This story originally appeared Sept. 17, 2022 in Must Read Alaska and is being republished Jan. 6, 2025:
Congressman Don Young, who died March 18, told Alaskans in Wasilla in February that the Jan. 6, 2021 rally at the nation’s Capitol was not an insurrection.
In never-before-seen video taken by Must Read Alaska at the Menard Memorial Sports Center, Young can be seen discussing the events of Jan. 6, when thousands of Americans flew to Washington, D.C. to hear President Donald Trump speak and to protest the certification of the Electoral College by the U.S. Senate.
Young told Alaskans at a Republican district convention that on Jan. 6, 2021, when a few people at the Capitol became unruly, he took out the Colt 357 Python firearm that he had in his office and kept it in sight.
“I went to the office with my wife, and I locked the door, and I told my staff, ‘Don’t you let anybody in this office period, unless I say it’s all right.’ I got out my Python and put it on top of my desk. And that was my answer to the so-called … it was not a riot. It was a large group of people with about 100 troublemakers.
“Do you go to an insurrection if you don’t have a firearm? It’s not an insurrection,” Young said. “They were there, but there was no violence in the heart of the major part of the group.” He said there have been insurrections throughout history “but it wasn’t that ground that day.”
The Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol in the U.S. House has characterized the events as an insurrection. The mainstream media has repeatedly called the events of Jan. 6, 2021 an insurrection, something that irritated Congressman Young, who said, on the video, that police in the U.S. Capitol knew about the events in advance.
He was right
Yes he was. I miss you Uncle Don.
He would be jailed today for saying it. I wonder if it led to his demise?
Jailed for what?
Expressing his opinion?
I say it was not an insurrection, and it was not a particularly terrifying riot either. I have seen more damage in the parking lot following a football game. So… where are the handcuffs?
The things that come out of ‘gregs” brain are truly a mystery!
Remember, we are all just visitors in “gregs” world!
No, Greg is the visitor. He is the one that got the wrong education or no education. I would like to see Greg give up 95% of his income to the government to support his way of life. Greg is no more than his shit disturber.
Well, he does believe super intelligent beings are running this planet, and withholding technology that will provide limitless energy, and a better way of life for all. His proof is he saw something flying that he could not identify once.
Hey, Mary Peltola:
While you occupy and care-take Don Young’s old congressional office for a couple months, make sure you play that video to Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. Don’t bother trying to show it to Liz Cheney because she won’t be having much interaction with you. And please make a copy of the video and send it over to Hart Senate Building so Lisa Murkowski gets to have a peek at it too.
The Department of Justice, led by AG Merrick Garland is prosecuting Jan 6th law breakers. Joe Biden unlike Trump has a hands off approach to the DOJ. Nancy Pelosi has zero to do with the DOJ as does Mary Peltola. I recall Don Young saying a lot of stupid things, like the Corona Virus was a beer hangover.
Frank, he jokingly called it the [Corona] beer virus, not a beer hangover. -sd
A “hands off approach” by Joe Biden? What are you drinking this morning, Frank? Merrick Garland was Joe Biden’s personal favorite for the Supreme Court. A no go! That’s why Biden picked Garland for AG, so he could rubber stamp the Biden agenda. Besides, Biden has no time to fondle old men. He’s too busy doing that to little girls. A sick pedophile runs the White House,……when he isn’t sleeping or drugged-up.
Frank you are correct Nancy Pelosi has nothing to do with the DOJ, HOWEVER it is my understanding that security of the Capitol falls under her jurisdiction and responsibility. Yet nowhere has she been questioned as to her actions or in-actions. The committee declared her “off-limits”. If you really want justice, let’s bring out all the facts and let the proverbial chips fall where they may.
Nancy Pelosi is responsible for rioters attacking police at our Nation’s capitol?
Don’t be absurd, Frank. Clearly with tensions high in the country, security should have been beefed up and hardened. Washington had ample reports of large crowds expected and with it the element of trouble. We do live in a post 9/11 world. It has been reported that national guard troops were authorized, but rejected by Mrs. Pelosi and Muriel Bowser. Since it is my understanding that the speaker of the house is the commander of the capitol police (who are responsible for physical security) her decisions should be part of the whole story.
Yes. Many Antifa were there. Yes, Antifa were the ones doing the damage. Yes Nancy Pelosi denied President Trumps request for additions security. Yes Nancy Pelosi is complicit. Do you get it know?
