

FEB 16: 5:30 p.m., Young Republicans’ February Social at the Anchorage Distillery, 6310 A St, Anchorage. Guest speaker is Albert Fogle, a Republican running for Anchorage Assembly.
FEB. 17: Mat-Su Republican Women’s Lincoln Day Dinner at Evangelos, with guest speaker Talis Colberg, who served as Alaska’s Attorney General under Gov. Sarah Palin, and who was elected to two three-year terms on the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly. Tickets.

FEB. 18: Anchorage Republican Women’s Lincoln Day Dinner, Bridge Seafood Restaurant & Catering, 221 W. Ship Creek Ave, Anchorage. The speaker is conservative comedian Eric Golub, part of a tiny subspecies of comics who makes jokes at the expense of Democrats. Ticket information.

FEB. 20: Fairbanks Republican Women Lincoln Day Dinner with guest speaker Sen. Dan Sullivan. Tickets: 907-388-5851

FEB 20: Presidents Day in the USA. Federal workers get the day off, banks close too.
FEB. 24-25: Juneau – Alaska Republicans’ State Central Committee quarterly meeting.
FEB. 24: Capital City Republicans Lincoln Day Dinner with guest speaker Jeremy Carl of the Hoover Institute, also a writer at the National Review.  Tix Here.

Feb. 24: Alaska Republican Party Freedom Club ($100) special reception with Sen. Dan Sullivan. Details below.

FEB. 25: Hunting Expo and Sportsman’s Banquet, Dena’Ina Center. Tickets:

APRIL 4: Anchorage Assembly and School Board election.