Bombs away: Murkowski and Democrat senators support Biden’s sending cluster bombs to Zelenskyy


The Biden Administration announced on Friday it is sending cluster munitions to Ukraine to help in the fight against the Russian invasion.

Cluster munitions are controversial and President Biden has in the past condemned Russia’s use of these weapons as a possible war crime.

U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Joe Manchin (D-WV), and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released statements on the administration’s decision to provide additional weapons and capabilities to Ukraine, including cluster bombs.

“After visiting Kyiv, I believe more strongly than ever that the U.S. must do more to help Ukraine and its citizens defend their country from Russia’s catastrophic aggression. While a decision like this could never be made lightly, it ultimately became necessary to ensure Ukraine prevails in this catastrophic war,” Murkowski said. “As a senior member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, I traveled to Ukraine and met with President Zelenskyy and his senior military leadership. Discussions with them underscored the urgent need for greater support from allies. Our nation heard them, we stand with them, and support decisive action to enable Ukraine to retake its sovereign territory and put an end to Russia’s indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians—the exact concern that would normally prevent our nation from sharing these munitions in the first place.”

Cluster munitions are cluster bombs, that carry dozens or hundreds of smaller bomblets, When the canisters are dropped from aircraft or launched by artillery, they can cause extensive damage to civilians nearby.

The BBC notes that more than 100 countries, including the UK, France and Germany, have signed an international treaty called the Convention on Cluster Munitions, banning the use or stockpiling of these weapons due to their indiscriminate effect on civilian populations.

Anybody within the strike area of the cluster bomb is very likely to be killed or seriously injured. Further, there are a large number of the bomblets that do not detonate, and can detonate if children or others pick them up.

“Vladimir Putin continues to commit war crimes and atrocities against the Ukrainian people. In April, I had an extensive, in-depth discussion with President Zelenskyy and his national security team in Kyiv on what was working on the battlefield and what was not. They are outmatched by Russia’s use of tens of thousands of artillery cluster rounds that are more effective against certain targets, and it’s part of what’s preventing them from getting the upper hand,” said Senate Airland Armed Services Subcommittee Chairman Mark Kelly. “Ukraine’s success is a national security imperative for us, and they have asked for these rounds to deploy in self-defense on their own soil because they see it as critical to their survival. I appreciate the work from the administration that went into this plan and will continue working with them and my colleagues in the Senate to provide Ukraine with the weapons and support they need to beat Putin and win this war.” 

“Earlier this year I was proud to lead an eye-opening congressional trip to Ukraine and Poland with Senators Kelly and Murkowski and guest Brad Paisley where we met with U.S., Polish, and Ukrainian military and civilian leadership, including President Zelenskyy, and a recurring item of discussion was the transfer of U.S. cluster munitions to Ukraine. President Zelenskyy made it clear that these munitions would play a significant role in bringing this conflict to an end, and based on what we saw firsthand, I believe that sufficient trust and expertise have been established with Ukrainian military forces to ensure these munitions are used as safely and efficiently as possible. It is our responsibility as a world power and democratic leader to continue to support the brave people of Ukraine as they defend their democracy and freedom,” said Senator Manchin.

“The human suffering caused by Putin’s unprovoked and inexcusable attack on Ukraine’s sovereign territory demands our sustained attention, which is why I support the Biden Administration’s commitment to continually improving the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative to ensure we are providing our ally with adequate capabilities to defend their people and beat back Russia’s forces,” said Senator Duckworth. “Our country and the world remain in awe of the bravery of the Ukrainian people who are so effectively defending their homeland and their freedom. I’m proud to stand in solidarity in this fight to protect Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty, its people and its right to self-governance.”


  1. What a loathsome person.

    If Princess wants to do more to help Ukraine, enlist and go fight. Or maybe offer to help introduce RVC to Russia.

    Thanks once again to the afternoon radio host who helped push us into RVC because it was going to “ help get more conservatives elected”.

      • She would not have won a traditional primary. RVC was created specifically to save her backside.

        Fanboy all you want.

        • You may be correct. She could have ran as an independent got on the ballot and likely still won.
          She ran a write in years ago and won after losing the primary, though I would have voted Joe Miller.
          As it turns out She has been a very good Senator.

        • So I think you underestimate Lisa. She soundly defeated Joe as a write in. Sure you could spell her name 20 different ways but just winning the primary like Joe, doesn’t guarantee anything when dealing with deep pockets of the RNC or DNC.

        • Are you over there fighting, 3rd?

          If not, why not? Put your actions where your keyboard is. Go and kill Russians for Princess.

          • If you knew my history, you’d be ashamed to ask such a question. However, I would never wish on somebody else a task I wouldn’t do myself.
            How about you?, would you put yourself in harms way to protect our homeland and allies? If you answer homeland only then how long would it be not defending allies that they’re enemies would be knocking on your door, or another Americans?
            If you don’t answer my question then I know where you stand compared to me.
            Ukraine will become a NATO member within 6 months. Mark my words.

