The Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly will take up a resolution on Thursday that would direct the borough clerk to explore and report back on a plan to move the borough to mail-in elections, as they are conducted in Anchorage and in Juneau for local elections.
In Anchorage and Juneau, mail-in elections have resulted in local elections being swung to the far left. Both Anchorage and Juneau assemblies are now effectively ruled by Marxists or soft-Marxist majorities.
The Fairbanks North Star Borough clerk would be directed to set up a task force in alignment with Get Out the Native Vote and League of Women Voters, the resolution says.
The resolution is being offered by the presiding officer of the borough, Assemblywoman Savannah Fletcher, who is also the leftist running for State Senate after abandoning her run for borough mayor. She is an attorney with the radical Northern Justice Project.
The assembly meetings begin at 6 p.m. in the Mona Lisa Drexler Assembly Chambers, located in the Juanita Helms Administration Center at 907 Terminal Street, Fairbanks. Those wishing to testify can submit comments in writing to [email protected] or can wait to testify in person at the meeting. To testify, sign up by calling the clerk at 907-459-1401.
Information about the meeting is at this link.
A testimony signup form is at this link.
The draft resolution is here:
Fletcher is also leading the charge to suppress the free speech rights of conservative Assemblywoman Barbara Haney. The ethics complaint against Haney for having authored an opinion column will be heard at the July 25 meeting, per the decision made by Fletcher.
Will they be that stupid? Probably.
The AKGOP could actually learn something from Fletcher. She never quits until she gets what she wants.
She gets other people to quit first. People underestimate her.
Part of what the AK GOP needs to learn to combat.
But intelligence and learning from mistakes are not in the AKGOP wheelhouse.
You can smell the election irregularities, ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing from here.
Scott Kendall will do this to get his brother in law,
Grier Hopkins, elected.
Mail in is such a safe, secure, and easy system. We should also switch to 100% mail in drug tests, think about how convenient that would be for people.
Why bother with mail in? Why not internet voting? Or Facebook? Or a pollster in front of Fred Meyer? Or in a homeless camp? Tyrants don’t care about the will of the people, only themselves and their power. This egotistical narcissistic sociopath should be removed to somewhere far remote. Perhaps to Norilisk, Siberia?
Mail in voting is a solution looking for a problem.
Seriously, Anchorage went mail in voting, and the number of people voting did not go up enough to justify the additional cost. Forget about lack of security, the cost far outweigh the benefits (that actually did not even show up.)
Further to that, I do not want more people voting. I want more INFORMED people voting. Having a ballot show up unrequested and people who have zero interest in the election will vote for whomever has the most signs, or the person their neighbor likes, or the candidate with the catchiest jingle in their ads. If you cannot be bothered to actually show up on election day and vote, odds are you have no real interest in any of the candidates or issues.
None of that is criticism of absentee voting. When someone takes the time to request an absentee ballot they are indicating they have knowledge of the candidates/issues.
Agree but I don’t think those pushing this are looking for any solution. They are looking for more ways they can augment and enhance to their desire outcome. They have watched it work so well for Anchorage and Juneau.
Mail in elections increase voter turnout. Apparently MRAK believes increased voter turnout is not good for democracy. I do know many senior voters in Anchorage do not understand they need to apply for an absentee ballot for State and Federal elections
So would balloting in front of Fred Meyer and homeless camps. True voting takes a little effort and proper voting requires being INFORMED! not just filling ballots how the master says. One vote, one ballot, in person, showing proper ID. If you can’t figure out how to apply for an absentee ballot, maybe you shouldn’t be voting. Of course, when you’re dead the dems will do it for you.
I have said this many times.
I do not want more people voting. I want more INFORMED people voting.
Having a ballot show up, unrequested, results in the public getting better representation, you are sorely misinformed.
And, where has mail in voting resulted in more people voting? What I have seen is the difference is within the round off error, statistically.
Frank, you are incorrect.
The overall turn out for mail-in voting is no better than the in-person system. At least with in-person voting you actually had verification that the ballot cast was the vote of the individual casting it. You have no chain-of-custody with mail-in ballots. Absentee ballots are requested and expected by the voter and therefore a designated ballot with easier tracking, than the carpet-style papering of the entire community with ballots, even for individuals, who no longer live in the city. Excess uncontrolled ballots are a true issue and threat to the integrity of our elections. It furthermore makes it difficult to prove such fraud, as you do never really know where these ballots really ended up.
Any seasoned citizen, who has voted over their lifetime and wishes to cast their vote, should be capable of figuring out where and when to request an absentee ballot. Voting is your one true civic duty and it should not be a burden to pick up the phone and call the Division of elections and ask!
Oh “Frank”…
Ah yes, MRAK’s little resident Leftist speaks. Too bad he has nothing worth listening to, but that’s pretty much par for the course with him.
Another attempt to make alaska a blue state. All you people that stay home and don’t vote or don’t care are the problem. We all need to be involved.
