Dunleavy opens Silvertip Maintenance Station for Seward, Sterling Hwys


It’s a big day for Kenai. In response to a request by Sen. Peter Micciche, Gov. Mike Dunleavy directed Commissioner John MacKinnon of the Alaska Department of Transportation to reopen maintenance the Silvertip Maintenance Station so the Seward and Sterling Highways can be maintained for the remainder of the snow season.

“Public safety is and will be the highest priority of my administration. A crucial component in that pledge is keeping essential infrastructure, like our highways, in safe working order for the movement of residents, freight, and emergency services,” said Dunleavy. “Alaska has fewer road miles than Connecticut. With such sparse connectivity, every mile of public pavement is essential to the safe movement of Alaskans throughout the state. The recent distribution of the vaccines for the COVID-19 virus throughout our state demonstrates the inherent logistical hurdles we face. There is no need to add to those. With the opening of this maintenance station, we continue the pledge to making Alaska more connected and more secure.”

Dunleavy pledged to work with Kenai Peninsula legislators Senator Peter Micciche of District O and Representative-elect Ron Gillham of District 30, and members of the Legislature, to institute a long-term program for road maintenance on the Peninsula.

Micciche today thanked the governor for reopening the service facility, which had been closed due to budget cuts since September, 2019.

“Christmas came early for thousands of Alaskan families on the Kenai Peninsula,” said Sen. Micciche. “After engaging with DOT for more than a year, we are thrilled that Governor Dunleavy recognized the wisdom of reopening the station. We look forward to working with his administration on a permanent solution to the issue, and thank him for his decisive action at this critical time. This governor proved that the buck stops with him when it comes to public safety.” 


  1. I’m seeing a trend here. Dunleavy makes a decision that put the lives of Alaskans at risk. Someone smarter convinces him to reverse course. He then says, he’s making a command decision to spend money to save lives. Priceless or Worthless. I’d say the latter.

  2. Maybe, just maybe the Governor and local boy commissioner of DOT will use the same judgment for Juneau access.

  3. Ahh slippery Pete.. one of the architects of the great PFD steal. A cardinal member of the “let them eat cake” Giessel school of establishment oligarchs. Showing he’s a “man of the people” by getting a DOT station opened. Nice. How bout this Pete: how about you give us back the PFDs you stole?

    These people.

  4. I would like to thank Senator Peter Micciche and others for their efforts to bring this matter to the attention of Governor Dunleavy. I would also like to thank Governor Dunleavy for taking the necessary action of directing DOT to reopen the Silvertip Maintenance Station. The Silvertip station is an absolutely vital component in the chain of maintenance stations along the Seward Highway.
    The hard part now is to ensure staffing is restored to proper levels, and they are able to work the needed overtime without unnecessary political interference. Political interference is what caused this unfortunate problem. 24 hour coverage during the winter season must happen again, as it was before the station was closed.
    As always, I remain willing to assist with any professional advice, guidance, or technical expertise regarding the reopening process for the Silvertip Maintenance Station.

  5. I believe our budget situation is as bad today as it was when Silvertip was closed. I thought Dunleavy was responsible for its closure. ?
    I am glad to hear there will be more attention paid to winter safety through the passes.

    • For sure. My husband just returned from the Kenai and he said the highways were glare ice and the pass was pretty bad. Glad to hear there will be more attention. Yes, road safety is where funds should be spent!

  6. Wow for years it has never been an issue but now we are supply to now and give thanks. Quit wasting money on foolish things and take care of core responsibility’s. By the way why do commercial vehicles get first in line at the Whittier tunnel? I smell a deal between the state and big business. The little guy takes it in the shorts as usual. Special treatment for special people brought to you by the government.

  7. Even just a 1/4 of the excess dumped on Mat-us borough state roads would sand the entire Kenai Peninsula. In the Mat-su we seem to drive in literal ‘mud troughs’ on a regular basis. Chloride compounds such as sodium chloride so commonly used in winter maintenance are highly corrosive, damaging to vehicles and public property and really used sparingly as possible. It is strange the Mar-su borough receives a bit of an over abundance and the Kenai nothing.

  8. What a lot if negative, bitter, comments! I believe Gov Mike – and Sen Pete is a good guy – though the PFD steal is bad business and a wealth transfer and a rip off of the people. The people who are using the services should be the ones paying for them.
    Of course MacKinnon realizes road maintenance stations are necessary – he’s a roads guy. Rural airports are suffering under his leadership to the point of killing what little economy exists in the bush. Reducing critical services that only govt can do like roads and airports is an economic disaster.

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