        • Third Generation Alaskan,
          You say that Ukraine will be part of NATO within 6 months? That’s weird since I can remember at least 3 US Presidents that promised Russia that NATO would not expand to their borders. Reagan, Bush #1 and Billy Clinton. Also didn’t JFK remove our missiles from Turkey as part of settlement for getting the USSR’s missiles out of Cuba? It’s never wise to unilaterally deliver terms of surrender to a Nation that has as many or more Nuclear War Heads then you have.
          There is a peaceful way to settle this conflict, it looks like DeSantis, Bobby Kennedy Jr and yes even Trump understand that, how is it that folks like you cannot? Do you like endless war? Extermination? Nuclear Winter.
          Serious question here.

          • “…….There is a peaceful way to settle this conflict, it looks like DeSantis, Bobby Kennedy Jr and yes even Trump understand that,…….”
            Yeah, another campaign promise. Those are always ironclad guarantees.
            Have Tootsie Pops been around in Alaska for three centuries?

        • 3rd, thanks for the laugh. So why aren’t you in Ukraine right now?

          If you’re not on the battlefield right now, you’ve just owned yourself brutally. Prove it, I’ll give you public credit for it.

          But you can’t, can you. Because you’re not there. You’re too busy with your lips on Princess backside.

          I fight for the things I believe in. Always have, always will. I do not believe Ukraine is a necessary war. I will never fight for Joe Biden’s bank account.

          I would never stand next to you in a conflict. Your approach gets people killed. Besides, I fight smart when I must. Proof of that is I don’t fight unnecessarily.

          I think the opening speech in the movie Patton. How wars are fought by getting the other poor SOB to die for his country. You are that poor SOB.

          • Ukraine is not a third world country like Vietnam or Afghanistan. Ukraine is a trade Allie that is embraced by European countries that have contributed to the war effort. Neville Chamberlain gave into Hitler, you know the rest of that story.

  2. Murkowski is the best friends the democrats have ever had. It’s the democrats in the state of Alaska that put her back in office. The best thing that we can do is find a strong candidate to Run against Her in Her next election and get Her out of that office.

    • A significant number of bomblets do not explode on first impact as intended. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the submunition failure rate — referred to as the “dud rate” — has varied from 10% to 40%.

      “Large-scale use of these weapons has resulted in countries and regions being infested with tens of thousands, and sometimes millions, of unexploded and highly unstable submunitions,” the organization said.

      In addition to posing an immediate threat to civilians living in areas where cluster munitions are used, the bomblets that remain unexploded are small, can have interesting shapes, and can be colorful, meaning those that don’t immediately detonate can appear like toys to children, who might try to pick them up and be maimed or killed.

      Civilians are the primary victims of cluster bombs, according to the Landmine and Cluster Munitions Monitor, a group that does research on behalf of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines-Cluster Munitions Coalition. In 2021, 97% were civilians, and two-thirds of those were children.

      • “A significant number of bomblets do not explode on first impact as intended………”
        The Russians have liberally sown mines all over the front. The entire area has to be swept, anyway.

      • A shame Putin started this bomb use against children in a country he was INVADING. Sending some back his way is DEFENDING against the invasion.

      • In general this is true, however American made cluster munitions are designed to self detonate as a fail-safe after seven minutes of deployment to avoid this exact situation. While it would normally be true that this system could fail and create “duds” in some small percentages, In 2017 we issued orders to modernize existing cluster munitions that do not meet the seven minute standard, and decommissioned any non-compliant cluster munitions. This concern has been dealt with and abated as much as is possible to abate.

    • This will not end the war, it will only make it worse.
      That will give the Russians the excuse to use the same
      weapons on Ukraine

    • What an ugly and violent thing to say about a fight that isn’t ours and were there is provocation on both sides.

      Karma can be a real bit-h Greg. Mind that when it bites you.

      • “…….Ukraine is not winning………”
        You haven’tveen paying attention to the news flashes. Russia mounted an invasion of the Ukrainian capitol. It failed miserably. That’s a H U G E Ukrainian win. They still don’t have a Lukashenko clone as tyrant. And Poland still doesn’t have another Putin puppet on its border.

        • If all you are watching is CNN, MSNBC, NPR & other mainstream legacy propaganda outlets, then yeah Ukraine is winning the war! For the rest us who are willing to do our own research from independent war analysts and real journalists, the story is much bleaker. The much vaunted Ukrainian offensive has been stalled since its inception weeks ago having failed to even reach Russian first lines of defense. Sloppy Joe Biden in a press conference a few days ago let slip the heretofore unthinkable – the United States & the EU are running out of Howitzer 155M artillery shells destined for the Ukrainians. Some highly respected military analysts estimated the casualty rate as 3 to 7 Ukrainians for every 1 Russian. As to Russia failing miserably by not taking Kiev, a lot of military analysts seem to think that was a strategic maneuver with a relatively small Russian force that tied up much bigger & valuable Ukrainian military assets around Kiev while Russian forces in the east captured almost 20% of Ukraine in a few weeks at the beginning of the conflict.

