Dunleavy to meet with Trump this week


Gov. Mike Dunleavy will travel to Washington D.C. along with 12 other newly elected governors to meet with President Donald Trump on Thursday.

“This is the first of many opportunities to work in concert with the president and federal officials on advancing my administration’s priorities, like bringing new jobs and investment to Alaska,” said Dunleavy.


  1. I hope somebody thanks Mr. Trump for being pro-business and more importantly for Alaska, pro-development. The Feds under the dems kept us in starvation mode, not issuing leases and precious permits.

    With a new administration we are now allowed to use our expertise to get-er-done….finally. I was scared to death that Clinton was going to win and the Alaska economy would revert to tourism and not much else.All the arctic expertise would have left the State for other oilfields, and whoever was left would have an eighty percent State income tax.

    Thank Trump for making Alaska great again…simply by sweeping all the do nothing envirowhacks to the curb , allowing the dozers to pass by and go to work. Thanks indeed.

  2. Tell him no on Criminal Justice Reform bill! It is SB91 at a National Level. We need tough on crime bills not Soft on Crime bills!

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