Email to Alaska Republicans on Tuesday looked like voter suppression but was just a GOP ‘mistake’


Hanlon’s razor is a rule of thumb filled with political wisdom: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

An email received by Republicans in Alaska appears, on its face, to be voter suppression from a bad actor. But it was actually a “mistake” by the Republican National Committee.

The email came from what was listed as “GOP Headquarters.” Some Alaskans thought the Republican Party had been hacked because of the misinformation they were seeing.

The “error” email followed one RNC had sent out, telling Alaska Republicans that today is their “primary” day in Alaska and urging them to vote.

But the correction on the first error makes it look like there is no political event happening in Alaska on Super Tuesday, one Alaskan pointed out.

In fact, Alaska Republicans hold their caucuses by ballot. It is not exactly a primary, but it is a Republican event, sanctioned by the RNC. What is curious is that, so far, only Trump-supporting Republicans have reported getting the emails.

In a Presidential Preference Poll, like the one being held today, Republicans go to designated polling places, show their ID, are verified as Republican registrants by a Republican volunteer, and then get to vote for who they prefer the Republican nominee is for president.

This process takes place Tuesday, March 5, as 14 other states around the country go through either primaries or similar party-run caucuses.

Other Alaskans received an entirely different correction from the RNC midday on Tuesday, but it, too, did not advise them correctly about the Alaska Republican Presidential Preference Poll:

Must Read Alaska reached out to the RNC for an explanation of the first, second, and third emails, which ignored the opportunity to take part in the Presidential Preference Poll, but did not get a response.

There is very little information available at the Alaska Republican Party website — and no mention of the Presidential Preference Poll on the front page. A visitor to the website must click on the “Events” tab to locate information about the PPP, but there is no call to action.

The presidential polling takes place March 5 at the following locations:

Some Alaska voters heard from Sen. Lisa Murkowski today with this text message:

“This is Senator Lisa Murkowski. “I want to share an important message with you. I’m proud to endorse Nikki Haley. America needs someone with the right values, vigor, and judgment to serve as our next President—and in this race, there is no one better than her. Nikki will be a strong leader and uphold the ideals of the Republican Party while serving as a President for all Americans. It is crucial that you join me and make your voice heard, Denise. Your support for Nikki Haley in TODAY’S election will make a difference. Find everything you need to make a plan to vote HERE:”

Murkowski-style voters may have received this message, but Trump-leaning voters did not.


  1. Let’s just call it what it is:

    A chronic lack of enthusiasm to proactively encourage all Republican voters to participate in today’s PPP.

    • Thanks David, your statement is factual. Add the grievous mistakes in “official” notifications made today…discouraging and confusing the Republican Voters. Does this “interference” coincide with the impending replacement of RNC Leadership and reorganization?

    • The National GOP is no longer conservative. “Christian Nationalists should start their OWN party. You could be their Alaska party head.

  2. I had a lot of trouble finding out my polling place too! I live in Palmer, and when you click on the link to find your polling place, the address listed for Palmer is the Palmer public library which had a catastrophic roof cave-in last year. The building is not in use. I called the matsu boro and they had NO information except to say that the borough is not in charge of the super Tuesday election. I was given a phone number and warned that nobody will answer, and the voice mailbox is full. And that was correct. The lady at the borough advised me to vote in Wasilla. Later I found out through a republican party friend that the voting is at the Palmer train depot. But man, it should not be so difficult! The party really dropped the ball here in the Matsu.

    • Same here. The place the website said to go was not open and I would have had to drive 30+ miles to vote, in the blowing snow. It shouldn’t be this hard.

  3. I received the message at 10:05AM this morning, and told my wife this is how you do “disinformation” to affect the outcome…emergency message’s that look phony. We knew the Polling Place was the Palmer Train Depot, but the old library was listed, 655 Valley Way. This morning we learned of a draft resolution at THE RNC to be presented that will restrict President Trump from using RNC for legal fees while campaigning.
    The AKGOP is feckless, and rudderless not reaching or serving all Alaskan Conservatives. The RNC is worse, but in combination, in recent times, they have produced the undesired outcomes of Murkowski’s, Peltola, and many others occupying our Alaska Senate.