          • “…….The much vaunted Ukrainian offensive has been stalled since its inception weeks ago having failed to even reach Russian first lines of defense………”
            The Russian first line of defense are mines, and yes, the Ukrainians aren’t as stupid as Russians who probably would have charged right in.

  3. Stupid is Stupid does!! We have sent enough!! This is Not Our War!! They are using a good portion of our defense when we will need it. Ukraine is very sneaky and Not trusting.

    • The French alliance made it possible for the the Americans to win the revolutionary war and would have failed without them.
      The Ukraine Army many had thought would have surrendered a long time ago.
      Leaders like FDR and Winston Churchill would be proud of our Senator Lisa Murkowski and supporters of that war.
      I would like to know how many republican senators supported cluster bomb war heads, I would bet many.

          • Yes, you do, Greg.

            Because I, among others here, unlike you, do not automatically fall in line with the official warmongering narrative of the Washington DC ruling class. Russia is no more an inherent enemy of the USA than is any other country, and much less so than some.

          • Yes, because when we are teetering on the edge of a major way we may not be able to win….

            A beyond rock solid case needs to be made.

            Because it inconveniences Russia is not a rock solid case.

        • Gregg has no clue on most topics. He’s just spewing Uniparty talking points like a good little troll

        • Because in your crib days, you missed observing what communism brings, and what the do. They are like a boil that must be lanced from time to time. They want to rule the planet. They want all of the oil under the polar cap. They hate democracy and are relentless. This is why they must die. The bring instability to the mideast. That is where WWIII will start, not in Alaska.

          • Greg – Russia hasn’t been a communist country in decades! They are capitalists just like us. They are a predominantly Christian nation just like us. Maybe that is why the Obama/Biden administration and their neocons from both sides of the aisle want to destroy Russia. Look up Ret. US Colonel Douglas McGregor and retired Marine Intelligence Officer Scott Ritter on YouTube to get a different perspective on how the war in Ukraine is going.

          • This came out of you?

            The man who has so little understanding of Christianity he can’t even criticize it correctly?

            The man obsessed with the holy native who can’t admit it wasn’t all peaches and cream before the white man?

            You are a lot of things, but not part of the knowledgeable crowd.
            Just an angry man the world has passed by.

            I’d suggest growing up, but it appears beyond your capacity. I don’t believe in trying to teach pigs to sing.

  4. Apparently Lisa is forgetting that Russia is in our backyard, oh! SoldOut Senator!

  5. According to Human Rights Watch, both Russian and Ukrainian forces have already used Uragan and Smerch rockets armed with cluster bomb warheads. Adding more such munitions will not help the hopeless position of Ukrainian forces. I think that every member of congress who supports sending more money, equipment and munitions to Ukraine should be required to go to Ukraine, suit up, and join the battle. – M.John

    • “……..Adding more such munitions will not help the hopeless position of Ukrainian forces……..”
      That stuff is surplus. Any use of it by U.S. forces ellicits a cacophony of bleating from the sheep class. Transporting it to Ukraine for the Ukrainians to kill Russian felons released from prison to kill, rape, and pillage is cheaper than dismantling and disposing the weapons. It’s also a win/win/win for the Ukrainians, NATO, and even the Russians, who don’t have to feed thousands of felons in prison anymore.

  6. So democrat Lisa murkowski is a war monger. What’s happening is these senators are supporting the deep state war machine. There’s big money to be made killing people.

    • “You vill have nothing unt you vill be happy!” “You vill not have fashion unt you vill wear a uniform!” All hail! “I vill have a red carpet!”

  7. Great move Lisa, I think she should spend more time in Ukraine.
    As a matter of fact I think she should just pack up her entire office and move the whole damn kabootle over there.
    She would be such a good fit palling around with Zelinskyy and help out with the money laundering schemes.
    They look so good together the way she shakes his hand while holding his arm.
    Leaving him with one open empty hand to slip into her purse for gifts.
    We could only hope they would fall in real love(not just the money kind) and she would decide to marry a real man.
    We could even send Rigged Choice Voting caper over there as she will no longer need it.

  8. No better way to escalate our involvement. Now, what will Putin do, followed by what. Nothing to see here folks. Maybe we should send in our boys wearing skirts to give them a spanking. That would send them running. Otherwise, let’s pretend that we are not at war with Russia, China, and Iran. Let’s call it a difference of opinion.

      • Gregory, I believe Ed Martin is on the side of what is best for America ‘s interests and Peace.

        Eisenhower warned us about the ” Military Industrial Complex”. You know, the War Economy thing.

