Former House Rep. Liz Snyder, who lived in Alaska for a few years, won elected office and served one term and now runs a bodega in Florida, got a lucky break from the Alaska Public Offices Commission.
The Democrat had been fined $3,673 for giving her husband an illegal “thank you” gift at the end of her 2018 campaign.
But then the commission turned around an reduced her fine by 40%. She will only have to pay $2,000, and she can pay it off in monthly installments of $167 a month starting in May of 2024, until the reduced fine is paid in full.

The commission did not reduce the fine it levied against Rep. Lance Pruitt, who Snyder ran against in 2018 and 2020. He was fined $20,000 and was required to pay the full amount as a penalty for what the commission said was sloppy reporting. Snyder’s offense, however, revealed a different offense — essentially using campaign funds for household expenses after the campaign was over.
She served her purpose and is rewarded by the Party.
How very Soviet of us.
Why she is guilty and can afford it.
Who’s benefiting from this protection?
But it’s (D) ifferent when a Party member does it
Typical. Young outsider Democrats come up here to get a government job and poop in our beautiful state, then exit. Happens all the time. Democrat poop is so prevelant now, there should be posted signs and plastic bag dispensaries in Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau. ” Clean up your own poop”
Awww….a new ice-cream flavor in the works.
Another example of the utter corruption of the bureaucratic and unelected managerial class in Alaska State government!
This exemplifies the inequity with which conservatives are treated in government, and in the judiciary, when it comes to politics in Alaska. Stealing is ok if you are a liberal but don’t make a paperwork error if you are a conservative.
That one vote paid off. Calling in a marker?
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