    • We’re in District 26 on west end…so driving to Palmer miles away instead of Wasilla Senior Center near us…re-districting sucks with disincentives like this for many. I’ll try this address in my search to participate in the “PPP”!!!!! Palmer Community Center (Depot), 610 S. Valley Way, Palmer AK

      • Just got back from casting our vote at the “Presidential Primary Poll” (GOP can’t get the nomenclature correct apparently). IT WAS A LARGE TURNOUT and only Republicans are allowed to participate…RON LARSON, along with the UNPAID WORK STAFF did a GREAT JOB!
        Palmer Community Center (Depot), 610 S. Valley Way, Palmer AK

  4. The AK GOP is not conservative, the top leadership within it are Murkowski allies (along with many RINO “R’s” in the Alaska legislature). They have nothing but disdain for Trump and the majority of Alaskan’s who support him. One might find it hard to argue they even support the majority of the republican platform.

    Is it therefore any surprise they would do what they can to push aside the conservatives in the GOP and who they prefer for president (or as happened with Tschibaka), the “Murkowski” debacle over RCV? The AK GOP treats conservative republicans in our own legislature with contempt – how much more so are they like that at the national level?

  5. How would the RNC or Alaska Repub party know if you are a “Trump-leaning” voter or a “Haley-leaning” voter? This makes no sense.

    • Actually it’s easy. Voting records.

      People who historically voted Princess don’t like Trump. People who have voted Trump are on record.

    • individual voter records only contain party information not who that person voted for. I guess they could of looked at how precincts voted and target voters that way. Somehow I dont think so. If they did it appears the Haley people were a little better organized at getting the message out.

  6. There is a lot of confusion today! There are people within the Republican party trying to cause confusion so that people will not go out and vote OR they will vote for Vivek Ramaswamy. I feel a push here in Alaska working hard to Tricky Nikki penned as Alaska’s “choice.” We don’t want Tricky Nikki and Ramaswamy dropped out and is endorsing Trump. The RNC, The Alaska GOP and the Alaskan Republican groups are not standing up to solve the confusion. If they are not trying to solve the problem, they ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

  7. Hearing regarding HAVA in Alaska. Two people over 50 yrs of age showed up to show support for the three bringing this oral argument against the state of Alaska. There were quite a few younger people that showed up and sat on the side that the Division of Elections attorney was sitting on. Some in a group in the back behind the state atty and near the door included persons from a group that keeps bringing lawsuits against House Rep David Eastman.

    Pamela L. Bickford, et al. v. State of Alaska, Division of Elections, et al.


    Case # S18776


  8. Once again the GOP can’t pull it’s head out of it’s — and give clear directions. We were for it, before we were against it. No wonder they like the uneducated.

  9. Out of curiosity – did anyone respond to Lisa’s text message? We had some fun responses in our family.

    • Yes ! Stop . I’ve never given either DS or LM my number and both texts and calls .

      It’s funny as Nikki wiped out the GOP once and for all . Grifters , Opportunist and Prostitutes party ) .

      Could not drag that poor old dead horse over the finish line ! I saw a cartoon that was absolutely hilarious , wagon and a dead horse . The blowflies could not have moved that old dead carcass and inch !

      Alaska is Trump country , except for the lefties in downtown anchortown !

  10. A conspiracy lurks around every corner and in every shadow when you’re a MAGA Republican.

  11. Very little info out at all! The voting location at Palmer Library must have been changed b/c the Palmer Library is under construction due to a roof collapse last winter. Did any info get out about a change of venue???? Nope, not that I could see. So I called the Rep Part HQ but no answer. I waited a few minutes and called again only to get a message that the mailbox was full. Goodbye! Click. So I called the State Div of Elections who told me they had NO info and couldn’t tell me anything…I had to get that info from the Repub HQ. Of course there was a FB outage. But might there have been recorded info at least from HQ??? Very poorly managed in my opinion. And I never did get to vote b/c didn’t know where the location was moved to.

  12. The sad part is that today was a demonstration of how adept or inept Republicans are at running a very simple process. My precinct was a chaotic mess. I don’t think anyone got hurt. But everyone involved should be replaced. Maybe Democrats infiltrated the process and were able to sabatoge it.

  13. The GOP mistake seeems to be more of a marketing problem. If it weren’t for MRAK, i would not have known where the polls were located.

  14. I would like to know why only churches were available to vote at in Anchorage. No malls, schools, or government buildings available?

  15. I am bewildered…I started seeking info about the Republican primary a month ago knowing I would be out of town – NO INFO available even at our borough elections office..polling places were available the day before the vote..does anyone even care??