        If the Chi- Coms put missiles on Cuba and pop up dozens of Bio- Labs there as well, what would you think of that, being a resident of FL? Same goes with Obama and his girl Vickie in Ukraine. This is a C.I.A. operation Greg. It’s about poking the Bear and a laundromat for your tax dollars.

        • The truest patriot is he who is not led by the nose by neocon warmongers and sociopaths into needless wars that are not in our interest.

          • I can only think of one valid reason to date to be involved in Ukraine. It limits their ability to make mischief elsewhere.

            The reality of that reasoning is very debatable.

            As of today, it’s not our war. It’s a European problem. Let Europe deal with it.

          • “……. wars that are not in our interest.…….”
            How about a war with Mexico? That’s certainly in our interests, and long overdue. So, like our courts, how about a deal? No more weapons to Ukraine if we can use them to wipe out the human and drug smuggling cartels?

        • “…….the conservatives do not support it.”
          Because the conservative mouthpieces in radio and media have drilled the stank and file to oppose it because Brandon is POTUS. The exact opposite occurred with Iraq when GW Bush was POTUS. It’s classic domestic politics wagging our foreign affairs dog. Stupidity at its utmost for the entire world to see. Trump just got finished trying to whip NATO back into shape, and now that it’s actually living up to its charter, conservatives are sitting in we diapers screaming to be changed. Alaskan conservatives, having Bear bombers probing our airspace for the past 75 years, should especially be ashamed of their behavior.

        • Reggie, Why make war on the Cartels since it appears that the Chi- Coms are the source of Fentanyl. Why not go for the head of the snake?

          • Because fentanyl isn’t our only problem with Mexico. The human smuggling and criminal infiltration is every bit as destabilizing as the drug smuggling. And the source of it all is organized crime in Mexico, perfect for a “special military operation”. If Russia can do it, we can do it. If Russia should not, we should oppose them. We best oppose them by assisting Ukraine like the rest of Europe does and stop the domestic squabbling over obvious political strategy that’s a century old and still in play.

          • We can’t win a war with China right now. We might, repeat might, be able to against cartels.

            Assuming we have enough gas, ammo, and our troops don’t wilt when they get misgendered in Spanish.

            Besides, we’re gonna face them soon enough. Why rush it?

  9. The MIC is alive and well because of chickenhawks like Murkowski.
    I wonder how much stock she owns in those companies?

  10. What next Murkowski, napalm because Democrats write flowery prose about Ukraine? Did you discuss this position with us ‘little people’ here in the state of Alaska?
    That chair you sit in grows much too big by any measure.

  11. She wants the Ukraine freedom fighters to win the war and is up front with allied support makes Senator Murkowski a great national leader as well as a great Senator from the nations greatest state Alaska. She also does not skimp on national defense.
    When you travel Alaska’s highways and see all those new bridges and road construction everywhere, broadband for rural, infrastructure package, judicial overlook committee, and who serves on tons of senate committees, fighter jets flying every which way, new ice breaker under construction and on and on, you can thank the honorable Senator Lisa Murkowski and we must all stand when in her presance.

    • Maybe she should run for President. Thanks,Lisa, for all of the money that you wasted on nothing. Nothing has improved. The bush communities should be wiping with 100 dollar bills and despite the billions have to boil their water. The windmills don’t do crap and without large subsidies they would all die from freezing, starvation, or disease. There’s no marketable product coming out but a lot of money going in. Great job!

    • You can stand for her all you want.
      Me, not gonna do it. I might offer her a glass of water if on fire.

      I see her for exactly who and what she is. What you see seems to be unique to you, alone.

      If you truly think all the things you listed above are due to Princess and Princess alone, may I suggest a vacation?

      • Oh no Masked, I’m not alone, I am in line with American patriots that don’t shrink to dictators like Putin though on this web site, there seems to be a lot of liberal pacifists who resent our senator supporting cluster bombs for Ukraine. I would not be surprised if all of you vote democrat.
        My tax payers money supports Ukraine, cluster bombs even nuclear if that’s what’s needed.
        Only reason dislike for Sen. Murkowski is she’s pro choice.
        Get rid of the religious kink.

        • You really need that vacation. You seem in danger of believing your own con.

          You wanna worship Princess, go ahead. Semi free country.

          I’m curious why, if you are staunchly anti Putin, why aren’t you there fighting side by side with Princess? What stops you?

          I find it tedious the way people throw around the term “patriot” like they own it. Shows a general lack of understanding of the term, and a massive lack of discernment.

          But you do you, boo.

          • You wouldn’t be typing these posts because you seen Trump holding hands with Putin would you?

            Just got back from a working vacation.
            I do admit MRAs storys and comments is rather addicting 😉

          • “I’m curious why, if you are staunchly anti Putin, why aren’t you there fighting side by side with Princess?……..”
            The “Do-It-Yourself” fallacy. You’re a genius.
            Okay. Prep my B-52, load up my cluster bombs, and order the aerial refueling. I can’t wait. When I get back, be ready to load me up with napalm next.
            Or…………we can just give it to the Ukrainians to use. It’s the proverbial “no-boots-on-the-ground” wet dream that used to be the standard whine…….until you and your proverbs showed up………..

