Dunleavy holds cabinet meeting in Fairbanks


Gov. Mike Dunleavy convened his full cabinet for the first in person meeting since social distancing measures were implemented in 2020. It was a mask-free zone in Fairbanks, where he brought the heads of Alaska’s 14 departments together to discuss issues, including the Munson Creek Fire, budgetary and legislative priorities for the 2022 legislative session, and how to better connect Alaska’s government with its people, his office said.

“I am proud of the work my administration has carried out from the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic to where we are now – our departments coordinated efforts in all fronts to ensure the health and safety of Alaskans and the economy. While my administration has been fully operational throughout the past year and a half, holding distanced meetings and ensuring the continuity of essential state services, it is great to assemble in person once again,” he said. “Today, we reconvene our business in person as a unified force looking toward fiscal stability, better connecting with Alaskans, and establishing priorities for the forthcoming legislative session. I have all the confidence in the members of my team to operate effectively in serving the people of our great state.”

In addition to regular cabinet business, Dunleavy discussed the urgency the third special session has on the state’s financial health. The governor’s special session proclamation includes amendments to the Constitution of the State of Alaska, including limiting State on spending, protecting the PFD, and championing a dividend to be issued this fall. Additionally, the special session proclamation anticipates a possible infrastructure bill passing Congress, requiring legislative action to disburse funds for projects.

Dunleavy, Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer, and cabinet members spent the day prior to today’s meeting engaged with civic leaders and others in Alaska’s Interior, including the business community, tribal officials, the University of Alaska executive team, and local government leaders.

The meeting in Fairbanks is the first time a gubernatorial administration has conducted its cabinet business in Fairbanks in recent memory.


  1. No Doubt he is forming his strategy on how best to Stand Small and retreat from some more of his promises while still claiming to be a Conservative Fighter. Pathetic.

  2. Pathetic photo op waste of time and money. All zizzle and no steak. Get to work! and Kevin do your job and get the elections fixed.

    • Here here

      After AZs audit results today, how about AK audit 2020? I mean David Eastman did visit the AZ audit and I’ll never believe prop 2 passed after LeDeux was guilty of ballot harvesting. Do the Lt Gov really think there were zero ballot harvesting shenanigans in 2020 with witness signature removal and mass mail in ballots? In the words of Joe: come on man.

      • The Dunleavy Admin is chock full of establishment RINOs, and RINOs are accessory to the stolen election. Don’t expect an investigation.

  3. Reports are that Governor Stand Small took the Death Jab! No need to worry about him running for re-election now…………….he’s a Dead Man Walking. That’s what happens when you buy into the Fauci/Zink lies and propaganda.

  4. Unable to drain the swamp to extricate the swamp creatures in Juneau, Dunleavy maneuvers a timely extraction of his Cabinet to higher ground in Fairbanks where his “government in exile” can plan their next move! I can’t imagine what the per diem and travel expenses were to move his cabinet to Fairbanks for a meeting, but I like the change of venue approach, and let’s pray that he’ll be able to get something accomplished for the People of Alaska! Protecting the Permanent Fund Dividend, and issuing one this fall would be a good start! Re-locating the legislature out of Juneau would be another positive initiative to champion as well!

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