Educator is person being charged with destroying Don Young signs


Charges are pending against Helen Desinger, 68, of Anchorage, who is believed to be behind the destruction of Congressman Don Young campaign signs that were on private property at the corner of Tudor Road and Old Seward Highway.

The incident, which occurred on Oct. 28, is classified as a misdemeanor. Desinger is believed to be the one caught because a security camera recorded the license plate of a vehicle registered to her.

The Alaska Court system has now entered the matter into the court system records online, with a court date of Dec. 29, but the specific charges are not yet noted. Criminal mischief may be the ultimate charge; the value of the signs is probably under $500, depending on the level of destruction and whether the wood was salvageable.

Desinger, who lives in District 28, South Anchorage – Rabbit Creek, has a clean criminal record with not much more than a speeding ticket before this incident. She is a (edited here) retired educator who worked for the nonprofit, South East Regional Resource Center.


  1. She may not need her educator license from the state to work in a nonprofit and since she’s so old I doubt she works in a public school anymore because the state’s going to yank her license.

  2. Maybe pick up all the broken sign pieces and put them together and make her display them at her home for the next couple of years..!! and also put some Don Young stickers on her car as well…

  3. Well guess what it’s not just a “left” thing as there were plenty of “right” taking signs and sign disappearances. So let’s just say it’s not right either way. Time to stop the “left” “right” basing.

    • Knock it of with your self righteous drivel. It’s the left that is always too immature to have a reasonable argument, just destruction and vitriol.

    • Evidence? We all know who the cancel people are Cam. And we all know a person with a Biden hat on is not going to get shot.. Time to stop Stockholm syndrome sympathizing with the people who want to harm you.

  4. She’s old enough to know better. Apparently the old rules don’t apply anymore. I don’t think those on the left are gonna enjoy playing by their new rules. Cheers –

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