What about the BLM riots that burnt cities and businesses out to the tune of billions Franky?
Just like Joe Nancy is too old and vindictive to be in charge of any security detail even if it involves security at a senior center Frank.
You must have missed the episode when your champion(Pelosi) was house speaker and she tore up Trumps state of the union speech on national TV in front of god and country.
She was behaving like a two year old having a severe meltdown.
Frank: you should look up how many judges the Obama/Biden administration appointed. Here’s a hint. It was significantly more than Trump. This is why your news sources pretending to be objective and comprehensive is making people like you obnoxious fools that are actively polarizing the nation. And by the way, Biden had to approve the raid on president Trump and did have a hand into the DOJ. Didn’t Trump get impeached for such actions against a political opponent? Oh it’s different if Trump actually did something unlawful? Consider how a completely unqualified son got onto a Ukrainian energy board and why. And why is the FBI “leaking” photos of an on going investigation? Shouldn’t Biden be asking that the people involved with that leak be held accountable? Oh that’s right, he has “hands off approach”.
Justin. I think you have a case of Trump Denial Syndrome. You make the claim about Hunter’s presence on that board and I suspect you’re correct that there is something fishy there. Its then fair to wonder why Jared Kushner was given top security clearance in the Trump administration and was appointed to positions for which he had no skills. And kinda a fishy, don’t you think, that MSB, the dismembering murdered from Saudi Arabia “invested” TWO BILLION dollars with Kushner.
Also, you’re comment about Trump being impeached for illegally trying to extort dirt on candidate Biden is not at all the same as President Biden following the rule of law with the investigation of stolen documents by Mr Trump at Mar A Lago. Private citizen Trump is not a political rival of President Biden.
You’re so wrong about everything you spert out.
Your a perfect example of a person who is in the wrong country China or North Korea would fit your views so please leave my country.
Your why we have voted the trash out the door.
Frank you got poisoned by Fauci. Keep sticking up for him and while you’re at it go get another booster.
Biden is hands off of everything except young children.
Pelosi may not have anything to do with the DOJ, but she did have full responsibility for Capital security on Jan 6th, 2021. And, when it was apparent that a very large crowd was going to show up, and likely cause problems, President Trump offered to mobilize the National Guard to assist in crowd control. But, Pelosi said no. And, she refused to allow Capital Police to run up overtime, or staff accordingly.
So… you are correct. She may have nothing to do with the DOJ, but she is 100% complicit in the events of that day through her incompetence. (Or potentially outright malice.)
I’ve always been a fan.
Remember when he stuck his tounge out and thumbed at his opposition? ?
THAT was a positive thing for you?
Yes, Lucy, some people have a sense of humor. You probably should look up what that means.
Lucifer Lucinda is back. Even bats ? can only hang upside in a cave so long.
He must have brought it in before metal detectors were invented.
Pepe, I don’t know but there is signicant leeway granted to members of the House of Representatives by way of Parliamentary Privilege. Essentially they have immunity from prosecution for any number of things. Unless the House removes that Privilege from a particular member.
So yes, I’m certain that Don packed a heater. A Colt Python is an old weapon however, ( I see somebody is making them again though) and it wouldn’t surprise me if Don purchased his prior to metal detectors!
What are you saying ??members of congress can indeed be armed where ever they want.
No, he is saying members of Congress can be armed in the US Capital and their office buildings.
Sitting members of Congress have the right and permission to carry firearms in the Capital.
Indeed they do.
boebert will probably try to buy the Python
riot maybe, insurrection definitely not, great propaganda piece for the cathedral for sure!
More content alaskans don’t find anyplace else except MRAK
And he was correct.
There was too much of a ruckus inside the Capitol Building, and some things were criminally damaged, and a woman was needlessly – nay, criminally – shot and killed by a sociopath with a badge. But as Don said, “Not an insurrection.”
Video recordings clearly show that the doors of the Capitol Building were held open by some of the Capitol police officers for protesters to enter, most of whom were entirely peaceful. NPR’s continuous use of the word ‘insurrection’ is simply one of many examples of corporate news media propaganda.
A true “insurrection” occurred during 2020 throughout the months of murders, rioting, fire-bombing, looting, and terror that followed the unintended and arguably the self-inflicting drug-overdose death of a certain felon in Minnesota. Most Democrat Party governors and mayors then failed to perform their sworn duties to enforce laws and suppress that widespread insurrection. Never forget that these same politician-malefactors, including Joe Biden, are tirelessly working, like termites, to weaken the clearly-worded rights of the people that are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. Rest in peace, Don.
