Federal intelligence officers and and scientists who recognized evidence that that Covid-19 leaked out of a lab in China were kept away from President Joe Biden and not allowed to offer their theory, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.
In August of 2021, intelligence officers from the various spy agencies were invited to a briefing with Biden. The F.B.I. was the only agency in the intelligence community that was supportive of the lab leak theory. The other agencies advocated the theory that the virus jumped from animals to humans, possibly from the Wuhan Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, a nearby live animal and seafood market, where wild animals were sold.
The Wall Street Journal recently interviewed Jason Bannan, Ph.D., a microbiologist who had been with the F.B.I. since joining after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C.
He had been investigating how the Covid-19 virus got out of China in 2019.
“Frustrated by China’s stonewalling, President Biden had ordered an urgent assessment by the U.S. intelligence agencies and national laboratories on whether the virus had leapt from an animal to a human or had escaped from a Chinese lab that had been doing extensive work on coronaviruses,” the WSJ reported.
“The dominant view within the intelligence community was clear when Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, and a couple of her senior analysts, briefed Biden and his top aides on Aug. 24. The National Intelligence Council, a body of senior intelligence officers who reported to Haines and that organized the intelligence review, had concluded with ‘low confidence’ that Covid-19 had emerged when the virus leapt from an animal to a human. So did four intelligence agencies,” the Journal reported.
While the F.B.I held an alternative view, no FBI officials were invited to the briefing with the president.
“Being the only agency that assessed that a laboratory origin was more likely, and the agency that expressed the highest level of confidence in its analysis of the source of the pandemic, we anticipated the FBI would be asked to attend the briefing,” Bannan told the newspaper in his first-ever interview. “I find it surprising that the White House didn’t ask.”
“Thank you Dr. Fauci” … ‘https://tuckercarlson.com/thank-you-dr-fauci
It’s only 1-hr 30-min, well worth the time to watch – listen.
You won’t be disappointed!
Why do voters approve and vote for liars?
Politicians want our vote so they can get rich off of lies and back door deals that divvy up our tax dollars.
Why vote for liars?
FJB hasn’t told the truth about anything people should be alert to the money, laundering scheme being played against the taxpayer by the politicians and their rich buddies.
FJB doesn’t KNOW the truth about anything; they stood the hapless old dude up there and gave him an ice cream cone.
I got shut out from Facebook for advocating the lab link. I have a degree in microbiology and know how this started. It’s criminal to shut down microbiologists and to do a world wide coverup. Putting covid on death certificates even though it was NOT the primary cause is also criminal. Shutting down countries while falsely stating masks a d distance will stop it is criminal. Natural immunity and herd immunity eventually controlled it like viruses in the past. MRNA vaccines didn’t but probably did more harm than good. More facts will be coming out soon by Sen Rand Paul and others.
The only thing wrong with the picture is that Biden isn’t wearing a mask.
Everyone with half a brain knew this as soon as the lab was mentioned. It was audacious for the administration and Fauci to hypothesize that the virus came from bats in a wet market. The media parroted this and it was soon accepted as fact. Those who mentioned the lab connection on Twitter, FaceBook and YouTube were banned. It was an absurdly perfect plan. And all because our then President was a mental vegetable. Like the NASCAR crowd chanted, “Eff Joe Biden.” No one is going to fall for this BS again. If we do, we deserve what we get.
Rollo, I’m not going to argue with your “half a brain” admission. Seems quite evident reading your comments.
Scathing comeback. Still worshipping your lord and savior Anthony Fauci? Perhaps it would be easier for you to see the facts if you removed your “I love censorship glasses.”
Thanks for confirming my initial postulate RT.
Very edgy, Seb. Sorry your girl lost. Hoping to see the good Dr. in prison where he belongs, along with Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of the censorship industrial complex.
Sebastian, why don’t you use half a brain yourself?
Doing so would easily convince you about the origin of the virus. It was a product of ” gain of function” and certainly didn’t originate in Wuhan.
It originated in Wuhan! At the laboratory there
Who trusts the FBI anyway? They are as corrupt and incompetent as most other government agencies under the Biden administration.
