Exclusive: Sen. Ted Cruz says Kamala Harris is bad for America’s energy jobs


Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas was the invited speaker at a Kenai-sized fundraiser for Sen. Dan Sullivan at the Davis Block and Concrete company on Tuesday, and he delivered classic Cruz oratory — colorful, expressive, and entertaining.

After he spoke, Cruz gave an interview to Must Read Alaska, where we asked him his views on Joe Biden’s pick of Kamala Harris as his vice presidential nominee. He did not hold back.

“Well, look I think Joe Biden’s move today is a strong move to lock up the San Francisco vote,” Cruz said, joking. “And that was clearly hanging in the balance.”

Right along side her is Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and AOC, he said, calling them three radicals who would drive a socialist, defund-the-police agenda.

“We believe in oil and gas in Texas. If Biden and Kamala Harris get in, you better believe they’ll come after every good energy job in the state of Alaska. Every worker who is working on a pipeline or working on an oil field, they’re going to do everything they can to take those jobs away. Because they’re working for the California environmental billionaires and not the working men and women of this country.”

A crowd of over 100 gathered to raise funds for the Sullivan campaign, which had made a campaign stop in Seward a day earlier. Must Read Alaska learned that Sen. Cruz was going to catch a salmon or two before heading back to his home state.