  16. The AK GOP, like much of the GOP nationwide, is happy being the minority party. Saves them from actually having to deliver on promises made.

    And from having to do things.

    This is why we have Trump. Trump in and of himself is immaterial. He is the manifestation of decades of frustration with GOP incompetence.

    Ever since Bush 41 the GOP has been squishy, pointless, and pathetic.

    After decades of trying to get them to actually act like some sort of conservative entity, we rejected them outright and elected Trump as a big middle finger

    Trump would go away tomorrow if the GOP acted like the party of Reagan instead of Bush.

    • MA, I had to vote in Anchorage, as I’m stuck here for medical. The polling place was well organized and staffed. The crowd of about 500 waiting to vote at 3:30PM was electric with enthusiasm – both for Trump and with disgust for anything and everything left. I have NEVER seen anything like this in my 60 years of voting. I am greatly encouraged that America is not finished. The snipers and deniers both here in comments and the losers in the msm have totally missed this. We willingly waited 45 minutes – a time of great encouragement among the crowd.

  17. There is also the questionable use of the Wasilla Senior Center for polling. It was very cold and the wind made that so much worse. There wasn’t nearly enough parking, and WASI was WAY too small to fit people inside, so the line, comprised of many elderly/disabled people, in a line that wrapped down to the lower parking lot, where aforementioned people were trying not to slip on the ice as they waited outside! WHY in heaven’s name didn’t someone have the common sense to hold this at the Mendard Sports Center which IS big enough to get everyone inside where it was warmer and would have gotten everything over with so much more quickly? There was NO ONE guiding parking which also created numerous problems. There were grumblings all around wondering if there were Democrats pretending to be Republicans running the show just so they could mess things up. Many people who came to vote left without voting because of the treacherous footing with the long line outside, and lack of available parking. This was not well done whatsoever, and the persons who arranged all this need to never be in charge of such an event ever again.

    • City of Wasilla Mayor was even working at the polling place. Wonder why she did not ensure safety, an organized ingress/egress out of the parking lot and a building that would actually be able to handle the crowds? If these “Republican” groups say that they just did not anticipate the crowds, I’d call b.s. on it. I honestly wonder if this was meant to help boost tricky Nikki? Well, no matter what, I know there are going to be a lot of people making sure to vote for Trump in the Primary and in the General. The People of this state know who they want and we are da*n tired of being pushed around. Watch how the republican groups will push hard to get NBIII elected and go all out for his campaign.

    • This is exactly how I felt. I am always involved in any kind of polling/elections and I gave up entirely. I use a walker and I knew I couldn’t stand that long. It was a mess to just get turned around to get back out of the parking lot. The outcome was what I expected so I guess it was no big loss…

  18. New to AK, didn’t know it was a Republican polling instead of a regular vote like we are used to, went to regular polling place after finding nothing on AK government voting site and someone in the office looked it up that we had to go to Ketchikan. Too late as the ferry had already been missed and it would have meant a room in a hotel as the event was too late for evening ferry.

  19. It appears that the RNC is not allocating resources adequately. RNC needs more budget for fact checking and document control, and less spending on lawyers.

  20. Wasn’t the Taylor Swift post on instagram telling everyone to get out and vote enough to get these Alaskans to the polls? They obsess about her comments and football game appearances so you would think they would be signed up for her instagram account. Perhaps Ronna McDaniel wasn’t the problem after all. Shake it Off!

  21. WHY is it going to take from March 5th through March 11th to count ballots and get the results to the people? Has anyone questioned this? Are we being conditioned to believe that we cannot have paper ballot results the same night as the election? Our republican has been bought out and cannot stand for what is right anymore.

    • They have to get the ballots mailed back in from all the districts so they can verify the initial count. It’s normal and how it was done in 2016, 2012, etc. And it’s all done by volunteers. They got the initial count out within 90 minutes, including getting it posted online. -sd

  22. If you have not watched, “Let My People Go” by David Clements, it is a modern-day deliverance story rooted in biblical thems and archetypes. It is about election fraud. The movie is 2:17:19 hours long and worth every minute imho. You can order the movie OR you can watch it for free by clicking on the “Purchase Movie” button and click to watch it for free – the movie will stream for you. Please watch the movie. Order it if you can. Share it if you would please!

    Let My People Go


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