Escaped from halfway house, robs and assaults again


Charles Sadler, who has been on the lam since walking away from a halfway house in mid-February, was back in the assault and robbery business on Friday, according to police, who searched for him and arrested him after he brandished a weapon, struck a man, and stole his bike and his cell phone.

Sadler is 19 years old. Last year, he was arrested for armed robbery after following a man into his garage and firing shots while attempting to rob the man.

On Friday, he was said to be on the 400 block of Turpin Street in East Anchorage, where he was meeting someone who was trying to sell a cell phone through Craigslist.

The victim had received a text from someone he thought was a buyer, and arrived by bicycle at the agreed upon address. As he reached into his pocket to retrieve the phone, he was struck on the face by a man identified as Sadler, who also pulled a gun on him during the assault.

The victim’s glasses were broken, and as he ran off to call for help, Sadler allegedly stole the bike and fled. Police searched the area and found Sadler on the 300 block of Donna Drive. He was identified as the perpetrator and a gun was found nearby.

Sadler is charged with Robbery I, Assault III, Assault IV, Misconduct Involving a Weapon III, Theft III, and Criminal Mischief V.  He also had an outstanding felony warrant for Escape.

Read our original story about Sadler’s arrest in October for armed robbery in the Fairview neighborhood, his assignment to the Cordova Center halfway house, and his escape.

SB 91 Poster Child: Charles Sadler


  1. How about any and I mean any crime where there is a weapon present get triple the time (full time) and no bail. The people that came up with the bail guidelines wrote the oil tax laws. NO simple cut and dried law.

  2. Chuck better get his patooties in order or his is going to be a scourge no one wants including his mother. She has got to be sssooo ashamed by his actions.
    Come on Chuck, be a man and grow up!

    • Fine upstanding citizens, both of you…
      to be feared and obeyed…
      until your next victim decides otherwise…

  3. Why no felon with a gun charge, so the feds can handle it rather than our joke of a system? Looks like his brother just needs to stfu, too. So tired of these loser families.

    • His mom passed away last week, doesn’t make his actions right, but don’t bring his damn family into this.

    • You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about . Charlie was born addicted and his Adoptive mother did everything she could for him. She passed last month. His brother Travis is a good kid and has never broken the law so maybe it’s you that needs to STFU. You have no idea where this kid came from or what he’s dealt with his whole life.

  4. Maybe he shouldn’t be trying to tell other people what to do, then. Sounded pretty threatening, kinda like the loser brother, eh? To assume any stranger would -or should- know his private situation is the height of arrogance. Ya’ll defending the post…never mind. Have a nice day.

    • SAK, you don’t seem to understand.

      Surely the poor misbegotten waif deserves our sympathy.

      The child should be free to commit all sorts of mayhem wherever, whenever, and upon whomever it wishes, until terminated with prejudice by police or an unsympathetic victim.

      • Whatever works! Either one or the other solution will be his end, for sure, if he doesn’t change his ways.

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