Facebook blocks Trump through Inauguration Day, as Trump promises peaceful transfer of power


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote today that his social media platforms will lock President Donald Trump’s accounts through Inauguration Day to allow a peaceful transfer of power. That includes Facebook and Instagram. Twitter has already locked the president out to prevent him from speaking to his followers.

“We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great,” Zuckerberg wrote on his personal Facebook page. “Therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.”

On Thursday morning, Trump issued a statement through one of his spokesmen, Dan Scavino, who posted it on his own Twitter account:

“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!”


  1. Many will squeal with glee at this strike against a man they have been told to.loathe.
    What they don’t realize, likely a lack of knowing history, is eventually, they come for them.
    “First they came for the ___, .but I was not a ____. So I didn’t speak out.. ..Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

  2. It was never OK to yell “fire” into a crowded building & it was obviously not OK for Trump to organize a seditious plot to overthrow democracy. Four people are dead after the mayhem in DC. What a shame!

    • Its about time the most dangerous man on US soil gets muzzled.
      If you dont act like an adult,no reason to have the liberties of one.
      With those liberties comes responsibilities.
      Which he has abused consistently without end.
      Sad display,it certainly didnt have to be like this

      • Huh, what about the men and women of the house and senate, who are decades deep in dereliction of their oath to uphold the constitution? Let alone their responsibilities to the citizens, they supposedly represent? How about they get muzzled and maybe lose their liberties they enjoy at the cost of the tax payers? Your comment about the president are ridiculous and completely miss laying the blame where it belongs. The Career Politicians of this country are those responsible for yesterday’s events.

      • Please be sure to do the same to people like Maxine Waters and all those who incited violence on behalf of the DNC. When freedom is only allocated to a few, we’re no longer a free country.

      • You need to look at the real cause which has been building for years. No politicians listen to and due whats right for the people and country. They are only interested in money and power they they get from us voting them in. Just look at the covid bill and where the money went and how long it took. The taxpayer suffered both ways as having to pay for it and getting a 600 dollar penance. Look at the changes forced on a large portion of the population. This is rapidly becoming a non free country. The lying spying and force of government to comply with their rules doesn’t sound like America.

    • What if there was a fire in the crowded building?
      And, Trump is accused of overthrowing democracy. How exactly? Asking for anomalies on election night to be fully investigated before certifying the election? Choosing not to ignore red flags? Exactly what are the odds of 6,000 votes in a row being cast for the same candidate? Does it not seem strange that after the observers were sent home, counting continued?
      What if the party was different. What if on election night there were numerous oddities going on, and all of them favored Trump and the Republicans? Would you declare Biden asking for a full investigation a “seditious plot to overthrow democracy?”
      Please be honest when answering.

    • Steve,

      I figured with your previous rants against things like you would be against such an obvious overreach by industrial (tech) giants.

      The old saying of two wrongs not making a right rings true.

  3. Trump didn’t do any of that, all he did was say that someone started a fire. point your fingers at the person that started the fire not the person that got burned.

  4. President Trump is not Hillary Clinton telling her supporters in a laced insurrection 2016 concession speech to fight Trump . Trump pledged after yesterdays certification a Peaceful presidential transtion. If anyone watched him yesterday before the break in, you can see Trump was seriously tired. He did everything man can do pushing back on these people.

  5. Facebook & Instagram & Twitter know best. Far better than any of us. We need to thank them for their protections. We depend on them to decide for us. It’s ok. Because cutting off communication and controlling what can be said & who says it has been done many times before. Like when the Soviets put down a revolution in Prague, CZ. One of the first things they did was storm the Radio Prague studio to shut down their independence message & calls for international help. I heard it live on shortwave radio. Today it comes in the form of internet blackouts or social media bans. I recall Turkey pulling the internet switch awhile back. Yes, these are private platforms & they can control content if they want right now. But they are taking on the role of a public news source or a community activist news source. And the quasi official platforms for publicly elected officials. Many elected officials openly encourage communication via FB or Twitter. These need to be 100% open lines of communication if they are going to exist at all. No good will come of this.

  6. Zuckerberg is a genius who is morally bankrupt. He is unable to feel any kind of emotion or empathy, the medical term for this is alexithymia.

  7. This little midget dictates to the world who will be heard, or not? Drop your FaceBook account. Problem solved.

  8. Censorship of opposition thought is only gonna get worse. Now that the Tech Overlords know they can go it, it’s party time.

    Liberals like it now, but when it gets turned on them it won’t be such fun.

    Never give yourself or someone else power you don’t want used on yourself.

  9. Millions love censorship because they won’t leave FB. We have lost the truth and American way which many of us fought for.

  10. Social media, though private companies, are public accommodations. Trump’s rights were violated. From what I’m understanding, he asked his people to remain peaceful with our protest. At least some of the people who stormed the Capitol were lefties trying to blame Trump – the news blackout and social media blackout are allowing the left to define the narrative to place all the blame on Trump to try to prevent him from running in 2024.

  11. If you’re still on facebook or twitter, you’re part of the problem. Do yourself a favor: search for “fediverse”.

  12. Trump is still the President of the USA & cutting off his communications with his constituents should be construed as an act of sabotage against our country. If the Department of Justice wasn’t so corrupt Zuckerberg (Fakebook ) & Dorsey (Twitter) would already be sitting in a jail cell!

  13. Soon Conservative and Independent journalists such as Must Read Alaska and those others such as Charlie Kirk using Youtube’s platform and various other Big Tech platforms will have to go local and reach people using the good ol’ fashion printing press like my grandfather created his own newspaper for an organization’s news. The People will have to humble themselves kicking themselves off Social Media, reduce their dependence on APPs and Podcasts. The people will have to do it anyway, because there is coming quickly a time when all Right wing, Conservative will be off the internet severing our communication with one another. I think if the Civil Rights movement if had Social Media such as Facebook, their marches and their movement wouldn’t had been as big as it lived. Because it easy to increase a groups numbers just by adding the number of people who talk smack and boast across keyboard, because of the lack of face to face human contact relationships aren’t built, but when people are rallying in groups in person they keep their movement momentum and human connection going.
    Because of Big Tech is censoring and throwing people they disagree with off its social media platforms and removing certain Apps, THIS action is just about the BEST ACTION they can take. What they mean for evil will only bring the people back together again.

  14. If Trump owned the most powerful social network in America, and had owned it for several years, do you think he would have banned anyone by now? Maybe horrorshow insurrectionists like Rosie O’Donnell? Sen Majority Leader Chuck Schumer? “Sleepy Joe” Biden?
    Nah, he would never do a thing like that…

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