      • He’s fine. You on the other hand could use some sort of hiatus. You hide out with soiled panties in Junehole, cowering so badly that you are nameless. You believe that freedom is free. You believe that anyone that date voice an opinion right of yours is a traitor or worse. You don’t have a clue on the politics of the world. You’re stuck in the 1910s before the draft. You wouldn’t fight for your country no matter what. You’re just a small yipper hound that comes running out from underneath the porch, only to get a quick slap and you scurry back into your flea ridden woller. Sorry not sorry your feelings got hurt. If you can’t run with the big dogs, get back under your porch.

    • Your over-the-top sarcastic humor is delightful, 3rd!

      One could almost imagine Lisa not being the reprehensible deep state creature that she actually is.

      • I totally “get” why you are incognito but I want you to know you have a fan club of at least one. Your comments are my favorites and I look for them. I was a legal secretary and I was taught “confidentiality 101” so if you ever felt like sending me a private message, I would love to find out if you are already somebody I know. Thanks, Gretchen

    • Couldn’t have said it better myself, Frankie. She really is a branch from the old oak tree. With an IQ right up there with yours, in the room temperature range, and showing Alaskans how great their senator is.

      • We’ll, we never said anyone in our family was high IQ material, especially our daughter who flunked the bar exam six times in a row, until I got the answers for her ahead of the 7th exam. I’m the one with the higher IQ.

    • Let’s start with a tangental point: I am a fourth generation Alaskan and an old one at that. Does that, of itself, make my views more relevant, valid or probative than those that have lived here a shorter period of time? Answer: No, it does not. In a few cases a better knowledge of Alaska’s history may help on some matters, but generally, it is irrelevant.

      I have known Senator Murkowski for over forty years. The “goodies” she secures for Alaska are also irrelevant to the multiple issues involving Ukraine. (I will leave for another day the matter of whether sustained significant Federal appropriations actually are actually a net NEGATIVE for the Alaska economy.)

      A proxy war with Russia is very risky and I believe if we continue down the current path that Vladimir Putin will eventually bring the war – probably on an asymmetric basis – to our homeland. Are you ready for that? Please be prepared to explain that to your children.

      Senator Murkowski is fully under the spell of the Washington establishment in all of its forms. She is embarrassing Alaska and risking lives.

      Ukraine is NOT a democracy and is deeply corrupt. Ukraine is NOT “just like us”. This is the wrong war in the wrong place for the wrong reasons.

      • “………Ukraine is NOT a democracy and is deeply corrupt. Ukraine is NOT “just like us”……..”
        I would venture the opinion that we are quite a bit like Ukraine, since we are also not a democracy, and we are also deeply corrupt.
        But that, too, is tangental……….

  12. I don’t get it. They aren’t the US. Why are we required to send our funds and things to these people and all the others? WHY? They aren’t countrymen. Are they her secret family or something. I don’t get it. No amount of looking tousled and sincere gives a substantial answer. What’s the dill. They are where they are. Somewhere else.

      • Yes. The Alaska Olgliarchs and others are getting cranky. Wait until it’s all seized. I hear someone walked into Murkowski’s office, after the whole debacle in Ukraine began…
        After that, I hear the UN and ICC received a report, and instructions to start seizing assets. Don’t steal. No one likes a thief.
        Smackdown for the global racketeers!

      • Greg – your demented rant of “kill Russians” is absolutely imbecilic! You need some psychiatric help ASAP. Could be your Covid vacinne addicted brain has finally short circuited!

  13. Folks, dear folks, yours is not to reason why; yours is but to do and die! Can you imagine the world being run by this cadre of thinkers? What a nightmare!

  14. Leave it to Lisa to spew miniature munitions around for civilians to be maimed, just so her Democrat buddies will continue to be protected from evidence against them.

    Make Lisa walk point through the freshly bombed areas.

  15. Why do we support Ukraine? Since when was Ukraine an ally? I do not remember Ukrainian soldiers fighting alongside American soldiers in Afghanistan, Iraq, or any other engagement we have ever been involved in.

    My question stands. Why do we support Ukraine. Canned answer of Russia=Bad does not suffice.

    • Good question and you have the canned answer pegged. Ukraine is most certainly NOT a democracy. Democracies have free elections, free press, and do not ban opposition political parties or religious groups. Where is all the money going? IMO, US support for Ukraine is completely irrational. If we continue down this path we will be in a hot war with Russia. Americans, except for those that have served, know nothing of war. Valdimir may introduce us.

  16. We always told Lisa that her relatives living to the northwest of Ukraine were NATO allies and worthy of protecting. But Lisa is a turncoat and seems to live up to her pollack expectations. She just can’t escape the simple truth.