Very good comment, hasalaska, and all true.
I might add, though, that the one real, and incredibly damaging, recent and ongoing insurrection is the willful destruction of this nation by the illegitimate regime of Usurper Xiden and his demonic cabal, who stole the 2020 election and are determined to undermine every good, honest, decent and stable aspect of this nation for their own evil ends, whatever those may be.
Well said.
Don’t forget the other woman killed that day at the capitol, Rosanne Boyland. I don’t hear that one mentioned much.
An insurrection the invaders would have to have been armed. No insurrection. Hell Biden just gave a stay of execution on 38 murderers and serious criminals so what is this conversation actually about. ?? The entire Jan 6 bs was just that bs. The capital security was certainly a joke. Absolute clown show.
He’s still working for us from the other side, speaking the truth as only he can..
Denial after denial is all that I read here.
Don Young was NOT the sole legislator present on January 6th. His narrative and headcount of those present.
When you start pushing past police barriers and use these barriers to climb the walls or when you start breaking windows to climb inside or when you attempt to break down the solidly locked wooden doors to gain access to the US Congress, that is an insurrection.
If Republicans win this time in November 2022, is the opposition supposed to show their disappointment by carrying out the same sort of mayhem???
Kelly T has already declared that she will not accept the results of 2022…meaning if she doesn’t win.
This is insane, childish behavior which is unacceptable for an elected official.
What about preserving the basic premises of American democracy, whatever political party you prefer????
Goodness Catherine. Did Don Young say that people that were violent and broke into the capitol initially shouldn’t be prosecuted? Everyone agrees that people that busted into the capitol and attacked police should be prosecuted. Democrats and their controlled media wants you to think people disagree with you about that. It’s simply not true. They want you to think their political opponents are made up villains. Although, you seem pretty invested, and may also want to believe people are villains so you can flatter yourself too. I hope not. That’s toxic divisive behavior.
Well, then, with your definition, the onslaught in Wisconsin by leftists who occupied the Capitol building because they didn’t like the governor must have been an insurrection. The attacks in Portland by Antifa and other leftists must have been an insurrection. The entire summer of 2020 with Black Lives Matter leftist terrorists must have been an insurrection. And naturally, the railroading of innocent people like the couple in Homer because of their travel plans must be an insurrection too, since a door was busted down and people were handcuffed for no reason whatsoever. If you don’t want to go down that path, maybe you should take off the leftist, commie glasses and take a look at what your favorite people have been up to for, oh, about 50 years.
Exactly Tamra.
I don’t care what you call January 6th, anyone that broke the law needs to be prosecuted.
99% of the people there were involved in what was intended to be a peaceful protest. Most were people who were very patriotic and simply wanted questions addressed as to the legitimacy of the election process, which still hasn’t happened. There’s still questions as to the intentions of the instigators of the entrance to the capital, and who they worked for. But it really doesn’t take much to excite such a large crowd, and if it was done intentionally, then legal action is warranted for those individuals. But to punish people for loving their country, even if you think it was misguided, is the Chinese solution. Peaceful protest gone bad, that’s all it was, no matter how hard you try to make something more of it. Happens a lot. Try going down the Glenn Highway at 85 and see how many people follow you.
Well Trig, then the thousands of the remaining 1% need to be prosecuted.
Your diminishment of the worst attack on our democracy ever is stunning. Ideology over evident.
What is it that you want Lucifer? Do you want Trump arrested because if that happens that will tear the country apart and I mean literally. Do you want his nuts cut out because you’re a man hater? Do you want his beautiful orange hair shaved off? What is it exactly that you want? Trump didn’t do anything wrong on the 6th.
Hey thanks for asking Gregory. I want him to participate in the rule of law. There is substantial evidence to indict him and if the evidence leads to a conviction, good, he deserves it.
If a conviction leads to violence, it will be because of the anti-intellectual, gun-happy MAGA domestic terrorists, not those, like me, who support the rule of law.
hey lucifer
get a grip, you must be off your meds, you just move along with the sheep and believe any & everything the left wing media tells you to!
Want to talk about all the fbi fools stirring up trouble who were at the capitol during this “insurrection”
No of course not, just keep your head buried in the sand!
So, where is the indictment?
