Dunleavy: ‘President is not king’ in overreach vax-mandate statement


“The Biden Administration’s OSHA rule was a longtime coming and we have been preparing for months now in anticipation,” said Gov. Mike Dunleavy on Friday, in reference to a lawsuit his administration joined, along with 10 other states, against President Joe Biden.

President Biden’s attempt to force mandates upon the nation is unconstitutional – it is an attack against the individual’s freedom and a threat against libertyMy administration previously issued an Administrative Order which represents my commitment to Alaskans against President Biden’s vaccine mandates. Alaskans can rest assured I will take every action possible to defend them and their rights. I am not anti-vaccine; I am anti-mandate, and I will stand up against federal overreach,” he said.

The lawsuit claims OSHA has no legal grounds for expanding its authority. The U.S. Supreme Court has determined that executive agencies have no power to institute such broad and overarching rules. OSHA’s responsibility is to protect Americans against workplace hazards, not enforce rules that significantly impact religious liberty and personal freedoms, according to Gov. Dunleavy and the Department of Law.

“OSHA’s emergency temporary standard violates the separation of powers and infringes upon the right of all Americans to decide for themselves whether a COVID-19 vaccine is right for them,” Attorney General Taylor said. “This mandate is unconstitutional, and we have made strong arguments as to why the courts should block implementation of OSHA’s rule.”

OSHA should have taken into account the potential religious objections of employees to the vaccine mandate and it should have considered other alternatives for those with natural immunity to COVID-19, the lawsuit states. The suit calls it an “overreach by a massive federal bureaucracy,” which previous courts have invalidated.

“OSHA cannot use the fact that hundreds of millions of Americans are employed in the national economy to regulate all facets of their lives with only attenuated workplace connections. But the Biden Administration has effectively admitted that this is precisely the role the Vaccine Mandate is intended to perform,” the court filing states.

The OSHA rule creates a “Hobson’s Choice” for employees, Dunleavy said, subject to either losing their jobs or forfeiting their personal freedom and bodily integrity.

“The president is not a king and he does not get to make up the law and control the individual,” Dunleavy said. “This is why he lost the eviction moratorium and why he will lose again. Health measures are a traditional state and local power under the 10th Amendment.”


  1. Glad to hear this. Why not just make a state law and call Alaska a sanctuary state against vaccine mandates? I may be wrong but I believe that Anchorage is or was a sanctuary city for illegals… Before anyone corrects me with all of the reasons he can’t just do this, remember that never stops the Dems. Biden’s OSHA mandate is a fine example of that.
    A simple Alaskan law that says Fed overreach that violates the Constitution of the United States will nor be applicable or enforced in our free state. It’s been done pertaining to the 2A after all. Govn. Dunleavy, thank you for taking this stance – now please don’t cave to politics. This is an issue of wrong vs right and human rights.

  2. We already have ‘Kings and Queens’ in Juneau. They mandate vax and masks. Tennessee was more Alaskan than Alaska! That’s CRAZY! It was refreshing to get out of Juneau and be around NORMAL people for once and not worry about a jab or a mask. Juneau needs an enema to rid itself of all these devilcrats.

  3. What will D do to protect individuals who’s employers are currently mandating the medical procedure? Sucks to be us, I guess?

  4. I was sick of Dunleavy’s half measures. Now we are up to 7/8ths measures. I like the trend, but Abbott and DeSantis are double and triple measure kind of guys. Are we sure that Texas and Florida aren’t actually bigger? I know the cojones on their governors are.

  5. Nay. Xiden has no delusion of being “king”. Simply “Chairman” – like his idol who sits on the throne in China and rules people’s lives according to their “social credits”.

  6. Just as soon as the Republicans retake control of both houses of Congress – January 2023 it will be – IMPEACH! Can we survive the leftist nonsense until then? I pray so, and will fight them tooth and nail – if they succeed in their gun-grabbing wet-dreams that is all we will have left… “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.” The Declaration of Independence

  7. This is perhaps the best thing I have seen come from the Dunleavy administration to date. Way to stand for the American ideal of personal liberty. If we lose it here in the United States, the world has lost their beacon of freedom.

  8. rights are being trampled right in mikes backyard that Dunleavy could put a stop to right now but why do that when you can virtue signal on the national stage what a wind bag paper tiger mike is. Dunleavy is a Worthless coward

    • You know nothing. Dunleavy is working hard for us. You think this stuff is easy??? He needs a little support, righht?

  9. Next move this phony administration will shoot for is getting the doctors and scientists trapped in a auditorium disguised as a conference.
    Then one by one the brown shirts will escort them out to never be seen again.

  10. SO true. To my knowledge We don’t bestow monarch status based upon agreements off-shore in the vatican, Switzerland or wherever these special people gather. Our continent has a wonderful Constitution. THANK YOU GOVERNOR AND AG!

  11. I appreciate you not forgetting your non-state funded employers in Alaska. More of this push back against the insanity Gov, no more go along to get along.

  12. Thank you, Governor! Finally! I was pleasantly surprised by this act to defend Alaskans and our freedoms. This was what many Alaskans have been waiting from you.
    Your 30 mins podcast with Suzanne was great! Good job Suzanne!

  13. Yes, Joe IS King. Don’t you get it? Anyone in politics for over 30 years really is entitled to royalty treatment. Take us for instance. The Murkowskis have been in elected office since 1980. 41 years. That’s called “royalty.” Biden 50 years. That’s called “royalty.” Don Young 50 years. That’s called Royalty. And don’t you poor little subjects forget it!