    • Frankie,
      It only takes one pollock to kiss her daddy when he loses his mind in front of the world audience, and it looks like that pollock comes from this family tree. It’s the sap, Frankie.

  17. The most disgusting war in American history. A war fought to benefit only the political elites of Washington at the tail end of our republic, looting what they can while the looting’s good.

  18. More worrisome to me is our arms industries inability to keep enough artillery shells made and stockpiled. It seems our military industrial complex is woefully inadequate.

  19. Yep all uni-party hated Trump and called him a war monger . While our elected officials keep fanning the flames and sending hoards of tax payer cash and munitions over there . And by the way created this mess over there ! How is this any different than Vietnam ?

  20. Once you realize that US cash is Monopoly money, (what is inflation again?). This is all a nothing-burger. Seriously, the cash we spend against the Com-boc against NATO threats, this is all chicken crap in the grand scheme of things.

    Let the Ukes and the Russians kill each other for a few years and smile at the savings of American youths for each Uke and Russian. At the end of the day, laugh at the incompetence of the Russians, and give a sideways look at there Nukes. Which we all hope is is incompetently managed as there conventional forces (but probably not)

    • Why not nukes and bio weapons?
      Firebomb Russian cities?
      Give our subs to Ukraine so they can attack Russian shipping?

      If Princess wants to drop the pretext of “civilized” warfare, go full tilt.

  21. Germany Rejects Cluster Bombs For Ukraine As Clip Surfaces Of Biden Admin Previously Calling Them A ‘War Crime’


  22. Putin didn’t make you take a bio weapon, Putin didn’t hire perverts to teach your children, Putin didn’t open my Southern border, Putin doesn’t let his people eat genetically modified toxic waste food, Putin didn’t drop the cocaine in the white house, Putin is not spraying us with chemicals committing weather Warfare crimes, Putin did not attack your food and energy Supply, … and Russia did not start this present fake War. Only an idiot that watches Fox News and NBC would think Putin is the cause of their problems. I would move there but he won’t let ex-convicts in his country no matter how much I changed. It would be great to look at pretty women and not eat GMO food

  23. Congratulations, Lisa. You are making the transition from war monger to war criminal seamlessly. May God have mercy on your rotten soul!

  24. Last year Circle Back Jen was asked to comment on reports that Putin was using cluster bombs. She said if he was it would be a war crime.

    But now it’s totally ok cause we are running low on conventional bombs. Otay.

    • Putin used them to invade an autonomous country-war crime.

      Autonomous country having been invaded wants to use them to defend themselves-no war crime.

      • Maureen – And Obama neocons overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine in the 2014 Maidan Coup which was particularly brutal thanks to the involvement of the CIA. The war in Ukraine didn’t start in February of 2022. It had already been going on for 8 years by then and had already amassed a death toll of 14,000 eastern Ukrainian civilians whose only “crime” was a desire to have peaceful foreign trade relations with Russia.

  25. Two facts arise from the article and comments.
    1. By elusive reasoning, a civilian life is considered far more valuable than that of a conscript forced to fight in a war of questionable purpose.
    2. After 76-yrs of cold war brinksmanship and feints by 13 US presidents, Biden is now engaging in a full-on proxy war with Communist Russia.

    • Russia hasn’t been Communist for decades now. They practice good old crony capitalism just like we do. That is a FACT. It is absolutely incredible that there are members of Congress who still believe the Russia is communist myth! No wonder we are in this Ukrainian quagmire.

  26. Biden is always talks of gun violence and climate change. Meanwhile, sends billions to Ukraine for weapons (and his 10%) and bombs. Guns to kill and do you know what thermobaric bombs do? Too bad he didn’t take this enthusiasm to our southern border.

    • “……..Too bad he didn’t take this enthusiasm to our southern border.”
      Indeed. In fact, the first move we should have taken after Russia annexed Crimea should have been to annex Cuba. Tit for tat. They understand that. American conservatives do not.

  27. Wow I can hear the Chinese applauding all the way from here. Xi just cracked a bottle of champagne on his brand new fleet of warships just completed.
    What the hell? one is named “The mighty Lisa”…????

      • In the end, when it comes to defeating the Chinese Communists, the Russians, will need us as bad as we need them.

          • The Bolshevists were and ARE still evil. The Russians were their hapless victims. It is really, REALLY starting to look like WE are to be their next hapless victim. Turns out we were the favored tool of the Bolshevists, but now we have fallen out of favor and the ChiComs stole our dubious spot…

  28. I’m curious how far the we must support Ukraine crowd is willing to go?

    Do we start rounding up Russians in Alaska? Should we start sinking their trawlers? Do we send kill squads overseas to get anyone with a Russian accent?