If you see all the evidence, why no indictment?
Oh… probably because hyperbolic headlines is not proof of anything. Believing them is a clear demonstration of a lack of intellect, but just because you believe the people on MSNBC when they say something it is evidence of nothing.
What about the BLM and antifa rioters, when’s their days in court? They did far worse than trespassing the j6 people did
The worst attack on our democracy?? Really? Hyperbole much? Your shallowly focused obsession is getting embarrassing.
Let’s see attacks on our representative republic…
The Brits burned the down the White House during the war of 1812, the Civil War 1861-1865, the 18th amendment (prohibition) in the 1920, the great depression resulting in the New Deal and more government control, Pearl Harbor 1941 and 9/11/2001 sought to destabilize the country, Covid, riots in major American cities against police and federal institutions, leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan…..
Dont be so hard on Lucinda.
AOC (one of her cult leaders) said it was the worst attacks (and scariest for her) on American soil in history.
So I guess factual information depends on who you believe.
If I remember correctly AOC was raped and murdered at least a dozen times on Jan 6th, despite being safely in another building.
You might want to rethink your claim that we live a democracy. We live in a constitutional representative republic, dear, but then, you must have skipped civics in school. A democracy is two wolves and a chicken deciding what to have for dinner. We don’t do that.
Worst ever??? 9/11 not significant enough for you??? The bombing by the Weathermen completely forgotten???
Nobody is saying otherwise. Don Young didn’t say otherwise. But it wasn’t an insurrection and it’s only being called an insurrection by politically motivated democrats that want to repeat that lie so much that it becomes fact. That wild accusation is the offense many people are being prosecuted for, for just being present, even if they were actively trying to stop the crowds from advancing. And it has now been almost two years in captivity without a trial for many. And many of the people that actually broke glass windows, pushed barricades down, and encouraged people to go in have not been identified and prosecuted and I think you and I and the late Don Young want those people prosecuted.
Then there is Epps that did actively tell everyone he encountered that they should breach the capitol and he took part in pushing over barricades and was identified, yet the FBI won’t tell us anything about him. Either he was an undercover agent that actually encouraged crime or he made a plead deal to snitch and was allowed to get off scott free because of it. That would be like letting a mafia hit man that murdered lots of people get to go into witness protection if they only snitched on who washed dishes for the mafia.
It’s almost like some force(s) wants us to see two different truths so that we go after each other when in reality we agree that the people that took an active part in breaking into the capitol should be prosecuted but not in kangaroo court. Real court.
Oh but what all of this boils down to is “orange man bad”, which is 1984’s “two minutes of hate”. Wake up Frank. You are being stirred up to be used. You can dislike trump and not fall for this crap. We agree, I bet, much more than many want you to realize.
Well then, Frank, you should be calling even more stridently, and hysterically, for the arrest and prosecution of the vastly larger number of REAL insurrectionists who participated in the mass arson and violence of the BLM/Antifa riots in 2020. Yet curiously, you have never done so.
I that is called “hypocrisy” and “double standards”, Frank.
Geez, get over it Jefferson.
“Get over” an actual insurrection that destroyed hundreds of millions of dollars of property, took dozens of lives, and seriously destroyed thousands of businesses, and lives, while changing many cities forever? Is THAT your idea of radical leftist extremist ‘justice’, Luciferinda?
I was just trolling you. 🙂
Lucinda has no answer for the truth and does not want to acknowledge your response so she just admits she is a “troll” with a smile. Very classy.
You get over it the truth you can’t grasp and find another country that fits your messed up ideas.
Say North Korea
Start with the security guard who executed Ashli Babbett.
Frank, like Hunter Biden?
I agree totally.
However, the charges and the punishments must be equivalent to the crime committed. The overwhelming majority of the people imprisoned did nothing worse than criminal trespass. And, had they actually be told to get out, they would have. But, now they are spending years in jail.
Want to put the jackasses that broke windows in jail for four or more years, go for it. I fully support it. Want to put someone who entered the building without authorization into jail for four years, I am opposed. Especially, if i had gotten into the Capital on any other day, and refused to leave, I would likely have been fined, nothing worse.
MOst the people detained did nothing but stand with the crowd. Adding insult to injury; none of them have been formally charged with anything even a year later.
Plus, it was no where near an actual insurrection.
They would have NEVER passed this anti 2A legislation with our Alaskan Representative in office ?
