Eric Croft drops from Anchorage mayors race


The Anchorage mayor’s race just lost one of its left-leaning candidates for the April 6, 2021 election.

Eric Croft, a former Assembly member, said with too many “moderates” in the field, he feels the Left is set up for handing the mayor’s office to a conservative.

“As I look around at the crowded field of candidates running alongside me, I fear that we are losing sight of the end goal. I fear that we are setting ourselves up to fight the wrong fight today, only to lose the fight that really matters tomorrow. There are five reasonable, forward-thinking candidates running for Mayor,” he said in his resignation statement, not naming who they are in his mind. Likely Forrest Dunbar and Bill Falsey are at least two whom he considers moderate. Bill Evans may also be on his list of moderates.

“Whoever does make it to the runoff will likely be broke or close to it by that time. This is a recipe for disaster. It sets the stage to elect one of two extreme and inexperienced right-wing candidates, who will take Anchorage backwards,” he wrote, probably referring to Dave Bronson and Mike Robbins, both who are conservative candidates who are gaining traction in Anchorage.

“I am convinced that none of these other candidates will withdraw from the race. I am also convinced that if no one does, we will be making a dangerous mistake. We must start with the end goal in mind. It is for that reason that I am making the tough decision to withdraw as a candidate for Mayor in 2021.”


  1. Anchorage is already going Backwards. We need to move this City back to a sensible Leader who will help the Small Businesses killed by the previous and current mayor who are destroying the city. If you think Anchorage is heading in the right direction you need to leave and go back to Washington, Oregon or California.

  2. Someone on the left is already using some good strategy to think ahead about how they can maintain a “progressive” leaning regime here Anchorage. Ranked balloting…

  3. Not a tough decision at all..!! he is not a dumb Dora. He saw the train wreck coming and decided to leave the scene before he got hit as well..!! He also sees the terrible shape the City is in and has some vague idea of what it will take to turn the ship around..

  4. Internal polling not going well Eric. As if “handing the mayor’s office to a conservative” would be a bad thing. Golly, a conservative might even let Anchorage residents earn a living. How terrible that would be.
    Don’t go away mad Eric, just go away…please.

  5. Internal polling not going well, Eric? As if “handing the mayor’s office to a conservative” would be a bad thing. Golly, a conservative might even let Anchorage residents earn a living. How terrible that would be.
    Don’t go away mad Eric, just go away…please.

  6. The leftist mentality never fails to amaze. According the Croft the conservatives in the mayor’s race are ‘right wing extremists who will take the city backwards’, but Mr. Falsey and Mr. Dunbar are ‘moderates’ who will keep the city moving forward. If the last several years is his idea of moving forward, I think we have had quite enough, thank you very much. Their failure to truly help struggling small businesses with the CARES money is reason enough to say no to anyone running for mayor who has been a part of city government for the last six years.

  7. Or, perhaps this guy knows that Dems have ruined Anchorage and people are up to snuff on their antics. Perhaps he should try again once the public develops the all too common affliction of amnesia in a few years.

  8. I forgot to mention this guy is worried about Anchorage backsliding. Sounds like he’s one of these guys that during his sermon, he keeps saying it Time after Time after Time again hoping that people really start believing that crap instead of looking out the front room window and seeing the truth.

  9. Wow. What is the end goal, exactly? To elect a progressive extremist? That would be enough… or could it be worse?

  10. Eric seems to be a lot like his dad, Chancy. If he isn’t guaranteed a win, he refuses to play. Yes, I know Chancy Croft well. I fired him as my attorney about 40 years ago. I don’t know Eric but you know the old saying, “the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Never more well said.

    • Yep, Chancy was a failed lawyer who got elected to Alaska’s legislature. Funny how that has happened in Alaska so many times. Lawyers that can not make it in private practice manage to find lucrative careers in State govt positions, become judges, or go into politics. We should not be surprised when they perpetuate liberal
      Policies that keep on protecting them in positions paid for by public dollars. They start out showing how incompetent they are in making a living in the private sector and then enhance their demonstrated lack of ability making bad decisions as judges, elected officials, and highly paid State or Muni employees.
      Chancy and his son Eric are just a small example of those folks. The leader at the head of the line is Sen Murkowski. When we got the chance to get a true conservative in office, what happens? Her father “appoints” her to the Senate. Yet another person who demonstrated she could not make it a an attorney in the private sector moves up the ladder and shows her incompetence on a national level.

  11. Good news, Eric!

    And I would be thrilled if “my” assembly representative Forrest Dunbar would do the same. Forrest was a complete “waste of time” when people on our street asked for his help with wave after wave of homeless people who moved into and out of the vacant home next door to mine after the owner died. Forrest made no effort to resolve the filth, theft, disruption, unlawful “fencing” of stolen property AND code violations. He does not represent the majority of people who live in east Anchorage and that’s his job! Dunbar would make a terrible, horrible, no good mayor. He should get no monetary support and/or votes.

    So, in conclusion, thanks Eric. Now convince Forrest to do the same.

  12. We should heed his advice as well and have a solid and solitary conservative candidate – the least crazy and most approachable of the two. Let’s not make the mistake of splitting the vote. I look forward to reading MRAK’s endorsement. It would be best if we could avoid a runoff entirely.

  13. Can we be forgiven for concluding this character’s own tribe views him as such a loser that even Anchorage’s easily corruptible mail-in vote scheme can’t be corrupted enough to get him into office?

  14. Yes yes thank you for the history lesson. The fact is some lawyers go into law to serve the public, be that a prosecutor that represents the state and that would be you, or a public defender who represents people who can’t afford legal representation. Yes the natural step for any of those would be a judge ship, been very few going to become a judge and most of those are elected by the people and for the people.

  15. How many people of law do we actually need on the Assembly and in the Mayor’s office? It’s no wonder real problems are not getting solved in Anchorage. I love plumbers. But an army of plumbers alone will not get a house built. We need more diversity in background experience to move this city forward. Anchorage needs to recognize this quick, before it is too late.

  16. Will go backwards?

    Where the time was no bums on every street corner begging?
    Where the time was no bums squatting on public land?
    Where the time was taxes were spent on roads and infrastructure and not bums (ya, but I’m on a roll)

    Take me back baby, I’m ready to live in a city that is safe, gang free and there isn’t a shooting every weekend!

    Sorry Eric -** just go away** and take all your lib buddies with you back to Califlowerland.

  17. The only hope for Anchorage is that a conservative Mayor gets elected and audits what is going on with the money pouring through the coffers because it isn’t being spent on the city.

  18. Anchorage deserves every bit of the misery they have been experiencing. After all, they put these leftist fascist freaks into office in the first place. Then when not one, but two, Mayors intentionally violate the law and our constitutional rights, Anchorage residents bend over and ask for these leftists to screw them yet again.

    There are no bigger government slaves than Anchorage residents. Truly pathetic government sheep. They are reaping what they sowed.

  19. Yeah, as if handing the mayor’s office to a conservative has nothing to do with the current rampant leftist d-baggery.

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