  14. Too little, too late. Your inaction and silence for months has revealed more than this article ever will. Step down and let a real conservative like David Eastman take your place

  15. Governor Dunleavy needs to figure out how to be consistent.
    The rotten fruit of the Biden administration is so low and easy Pickens.
    Dunleavy let’s come back to your yard for a minute.
    Ann zinc is a population control freak, advocating for the deaths of people in this state! You governor are complicit!!!
    You will see more evidence of this every day from here on out
    Stay tuned

  16. Thank you Governor with one exception. I am not anti-vax either but on the COVID-19 vax, you need to do your homework. It is very harmful to the human body and there is more than enough evidence to prove it! Some of that evidence was revealed by Dr. Robert Malone who recently visited Alaska with a number of other heavily credentialed doctors. The vaccine triggers your body to produce trillions of spike proteins that are foreign to your body. Your cells will have these spikes multiply on them creating blocks to proper blood flow which in turn creates blood clots. Folks need to wake up before there is a catastrophic medical disaster on our hands. It will not be pretty folks and definitely do not allow them to inject this poison in your children. Remove your kids from schools that intend to force it on your child. Do not think this can’t happen as it is already happening in San Francisco.

    • And now, those portable road message boards happily announcing free ‘vaccines’ for 5 to 11 year olds. They need to have ones announcing treatment centers for those of us whose blood is boiling, as we contemplate state sanctioned child abuse…

  17. OSHA can regulate the workplace environment. It can’t regulate what individuals put into their bodies.

  18. Right on, Gov Dunleavy. I hope all carry through on this push to stand up for our rights. I attended the US Chamber of Commerce webinar yesterday as they dispassionately outlined the rules of this 490 page OSHA behemoth. There was no condemnation whatsoever of this massive overreach which, if implemented, will cause dozens upon dozens of Alaskan business failures, as they call it quits over these onerous measures. Furthermore, it will cause many businesses to halt growing and expansion. Hopefully, this will be shot down in the Senate–but that will require titanium backbones by our two Senators. Pretty sure on one–doubtful on the other… Everyone encourage (demand) that our Gov stay the course on this. StatesRightsMatter.

    • Well if everyone calls it quits we will be on our knees for the troglodytes from the east won’t we or whoever has been allowed to keep the gas to waltz on in to be next experiment. Gee. I wonder what to do.

  19. you decry Biden as king wannabe while supporting a trump king-esque campaign. you don’t know the difference because trump and crew have been non-stop shouting at you to not believe what you see, hear. who runs a forever campaign except a person wanting to be in complete, total control as a dictator….

    • President Trump has returned the republic to the Americans who are saying “what are we supposed to do with this thing; gift it to the chinettes?” They have been poorly trained by the six television news shows run by foreigners and the nondescript empty set Constitution aka civics “teachers”. So yeah President Trump was a bit starling. The left just doesn’t know what to make of this thing called “liberty”. Isn’t it a bit old-fashioned? Not woke at all.

    • Trump did the work to bring power back to the people. The news called him a dictator because he was an outsider who came in and started breaking up the game that the establishment had set up long ago.
      Trump used strength to shake up the system and his voice to wake up the sleeping.
      What you call a dictator, I call an alarm clock.
      Wake up.

  20. Pointless now.

    The GOP did its usual and caved, giving Chairman Biden unprecedented control over American life.

    Dunleavy can bluster all he wants since it, like he, are moot points in Alaskan life.

  21. One big reason that the vax is suspected by many, to be mostly a scam, is that naturally acquired immunity is not being officially recognized.
    Another reason is the massive profits being made by big pharma, with tons of bribes and kickbacks available. There’s money to be made here folks.
    Even that so many have apparently fallen into the “Stockholm Syndrome” and/or the “Branch Covidian” religion.
    Never have I ever seen so many red flags flying, being ignored by so many. The same people will heed the speed limits and slow down to 45 mph on the Glen, for road construction sections.
    So many red flags, and full speed ahead. Exon Valdez and Deep Horizon on steroids.
    There’s a massive disaster in progress … and when it comes to fruition, there will be a great denial. Nobody will want to admit having been taken for a ride.

  22. Perhaps Dunleavy needs to realize he’s more of a tin pot dictator than a king, and that his feckless promulgations lead to aught.

  23. “One big reason that the vax is suspected by many, to be mostly a scam, is that naturally acquired immunity is not being officially recognized.”
    Been acknowledged; found wanting.
    “Another reason is the massive profits being made by big pharma, with tons of bribes and kickbacks available. There’s money to be made here folks.”
    Show me the money.
    “Even that so many have apparently fallen into the “Stockholm Syndrome” and/or the “Branch Covidian” religion.”
    Talking about yourself, are ya?
    “Exon Valdez and Deep Horizon on steroids. There’s a massive disaster in progress … and when it comes to fruition, there will be a great denial. Nobody will want to admit having been taken for a ride.”
    Climb on board lil’ children, climb on board.

  24. Well if everyone calls it quits we will be on our knees for the troglodytes from the east won’t we or whoever has been allowed to keep the gas to waltz on in to be next experiment. Gee. I wonder what to do.

  25. Thank you Governor Dunleavy. However, I would very much like to see you do more. Please work to help our Federal Employees including our brave men and women in the military, and ensure our health care providers that just because their clincs/hospitals take in Medicare/Medicaid funding that they too will still have personal freedoms and liberty. Please do whatever you can to push back against these mandates with the full power of the State of Alaska. We will support you.

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