Don Young was correct. This was not an insurrection and what followed with all the committee hearings was never meant to find justice or basic facts. Instead all those politicians, who so frequently quote the “will of the American People” or claim to speak for them from their safe perches in Washington, came face to face with the sovereigns of this country. Americans who did not agree with Washington or appreciated what these politicians had to say. Dissent and protests are a time honored tradition to make your opinion known. (Breaching the Capitol building is unacceptable) I wonder if Maxine Waters’ words were coming back to haunt her, about “getting in their faces…” So in the end this whole thing is personal to them. These politicians encountered the American people, without a filter and in a direct and personal way. The deplorables invaded “THEIR” space. Space they felt entitle to, instead of remembering that it belongs to all. Mainstream journalist having become part of the establishment to gain access and special information, felt their status threatened. Voila the insurrection narrative was born. The added bonus now is to blame the whole thing on the former president.
ri·ot | \ ˈrī-ət \
1a : a violent public disorder
specifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent
b : public violence, tumult, or disorder”
The biggest problem in this society is the now moment-by-moment obsession of the lawyer/journalist/politician class trying to manipulate the language in order to manipulate society.
It was a riot. Nothing more, nothing less.
And as the lawyer/journalist/politician class continue to tear society apart, riots will morph into events much more destructive.
And the world continues to spin……….
Totally agree Reggie.
The use of the term insurrection by the Dems is very deliberate. They’re already using the courts to disqualify conservatives from running for office using the 14th Amendment. I’d still like to know who Ray Epps worked for to incite the protesters to enter the capital. He’s clearly on tape doing just that but not put in jail like so many others at the capital only protesting. It has all the hallmarks of a Dem operation, all too similar to what the Nazis did burning down the Reichstag to cement their power.
And it’s been very useful in deflecting from addressing the issues those protesting were there for – cleaning up our elections. There were so many deliberate and illegal things done by the Dems during that election to sway the vote that needs to be corrected so we have confidence in our elections but no! Challenge the election and you’re on a list. We have to set this right in the mid-terms with a massive turnout that can’t be swayed by the tricks the Dems played in 2020.
It sure does have a lot of parallels to the Reichstag fire whether the flattered democrat voters want to believe it or not. Even if democrats didn’t actively withhold law enforcement (they did) and there weren’t active “provocateurs” (there were) that purposefully damaged the capitol and stirred up rioters, democrats are, without any doubt doubt, using the event to evoke the same response as that one guy did that entered power in 1933 Germany.
Wait till the men in black really piss America off? Folks have been preparing for this day for 45 years.
Wow mrak = adn with moderation of opposing comments?? Good luck Uniparty gang. Seems to be the place for you.
You must be new here. There are plenty of opposing comments that make the cut and I think the opposing comments actually get much more leeway for insults, swearing, and name calling.
Breach the perimeter of a fenced in gov’t office and you should expect to be shot. That only one idiot was shot baffles me. Were I in that security detail that day all of them would’ve rec’d the same treatment; As Mr. John Lee Hooker might say; boom boom boom boom.
It’s obviously true what Don said, this not being an insurrection but rather a large group of dipsticks w/ maybe a 100 cretins mixed in. Doesn’t change much though and any that went inside the fence should thank their lucky stars that they’re still here to tell the prosecutor how much of a dumb*ss they are.
As time goes on there will be fewer and fewer security officers w/ the nuts to take a stand and the reason for it is that woman beating and drug addled cretins with a violent criminal history like George Floyd are being eulogized as angelic and officers doing what they’re trained to do are being convicted of murder. Complete BS.
I agree it was “a large group of dipsticks w/ maybe a 100 cretins mixed in”. But these violent cretins were provided intel from Boebert in advance of the January 6 attack, Trump purposely goaded them, there was significant planning for the event by members of the Trump cabal, the dipstick Proud Boys and Oath Keepers (Hello Rep David Eastman!) were armed and sought to hang the Vice President of the United States of America. That is appropriately called an insurrection.
Not a single soul was armed, except for the Capitol Policemen, one of whom shot an unarmed woman dead. Try again, dear, but this time use facts.
I missed out on the “hanging” theory.
Which one was carrying the rope with the noose?
The most dangerous weapon I spotted was the guy wearing the buffalo head with those very sharp and dangerous horns. Thankfully no one was gored by him charging with his head down at ramming speed.
The guy with the horns turned out to be my favorite patriot.