Federal Bureau of incompetence
Dr. Fauci colluded with the Obama cabal and released this manufactured virus on the world in order to disrupt a presidential election. The obvious suspension of the Bill of Rights during that sham should never have been allowed to happen but the judiciary in Alaska, and most other states, failed to do their constitutional duty and supported the imprisonment of the population. It should have never happened and is proof the PEOPLE have lost the ability to stand up for their constitutional rights. This experiment by the evil Obama cabal was a HUGE redistribution of monetary wealth and nearly destroyed our monetary system.
The theory of a Wuhan lab leak is far more sinister than reported. How about this being an intentional lab leak? Look at the timing. The gain of function restrictions for researching these kind of viruses was lifted on January 9, 2017……
11 days BEFORE Trump was to take his first term swearing in. Could it be that Obama, Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party, and all of their Trump hating sycophants, including Fauci, decided to screw up Trump’s presidency?
…….. and kill off 10 or 20 million people in the process. Sure.
What kind of moral compass do Obama, Clinton, Fauci and Democrats have?
Ol fauci.. yup he lied.. to everyone.. he did read the paper published by nature medicine, in fact he encouraged his colleagues to write it…..
what else has he lied about??
Email from David Morens to Peter Daszak
Don’t worry about FOIA’s, I can either send stuff to Tony on his private Gmail, or hand it to him at work or at his house. He is too smart to let his colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble. D
Megan stack NYtimes reported:
“Emails released in a congressional inquiry indicate that Dr. Fauci was among the senior scientists who encouraged his colleagues to write a paper asserting that the new coronavirus had a natural origin. “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” published by Nature Medicine in March 2020, concluded “we do not believe that any type of laboratory-based scenario is possible.”
“Our main work over the last couple weeks has been focused on trying to disprove any type of lab theory,” one of the authors, a researcher named Kristian Andersen, wrote in an email the day before the podcast dropped.
Then, in April 2020, Dr. Fauci pointed White House reporters to the publication, presenting it as compelling evidence of zoonotic crossover — without revealing that he had been involved with its creation and had even, according to the emails, given it his approval. (Dr. Fauci told me that he’s not sure he ever got around to reading the paper.)”
“FBI scientists”. “the various spy agencies”. “The dominant view within the intelligence community…”.
A complete list of ALL “intelligence” agencies, along with a stated purpose and number of employees for each agency, should be available to the American public. Congress should have complete control of all of them. Until we have those things, we don’t have control of our government and we don’t have a free country. I have no doubt that those employees who wouldn’t go along with the covid psyop were shut out. No surprise.
First confirmation that this narrative version was published to obfuscate the truth is the source, the WSJ.
What is termed “Covid-19” is simply a lab created variant from the Corona virus family, which is considered good material to create bio weapons.
American federal government funded research was extensive in Chapel Hill within the University of North Carolina system. Due to the international illegality of bio weapon research and production, this research was outsourced to the PRC during the Obama regime.
Outsourced research meaning we paid the Chinese to continue this research, to circumvent conducting illegal and immoral activities on our territory, while creating a profit opportunity for the Rx Corporations. As well as creating a “natural” disaster to justify creating totalitarian regulations to curtail individual rights.
This research was shared with Rx corporations as there were already 117 patents registered for “vaccines” before the public ever heard of “Covid”. Classic example of our government funding research for the profits of massive corporations.
Biden himself was a place holder only, all administration decisions were made by others around him. The FBI is simply commencing a cover up for their agency.
I know that the Donald has said, generally, that he is not interested in prosecuting members of the outgoing regime. However, he should consider going after the layer of folks below the political actors for crimes. These people, mostly Deep State reptiles, are the ones that actually do things and order others to do things. As illustrated in the case described in the article, many probably knew that their actions were inconsistent with the truth – that they were facilitating a LIE. I could locate federal statues that would apply.
Most of these bureaucrats will say that “they were only following orders”. If they are serving the public, they have an obligation to say: “…Yes, but …”. It is time for the citizens to reject the excuse and hold bad actors accountable. That may mean criminal prosecution.
If true, a very troubling scenario that should be fully investigated.
Dr Fauci was around during Reagan administration. Look into his involvement during AIDS/HIV. Does “long Covid” not seem like the same definition as HIV? Look into Ebola and Fauci’s involvement there. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
Please watch the interview on Tucker Carlson with filmmaker Jenner Furst. It will really open your eyes or it may scare the crap out of ya. He follows the money.