 30 yrs in Law Enforcement, local, county, State (Alaska), foreign and Military…I call Bull on their report… These players were controlled by the FBI from the get-go… Sad the FBI has sunk to such levels. One would hope that an individual agent would drop a dime on these Scallywags.
They can’t even figure out where swarms of drones the size of 4 door sedans are coming from.
“I’m shocked — shocked — to find that gambling is going on in here!”
So, the corrupt and incompetent DOJ investigated itself and found nothing? What a laugh this would be, but it’s not funny.
Go get ’em, Kash and Pam!
Lets not lose track of the Big Picture on Jan 6. The real scandal was that they knew it was coming and allowed it to happen, not how many feds participate in it.
They knew it was coming. They wanted it to happen. They were going to use it against Trump and his supporters all along. The people who allowed this to happen including congressional leadership, Pentagon and federal law enforcement are the real criminals here. Cheers –
How much of the crowd that day was all Feds or paid informants??
Horse—- That entire crowd was infested with federal agents.
And what about the pipe bombs at the RNC AND DNC offices? The FBI knows nothing?
Indeed, after the Capitol was breached by rioters…. so opening locked doors from the inside and waving peaceful people in is now a breach by rioters?
Nothing about the gas and flash bangs thrown into thousands of peaceful Americans standing outside the capital.
Nothing about the four Americans killed that day by the public servants who are paid and trained too serve and protect.
Just more deflection and pushing a false narrative.
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