Sadly he was a mental patient and I am disappointed he suffered punishment for his nonviolent participation. My prayers are for him.
Andy Dufrain, at least Jacob Chansley aka Buffalo guy was let out of prison after Tucker showed the video (before Faux News fired Tucker.) Sadly hundreds more J6ers have been rotting in the DC Gulag who have not been given the break Chansley was given.
The gallows and the pipe bombs are likely both false flags, both took significant planning.
There were three groups of people at the capital on the 6th, agitators, peaceful protesters, and those with a duty to served and protect.
Crimes were committed by all three groups and a massive cover up has occurred since.
4 individuals lost there lives that day, all from the peaceful protester group.
And many more suffered life threatening injuries as Capitol Police hurled them off the second story scaffolding, bashed them over the head with batons, and fired on them with flash grenades and rubber bullets. And in that same crowd were the FBLie agitators who instigated the “insurrection.”
If there was no riot and nothing to be concerned about, why did he need a firearm?
He did not need it.
He was a smart citizen for securing his own protection in the event of encountering a deranged individual as we see much too often in todays radicalized world.
Trump has encountered two so far.
He likely knew that Pelosi told the Capitol police not to increase staff. He also knew that Pelosi refused Trump’s offer to mobilize the National Guard.
In the event folks with bad intent entered the House office building, he wanted to be prepared.
The poster child for term limits
Good question Cman. Why was robert byrd the only one to draw his gun, and point it at his coworkers and then murder Ashely Babbitt in cold blood?
Come on little cman, tell us.
One man’s opinion, here are few others.
“Those who made this attack on our government need to be identified and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Their actions are repugnant to democracy.” U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
“I unambiguously condemn in the strongest possible terms any and all forms of violent protest. Any individual who committed violence today should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” and, “It is beyond time to remember that while we may disagree, we are all Americans, and there is far more that unites us than divides us. I extend my deepest thanks to the United States Capitol Police for protecting the Capitol complex today and all days.” U.S. Representative Mike Johnson (R-LA)
“These actions at the US Capitol by protestors are truly despicable and unacceptable. While I am safe and sheltering in place, these protests are prohibiting us from doing our constitutional duty. I condemn them in the strongest possible terms. We are a nation of laws.” U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
“This violence and destruction have no place in our republic. It must end now.” U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY)
The MAGA Crowd trying to rewrite history. Why did Donny fill the need to pull his gun out and lock his door?
Give me a handful of quotes claiming it was an attack on the government, and I can give you an equal number of people saying it was not.
Aside from wasting your time, what did you accomplish here?
So start the list! You will notice those quotes mainly came from the new MAGA evangelicals who are willing to sell their souls for power. I understand the MAGA Crowd refuses to acknowledge the outright attack on the nations capital as it is convenient. Soon a convicted felon will be sworn in to the office of the presidency. As Beretta used to say, “if you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime” unfortunately he is going to walk away with no real consequences.
And, what did you accomplish here?
Amnesty for all of these hostages!!!
Trump promised and he needs to deliver!!!
Suzanne, what’s up with all the mixed date comments. I almost replied to a comment from September. Those are comments from the original article, or what?
All the original comments from the 2022 story stay with the story, which is what you are probably seeing. – sd
Isn’t it an insurrection when elected representatives ignore the will of the people and do something else the people don’t want instead? I believe “that” is what was meant by the term “internal insurrection” as written by the nation’s founders.
Bunch of candy ass Congressman abandoned their position in the capital building and ran for the hills instead of standing there ground. I’m very curious how it took 4 years to release video of some ssshole planting pipe bombs??? Sure as hell would not want us identifying this person. The American people are actually quite amazing at identifying thugs. Why were we not given that opportunity??
For the first time in public, Trump referenced the January 6 pipe bomb hoax, which we have been covering for over three and a half years. Specifically, Trump asserted with confidence that the FBI knows the identity of the January 6 pipe bomber and is covering it up.
This from the press interview with Trump earlier today January 7th 2024
I was a senile old fool at that point:
you shouldn’t have taken me seriously.
Support term limits (no, elections are not the same thing)!
So let’s cut to the chase.. instead of standing their ground and defusing this small riot our congressman fled like the pussys most of them are. Absolute cowards. If this happens again I’ll expect Nick & Dan to square shoulder up and defuse the situation. You don’t defuse a situation running away like a bunch of candy asses.
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