Dunleavy names two to State Board of Education & Early Development


Gov. Mike Dunleavy has named two Alaskans to the nine-member State Board of Education and Early Development, subject to confirmation by the Alaska Legislature.

Barbara Tyndall of North Pole is a 1996 graduate of University of Alaska Fairbanks, and is a longtime teacher in the Interior, including North Pole Christian School. She has served on the board of a crisis pregnancy center and Fairbanks Youth Advocates. She also served on the Alaska Women’s Commission and Alaska Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee.

Pamela Dupras of Anchorage has a bachelors degree in elementary education from Alaska Pacific University. She is a teacher in the Anchorage School District who has also worked in education around the state, including being a specialist in English as a second language, in Palmer and Kodiak. She taught on the North Slope and Glennallen. Since 2021, she has served on the Alaska Native Cultural Charter School Academic Policy Committee.

The two complete the board upon the expired terms of members Keith Hamilton and Sandra Kowalski.


  1. A Christian educator? Good luck with that, with all the Godless commies and Jesus deniers watching over Dunleavy.

  2. Thank you Governor for taking time to thoughtfully and diligently fill our state boards and commissions with good people. We value you and all the work you do behind the scenes that may not get the attention it deserves. The State Board of Education is critical for our Alaskan youth. Your decision making is noticed and appreciated!

  3. Great. More Christian fascism. How long will it take before the great investigation media ProPublica unearths tapes of these two saying racist and homophobic crap in public? Dunleavy has a poor record of vetting employees and appointees.

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