Erin Brockovich accepts invite to Dunleavy’s May 22-24 Sustainable Energy Conference


Erin Brockovich is one of the highlights of Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s Alaska Sustainable Energy Conference on May 22-24.

Brockovich is an environmental activist who helped bring a lawsuit against Pacific Gas & Electric Company over groundwater contamination in the small desert community of Hinkley, California. The water contamination included chromium‑6, a highly toxic chemical used in heavy industry. Her story was made into a movie, in which actress Julia Roberts played Brockovich.

Other featured speakers include Daniel Yergin, vice chairman, S&P Global, and author of “The Prize” and “The Quest;” Kip Tom, former U.S. Ambassador, United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture; Rahm Emmanuel, U.S. Ambassador to Japan; John Eichelberger, research professor, Alaska Center for Energy & Power, UAF; George Potts, head of Climate Principal Investments at Hartree Partners; Michael Sachs, managing director, Goldman Sachs; Curtis Thayer, executive director of Alaska Energy Authority; Michael Valore, senior director, advanced reactors at Westinghouse Electric Company; Richard Voorbert, president, North America for Siemens Energy; and Erin Whitney, director of Arctic Energy Office, U.S. Department of Energy. View all the speakers at this link.

The 2023 conference will explore the future of energy in Alaska and around the world, the intersection of geopolitical upheaval with food and energy security, the latest advancements in renewable power, transmission, and storage, and more. The agenda is at this link.


  1. Rahm Emmanuel too? The guy who ran the Obama White House and then was mayor of Chicago while troubled Black kids ran the city with guns? Uhhhh, Governor Dunleavy, have you lost your effing mind?

    • If ever there was a time to question whether or not the Dunleavy = “Prometheus” rumors from back in the day might have been legit, Android, that time is now.

      Paging Bernadette Wilson to the white courtesy phone… Bernadette Wilson to the white courtesy phone…

    • Surely Dunleavy didn’t mean to bring two of the biggest wackos to this conference. Rahm Emmanuel and Erin Brockovich are two of the biggest Left-wing paddiwacks from the Obama World.

  2. After looking at the speakers and the agenda, I wonder if they could also have a remote way to see the conference, like Zoom or similar so more people can see the proceedings. That way the transfer of information can be made to a larger audience.

  3. At times I wish the Cowardly Lion would just formally switch to the Democrat party and be done with it.

    More performance art by a failed governor.

  4. Looking at this list, we might wonder if Anne Zink is the Shadow Governor. Especially as a Keynote Speaker for the August New World Economy conference. Hmmmm. Chief Medical Officer now an economic advisor.

    From NPR: Her maternal grandfather, Al Bartlett, was a University of Colorado Boulder physics professor and a nationally recognized speaker on exponential growth and humans’ inability to comprehend it — a lesson not lost on Zink as she navigates the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “I think about him all the time,” she said, “particularly in this world of trying to understand exponential growth, and trying to keep our state from getting into a place of exponential growth.”

  5. Whoa….Dunleavy….you lost me yet again. You’re now officially driving the Commie bandwagon. How about YOU head down to Washington now. You might have more true friends in Seattle than you do up here.

  6. Get ready to see the PFD stolen for the green energy initiative. That pile of money that the people own is a target of the rich elites. We have plenty of clean gas to take care of our energy needs.

  7. Dang! Too bad we couldn’t get these two on the docket … Dr Rob Spalding (Security) and/or Alex Epstein (O&G – Industrial Progress). These two would’ve been a great complement to the discussions.

  8. Continuous Base Load Energy Demand… Renewables can not individually provide for this year-round, with all renewables combined. Presently, “Renewable Energy” accounts for only a few percent of our Continuous Base Load Energy Demand. METHANE (CH4) contains HYDROGEN. Methane is abundantly available naturally, and even renewable energy source given co-generation, bio-digestors, etc. Methane is a “hydrocarbon”, a predictable clean and abundant fuel. Compressed Natural Gas conversions for combustion engines should be considered for years to come, as new generations of vehicles and equipment utilize methane-to-hydrogen fuel use…it’s natural. We know how to produce and store natural gas safely and cost-effectively, bringing us continuous lights, heat and transportation for Alaska.

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