Articles like this help make Alaska a blue state. Savannah is a moderate that is going to trounce her opponent because of Republicans making up and getting excited about falsehoods. It’s sinking our party.
One might reasonably wonder how David Eastman would feel about such an assertion. A moderate, you say?
No one cares what Eastman thinks or says, he’s ineffectual.
The artwork for SF’s State Senate campaign looks like her name in front of a stealth fighter. I believe that in this case, it would be a communist stealth fighter…
More cheating. The only way the left stays in power.
Why are you worried about the left? Why aren’t we worried about how Coghill is going to lose us the mayoral race? All this distraction and BS is really keeping us from discussion how our party can do better.
This is how Fletcher and Democrats cheat. Just say NO!
Will the Alaska GOP send me an application to sign up for mail in voting this year? I’ve received an application from the party for the last 5 years. While they to claim that mail in voting leads to fraud they encourage for anyone who is not a registered Democrat. When you can’t win honestly scream a bunch of lies about voter fraud, ballot box stuffing, etc. All with out ever producing any evidence. The legacy of DJT!
Oh child. Oh you sad, sad, child.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
You know AK, a little self-awareness on your part would be really nice.
Consider that the democrat party just pulled the Banana republic coup of the century. They ignore their vaunted “democracy” by forcing the candidate for president with the most member-elected delegates out of the race, but make him continue the “Weekend at Bernie’s” farce.
Then instead of holding an open primary and letting every Biden delegate get a say, who they wanted as their leader, the party elite unilaterally anointed his successor. This clearly happened WITHOUT any input from the rank and file party member. I see shades of Hillary’s super delegates. This all is very old style Soviet Union!
So for all your protestations of “danger of democracy” “cheating” etc, you should reflect a little…….
PS: There is a difference between absentee ballots the state offers to voters, who can’t make it to the polls and the all voter mail-in voting only affair in the Muni and Juneau.
Plenty of evidence that fraud may have happened. Absolutely no one in any position to do anything about it is investigating.
And, when someone does point out an irregularity that should be looked into, they are called names, threatened with legal action, or outright charged with a crime.
If I was the President, and I won the election with the most votes ever, and beat the incumbent by a significant margin, I would be thrilled to see the election audited. Prove beyond any shadow of a doubt the nation made the right choice. But, what do we get instead? The exact opposite. Lawsuits to stop recounts and audits, criminal charges filed against anyone questioning the results. That is no way to demonstrate the election was clean.
Mail-in voting equals VOTER FRAUD. This is why leftists want it! They pay people to stuff ballots, and it was used very effectively to steal the 2020 election.
Mail-in voting is a tool that makes it easier to cheat in elections. My mother has lived in the same house for 50 years in Juneau and she received two ballots for people she didn’t know in the last election cycle. She reported it to the city election officials, but there is no record of follow up investigation or even an indication of how prevalent this is. Of course CBJ is dominated by leftist operatives, so it should be no surprise.
Just like computerized ballot counting, mail in voting is another step toward killing the integrity of voting systems in our republic. At some point, shadowy right wing organizations will start using the same tactics as the leftist NGO groups have been using and then our republic will be dead. Deep state government types will decide who wins elections and every other important aspect of life.
Say no to mail in voting!
Here’s today’s lesson in Agenda Pushing 101. The Tanana Valley League of Women Voters is a major partner in this proposed task force? At their booth at the fair, LWV members often told voters that they weren’t allowed to vote in primary elections if they weren’t registered to vote under a political party.
That’s a mere aside, however. As I’ve pointed out for many years, since the 1980s, the borough assembly and borough clerk have offered only one choice to voters in the decennial assembly composition question, namely a yes/no on maintaining the status quo of a body elected “at-large” or areawide. State statute outlines a range of alternatives. The Fairbanks community has consistently refused to have a conversation about those alternatives, let alone a vote. When it was on the ballot in 2012, the LWV was one such entity who decided that such a conversation was unnecessary, despite stating that their “…purpose is to encourage active and informed citizen participation in government”. The Daily News-Menace told voters that the vote was routine housekeeping and didn’t need to be opposed.
So the LWV decided that that conversation wasn’t necessary but this one was? Uh huh, sure. The resolution’s language refers to involving “community members representing diverse constituencies from rural parts of the Borough” for a stakeholder group, presumably subservient to the task force. With “one man, one vote” being the law of the land, rural residents will remain inherently disenfranchised. If you want to talk about disenfranchisement, however, here’s what the FNSB has gotten for having an at-large assembly. There have been numerous instances where two-thirds of the assembly lived in one particular part of the borough, which contains one-fifth of the borough’s population. The legislative agenda of the assembly has often favored this one part of the borough. This scenario has resulted in disenfranchisement of core urban areas in Fairbanks and North Pole. Still, they smugly tell you that “all members of the assembly represent all residents of the borough”. Uh huh, sure.
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