Mike Whitaker, the administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration who implemented in “diversity, equity, inclusion” hiring, rather than focusing on safety at the agency, has submitted his resignation.
Whitaker announced he will leave his job the day Donald Trump is sworn in, Jan. 20, 2025.
Under Whitaker, the FAA created a policy to hire people with severe psychiatric problems and profound deafness “on the spot.”
It’s unlikely that Trump would keep Whitaker on. Earlier this year, a dozen attorneys general, led by Republican AG Kris Kobach of Kansas, wrote to Whitaker about how his hiring quotas have put the public in danger.
“FAA has placed ‘diversity’ bean counting over safety and expertise, and we worry that such misordered priorities could be catastrophic for American travelers,” and “appears to prioritize virtue-signaling ‘diversity’ efforts over aviation expertise.”
In the FAA’s hiring policy under the Biden Administration, it targets certain conditions for hiring preference, including:
- Hearing (total deafness in both ears)
- Vision (Blind)
- Missing Extremities
- Partial Paralysis
- Complete Paralysis, Epilepsy
- Severe intellectual disability
- Psychiatric disability
- Dwarfism
“Individuals with targeted disabilities have the greatest difficulty obtaining employment. This is the only protected group for which Federal agencies may have a hiring goal,” the FAA says on its target web page.
According to the FAA, people with these disabilities can be hired “on the spot.”
The on-the-spot special appointment authority is a non-competitive hiring method for filling vacancies for people with disabilities. Full benefits are awarded to the non-competitive appointee.
The FAA also announced that managers can choose, at their own discretion, to fill an open position through on-the-spot hiring process.
“The Office of Civil Rights National People with Disabilities Program Manager and Human Resource Management Selective Placement Coordinators share non-competitive position descriptions with a broad network of disability employment collaborators to recruit qualified applicants with disabilities,” the agency says in its policy.
President-elect Donald Trump has not yet named his nominee for the FAA.

If you’ve ever worked in and/or around an FAA Tower, understanding the critical roles these Controllers play, “Common Sense … Reason … Logic” will most assuredly prevail over this woke endeavor whereby their hyper-focus is hiring individuals with impediments // deficiencies such as:
… Hearing (total deafness in both ears)
… Vision (Blind)
… Missing Extremities
… Partial Paralysis
… Complete Paralysis, Epilepsy
… Severe intellectual disability
… Psychiatric disability
… Dwarfism
This is also the same guy who has been leading FAA launch license harassment of Elon Musk and SpaceX during Starship development. Good riddance. Cheers –
This is one area especially that only the best should be involved. Especially in the area of air tower functions. Common sense. The pressure of flight safety is tough enough even on a well vetted individual.
Will union-protected federal employees with targeted disabilities keep their jobs after Administrator Mike quits?
Reagan cleaned them out in the 80’s. Went as far as making them ineligble for federal service to boot.
This is the problem with “woke.”
There is a night and day difference between not discriminating against someone for a disability, and elevating the person with a disability above more qualified people.
Can a person with a disability control aircraft? Maybe. The system is a lot more than just people in a tower looking out the window. I have no doubt there are positions in the FAA that support their primary mission, but do not require eyesight, hearing, etc… There are positions like that in every large organization.
But, just ignoring the disability when making a hiring decision is not good enough for “woke.” Nope. They have to promote it, hire an unqualified individual because they are disabled instead of a qualified individual who does not have a disability.
It is as if they want to make up for a past injustice by committing a brand new injustice.
That means he’s staying on for as long as he can to continue damaging and looting the agency as much as he can right up to the last minute before getting fired.
Lol- Yeah, go ahead and show us/teach us a lesson some more. Take Murkowski with you.
Sure!! We need more blind controllers.. That’ll prevent those runway incursions, sure!! You betcha
Yet another US government POS bites the dust. That makes two down, 999,999 to go.
Going to get back to merit based hiring?
Wow what a concept
Hearing (total deafness in both ears)
Vision (Blind)
Missing Extremities
Partial Paralysis
Complete Paralysis, Epilepsy
Severe intellectual disability
Psychiatric disability
Answers to the name of ‘Lucky’
These (leaders)have led us down a path of destruction that is almost unbelievable.
This leader could be another reason the mystery drones were not properly addressed.
This is all DEI. The thing we’ve learend about DEI is that it is incredibly toxic and destructive, mostly to the organization that has adopted it. The more vigorously and thoroughly it is adopted, the quicker and more complete the destruction. And the FAA adopted it pretty strongly.
Here’s the fun part. DEI also describes the Kamala campaign and the failure of the democrat party at the national level. It destroyed them during the last election. How will they dig their way out of the hole they dug for themselves without making it impossible to get out? Note that the only two democrats making sense these days are Carville and Fetterman. Serpent Head is over 80 and no electoral threat. Fetterman, OTOH……
Cheers –
Turn on the lights. The roaches scatter.
Years ago I was an air traffic controller in Anchorage. Take my word for it — it’s a very demanding occupation. Job openings should be filled with those having the highest qualifications to think lightning fast and make spatial relationship decisions rapid fire. People’s lives are at stake!
WOKE, DEI, FAA, FDA, NIH, and on and on with the mafia alphabetical initials to cover up Marxism, post-modernism, leftists, and the letters go on and just cover up versions of anti-god, anti-family, anti-Western Civ, global warming, and many other false ideologies that are demon-controlled. Keep praying for protection of our United States, our citizens, our military, our police, Christian families and that truth continues to keep exposing the evil doers.
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