    • “……Do we start rounding up Russians in Alaska?…..” No.
      “……..Should we start sinking their trawlers?…….” Board them first. If they have chinook salmon on board, seize them. If genetic tests prove that the salmon are North American, imprison the crew and scuttle the trawler.
      “………Do we send kill squads overseas to get anyone with a Russian accent?…….”
      No. But all Boomers and attack subs need to be deployed and on standby.
      Tit for tat.

      • There aren’t any Russian trawlers in Alaskan waters, Rambo! That space, unfortunately, has been staked out by the Seattle based, factory trawler fleet, arguably the dirtiest fishery in the world!

          • Veggie – YOU might of been talking about international waters, but anyone with any knowledge of the salmon bycatch problem in Alaska knows that it occurs in Alaska State waters and our 200 mile Economic Exclusion Zone waters. We don’t allow Russian trawlera there. Stay in your lane – facts matter.

  29. Let’s get facts straight. First off, I’m was not in munitions in the Air Force, but we had to know about different munitions as medics.
    Cluster Bombs, primary use is anti-tank and hardened targets. Does a number on tanks big time.
    As with any munition, unexploded are dangerous to anyone. During Desert Storm, we killed al lot of Iraqi’s both tanks and infantry.

  30. She was convinced Ukraine needed bombs because she talked to the lying and corrupt scammer Zelensky. Murky can only hear when idiots talk to her. Else she is deaf to the voice of rational real people. She is owned by the military industrial complex.

  31. Do you mean the dancing burlesque social pariah jitter bug who looks too much like Soros to be trusted? We have to send him more things?

  32. How much money do these Senators have invested in Ukraine to continue its West money laundering scheme. Ukraine is more important to the U.S politicians than Afghanistan

      • Greg, Sovereignty, that’s what we have along our southern border? Is that correct?
        And while you are at it, why was Crimea and Donbas given to Ukraine?
        I mean the people there didn’t want to leave Russia and join Ukraine, did they?
        One more question, why would Putin be upset with a bunch of U.S. funded bio-labs on his border? Huh…

    • Jen – Biggest money laundering operation in history and it has been going on since the Obama/Biden administration started it in 2014. Romney, Biden, Pelosi, McCain are among a host of Deep State Washington, DC politicians and bureaucrats that had family & friends scattered throughout phony Non Governmental Agencies (NGO’s) and corrupt oligarch controlled businesses in Ukraine that acted as cover for laundering American taxpayer foreign aid money. Since 2014 we have sent hundreds of billions of dollars to the corrupt Ukrainian regime. The kickbacks must have been enormous! Trump walked into this mess in 2016 and tried to end it and he has been relentlessly persecuted for it since.

      • You are so mistaken. The biggest in history was when the pope laundered hundreds of million in gold to the swiss bank to help finance the Nazi war machine. Then, we used some of that stolen gold after the war to set up former Nazis in various countries to stop communism. We put Barber in south America and he single handed took down Bolivia. Toughen up girly.

        • You are all wrong! Largest money laundering scheme on the planet is the environmental call to arms on climate action, using $$$trillions in taxpayer money from around the globe to initiate and eventually mandate a one-world form of socialism. This goes way beyond Deep State, dirty money schemes to Ukraine, or kickbacks to a few politicians from organized corruption. This is a multi-nation effort to align virtually everyone into compliance with George Herbert Walker Bush’s favorite line, “A New World Order.” It’s been in the works for 100 years and getting near fruition, cleverly disguised as the call to action against man-made global warming. Largest hoax ever perpetrated against mankind and a calculated end to freedom.

  33. People need to look back at the Obama admins tampering in Ukraine. This isn’t a new conflict between Russia and Ukraine it’s been going on for years. Technically Ukraine invaded first, Ukraine started this. We are footing the bill…….you should be asking yourself why.

  34. Ukraine has proven itself as the most corrupt money laundering nation on the planet. All of the innocent citizens have escaped. the only ones left are the money makers waiting for more cash from the United States taxpayers via Joe Biden’s crime family.

    And Floyd is right. Obama administration set up the money canal with the US aid packages when He put the BIG GUY in charge of foreign aid. Joe bragged about all his big moves.

  35. Tax payer dollars? That we pay! Shouldn’t be funding the Ukraine war! It’s not understandable?

      • If Biden isn’t impeached & removed from office immediately all discussion on the merits of which side is more righteous in the Ukraine conflict will be rendered moot by the looming worldwide nuclear winter!

  36. Murkowski has to protect the Biden’s and all the other political grifters,countries involved in the laundry-mat AKA Ukraine.

  37. Last night a lot of things happened in NATO. It was decided that Ukraine is going to be fast tracked to join. We’re sending f-16s to Turkey. Do you know what kind of message that is sending to the ruskies? It seems like all the naysayers on here against this are in their own little corner.

    • The truth, and those who know and support it remain intransigent in the face of lies, and even exceeding numbers of those who believe and support lies. The truth is much harder to come by than the means by which you clearly have utilized to attempt to perceive it. Just because you get the feeling that you are in the majority, with the mob, does not by any means make what you think correct.

