EPA alumnus Gina McCarthy named president of Natural Resources Defense Council


The Obama-era Environmental Protection Agency chief who became notorious in Alaska for insulting a jar of Alaskan moose meat given to her as a gift, has been named the president and CEO of the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Gina McCarthy will take over the 3-million member organization, where she will oversee a $151.6 million budget. Her salary and fringe benefit package was not disclosed.

In 2013, McCarthy traveled through Bristol Bay to further develop her plans to block the Pebble project, when she was given a jar of moose meet by the wife of the first chief of the Curyung Tribal Council. The moose meat was the from the first kill of a young boy from the tribe.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal later that year, McCarthy described the meat as something that “could gag a maggot.”

The moose meat was from the first kill of a young boy from Chief Thomas Tilden’s tribe.

Under McCarthy’s administration at the EPA, the agency tried to block the permitting application of the Pebble Project in Western Alaska, by using a provision that prevented the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from issuing any permits for the mine.

The EPA’s actions were later challenged by Pebble, and the agency ultimately settled rather than face Pebble in court. The settlement allowed the Pebble Limited Partnership to apply for a Clean Water Act permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

[Read the terms of the settlement at this link]


    • Well they certainly had a large number of Alaskans signing their “stop Pebble” petition. What have you got to prove otherwise? I’ll admit to watching the 6 pm and occasionally 10 news but No other times – what about you?

      • I haven’t watched TV in 31 years. Without passing judgment, that you do, regularly, does mean that you do not believe that you have better uses for your time, right?

      • Well they certainly had a large number of Alaskans signing their “stop Pebble” petition. What have you got to prove otherwise? I’ll admit to watching the 6 pm and occasionally 10 news but No other times – what about you?

        • Well 63,516 Alaskans signed the petition to stop Pebble so I think you were outvoted. And you don’t have to watch TV to get educated on Pebble- just go to SeaLegacy .org on the internet and read to your heart’s content!!

          • That’s less than 10% of Alaskans. Thought you claimed that the majority of Alaskans were on board with this?

          • Mr. Slone, like other Democrats, invents and fabricates their support for Pebble. Reality dictates another conclusion.

    • The vast majority of Alaskans elected Dunleavy and lowered oil taxes and defeated the salmon before Alaskans initiative. Let’s have them vote on pebble too.

    • Let’s put it to a vote. Opposition to Pebble is a fundraising tool, like ANWR, for the anti-development crowd.

      I am confident development of Pebble would be approved by voters, regardless of how much dark outside money and its Alaskan pawns were against it.

      Curious. Do you have a sarcophagus on your Subaru with anti-development stickers all over it? Don’t you know how sarcophaguses reduce MPG?

  1. Right where she belongs. Heading up an outfit that promotes hysteria about proposed projects without using proper science or process – all for the purpose of raising money to make their management wealthy.

  2. Another senior government official slips through the revolving door and into a cush lobbying organization.

  3. Please allow me to clarify my statements . I NOT against well thought out resource development in Alaska. I AGAINST THE Pebble mine project for obvious reasons. I AM a conservative republican. I did vote for and do fully support Donald Trump and Michael Dunleavey.

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