Dunleavy: Permanent Fund dividend of $3,200 will be issued Sept. 20 for direct deposit


Gov. Mike Dunleavy today said that the Permanent Fund dividend will come early this year — on Sept. 20.

“I am happy to announce that the PFD deposit day will be early this year, on September 20th, and the dividend is expected to exceed $3,200 per person. Alaskans have waited 7 long years to receive a fair and sizable dividend, and it couldn’t have come at a more important time,” he said. The distribution is about one month ahead of the usual payout in October and will go to all Alaskans with applications approved by Sept. 9, and who selected direct deposit on their application. For those who requested a paper check, the amount will be mailed to them the week of Oct. 3.

The dividend is expected to cost the state budget $2.1 billion. It is one of the largest components of the current year’s budget.

“Alaskans, especially in rural communities, will have to pay extraordinarily high fuel and heating oil bills this winter, and rampant inflation is forcing all Alaskan families to pay more for basic needs, like food and medicine. We need to stop determining what amount the PFD will be using an arbitrary political process. Alaskans deserve a constitutional amendment that protects the PFD from politicians and special interests, and sets out a funding formula we can all count on,” Dunleavy said.

While some Alaskans were hoping for an earlier distribution, the Permanent Fund division said it needs time to process as many outstanding applications as possible and to screen out fraudulent applications.

This FAQ sheet answers many common questions about this year’s PFD.

Governor Dunleavy made the announcement this afternoon in a video message to Alaskans on his official Facebook page.


  1. And after the elections, they will begin taking away our dividends each year until the next election. Let them eat cake!

  2. Inflation continues to rise and Dunleavy is treating this like a political win. He caved again without a fight.


    $2,550 PFD + $650 energy relief = $3,200

    Dunleavy could have and should have used his line item veto to slash the majority of government funding for special projects in the budget except the PFD, signed that budget, then called the legislature back.

    He could have leveraged budget approval of special projects against forcing the legislature the legislature to pay out an additional $1000 to $2,300.

    It’s an election year. Inflation is out of control. He could have forced their hand.

    For the past four years Dunleavy has done nothing. It was all a scam and theater. Each year he caved and signed a budget that gave the legislature and special interests exactly what they wanted while they stole from constituents PFD checks.


    The 2022 PFD if following the original statutory formula was projected to be $4,200

    The AK Senate approved a $4,200 FULL PFD + $1,300 energy relief = $5,500

    Energy relief should not be confused as being part of the PFD, it is not. The relief stimulus was proposed as a response to record energy prices and inflation. These people cut the relief while knowing that inflation and gas prices would continue to increase.

    The AK House refused to approve $5,500, $4,200, or even $3,800.

    Instead the final amount approved was Dunleavy’s 50/50 POMV formula of $2,550 PFD + $650 energy relief = $3,200

    • The username says it all. Vote for Charlie Pierce for the full PFD, not the 50/50 steal. Oh, and make sure to leave all lawbreaking RINOs including the incumbent off the ballot.

  3. Put up your boxing gloves Suzanne your fight for us is over ma’am, congratulations must read Alaska your stay on them attitude has paid off for us ALL. Congratulations to our oath takers of integrity for of an by the people. WOW team Alaska I never ever thought this would come to past. Our full dividend checks. Integrity in action is something to behold United we stand. Thank you fighter’s of the people.

  4. Very good news! Many families are having more economic vulnerbility than ever! Thank you Governor Dunleavy!

  5. It’s unfortunate that some who claim to be conservative voted against giving all Alaskans the full and statutory dividend and then voted to increase government spending while reducing the amount of the PFD, Representatives Eastman and Kurka should be ashamed of themselves.

  6. You know the Dems wanted the PFD to be $1100 as they’ve always done. But, election year and with the Biden economy, they know they’re on thin ice (thin ice not caused by climate change either).

  7. I will not be supporting dunleavy in any election he is a coward do nothing politician. He helped the legislature to steal from the people.

  8. Dunleavy is getting kudos for “delivering” a PDF well below what’s actually due.


    The only reason the PFD is as high as it is is because the legislature is trying to keep their jobs and avoid a Constitutional convention. Dunleavy had less to do with it than usual

  9. Far below the statutory PFD and completely lacking in back pay. The RINOs have stolen thousands of my dollars over the past few years. Spineless Mike treats this as a win, giving cover to his RINO friends in the legislature. We the people won’t fall for it.

  10. The dividend is expected to cost the state budget $2.1 billion.
    What planet are they from, anyway?
    It was 50/50.
    We invested wisely.
    They squandered theirs.

    Now theirs is all gone, and we are doing so well… it is killing them.
    Hat’s off to Bill Walker, the “Republican”
    We have an incredibly bloated budget, hemorrhaging cash at every turn…
    Nobody sees it.
    It’s finally starting to set in.

  11. So, how many other people have received notice that their PFD application was not signed? My witness and myself both clearly remember signing my application. And if I didn’t mail back a signed form post dated by the 24th, that I would loose my eligibility. The postal worker commented that he has seen many of these. What is going on?

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