      You’re awful spun up about all of this Greg. Almost as though you have some sort of financial interest in the position you have taken.

      • I have skin in the game has should most Americans. I’m old enough to remember Neville Chamberlain and him coming back from his meeting with Hitler holding up a piece of paper and proudly declaring that he got England out of the war before it started. The next day Hitler declared war on Britain. He was an idiot. It took Winston Churchill to save Britain and get us into the war. You don’t want to be one of these people that sit around hoping it doesn’t happen and then when it does start crying in your morning bowl of cereal. The only way to fight this tyranny is head on.

        • Sir,
          I wholeheartedly agree on the importance and absolute necessity of fighting tyranny. There certainly are tyrants running amok these days, and so far they have evaded being identified on a wide scale. I pray that the scales fall from people’s eyes and they finally find themselves with the ability to see.

          As it happens, I was taught the same thing about NC, and WC, by the same people that had only bad things to says about Hitler. It is absolutely implausible and impossible that Germany united behind this guy who was all bad. He may have turned bad, and what he is purported to have done may have actually happened. If it did, why was it acceptable for us to have Operation Paperclip? Why did the OSS, the CIA’s predecessor get built upon our deploying of Germany’s Intelligence service operatives? Why were the Bolshevists slaughtering ethnic Germans inside the Polish border to the point that they had to be defended? Why did Britain aid in Hitler’s rise and then turn their backs? What might the Holodomor have had to do with all that transpired? Was it the real Holocaust?

          What makes you or anyone think that they are capable of identifying the real enemy? Why don’t you pick Satan? CCP is looks like Satan to me. I bet it does to Russia, too. They know its not us, although the catbird seat seems to have been stolen by him.

          • Paper clip…..the enemy became our friends because of the cause. We had to build a war machine to fight risky. We even financed Barbie to take out communist Columbia. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

          • The justification for Paper Clip doesn’t hold water. Hitler was fighting the Bolshevists/Communists and keeping them away from the German homeland in a kill or be killed contest for ideological and territorial control. This is after cleaning up a satanic mess in the homeland that is equivalent to what is being foisted upon us by the same group who pull the levers of control.

            Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like fascism anymore than I like communism, and I don’t like them at all. Seems to me they are both levers of control utilized by the evil invisible hands that pull the strings. The faces that we see and associate with events, often government leaders, at least those in the 19th and 20th century are quite frequently just the patsies for those with the real control.

            Does Putin threaten their control? How might he be more of a threat than the CCP? Well, you look at all of those Orthodox Christians, and their understanding of the liberty given to them by God, which is quite an impediment to those seeking control. Contrast that to the CCP and the billion+ people under their thumb, and no such threat to total control exists. CCP is a natural partner in this war for control. Weird how Mao rose to power, isn’t it? Organically? I think not.

            In the end, the people on the ground are not the same as their government. Calling for blind support of government controlled warmongering does not speak well of you or anyone.

            Lisa Murkowski is an idiot, and she is not in the position that she is in by organic means, either.

          • Idiot is a little harsh, but how else do you accurately describe somebody that touts their Catholic faith, their religious piety, yet unabashedly supports child sacrifice and profits from that support?

    • There you go again, Greg! NATO did not say they are going to fast track Ukraine into the organization. They essentially said the same thing they have been saying for 9 years now, once Ukraine meets NATO “requirements” the organization will consider membership. No firm invite and certainly no time line was given to Zelensky who is fuming at their snub. One of those “requirements” is the ability to annually tithe 2% of their GDP to their own defense which is problematic as Ukraine is bankrupt and fully supported by American taxpayers who are even footing the bill for Ukraine’s government pensions! If we didn’t the country would have thrown the corrupt Zelensky regime out by now!

      • There you go again not understanding what you’re hearing or reading. Did you not read or hear that they’re doing away with one of the requirements so that you craine can eventually become a member? Wouldn’t that be called fast-tracking? You can’t have it both ways. You can’t act like you’re intelligent and say and do stupid stuff.

  38. Fishing for Food: “………anyone with any knowledge of the salmon bycatch problem in Alaska knows that it occurs in Alaska State waters and our 200 mile Economic Exclusion Zone waters………”
    Who said that “bycatch” is the problem destroying chinook salmon on both sides of the Pacific and throughout their range laterally? Do you deny that chinook range into international waters?

    • Yawn – like I said stay in your lane! Kill Russians! Nuclear war is good for the environment. Obama/Biden good presidents because they hate Russia. Pathetic intellect.

      • Not “Kill Russians”. Arm Ukraine so THEY can kill the Russian soldiers in Ukraine. And I don’t care what Biden/Obama/Killary/Trump/Begich/Palin/Vlad or Fishing for Food think, want, or desire. I’m all for giving the Ukrainians anything they ask for except NBC weapons.

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