Fairbanks pics: Former Rep. Katie Hill loses revenge-porn round in California court


It all started with a nude hair-brushing vacation photo in Fairbanks.

Now it’s in the court system in California, where former Rep. Katie Hill just lost her case charging The Daily Mail with violating California’s revenge-porn law. Hill, who resigned from Congress after the photos of her wild personal life surfaced, had argued the photos were published by the British tabloid without her consent.

The photos were taken in an unknown Fairbanks hotel room, where she is seen, perfectly naked and sporting a Nazi-theme iron cross tattoo, brushing the hair of her also-unclothed congressional aide. And holding a bong. And kissing her. Hill and her husband were reportedly involved in a threesome with the aide, and had vacationed to Alaska.

Hill, a Democrat, was a harsh critic of Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings to the U.S. Supreme Court. She libeled him by calling him a “serial predator” and threat to women’s reproductive health.

The photos, Judge Yolanda Orozco of the Los Angeles Superior Court ruled, are protected by the First Amendment and in the public interest because of Hill’s public position.

Hill plans to appeal, and said on Twitter, “Today, we lost in court because a judge — not a jury — thinks revenge porn is free speech. This fight has massive implications for any woman who ever wants to run for office, so quitting isn’t an option.”


  1. She should be happy that she wasn’t higher up the ladder, and didn’t suffer a harder fall.
    She can still easily go back to changing sheets at a motel.

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