Dunleavy election group raises $627,000 to date


In its 10-day report filed with the Alaska Public Offices Commission on Monday, the group called Dunleavy for Alaska shows that it has raised $627,000 to advance its goal of electing Mike Dunleavy for governor.

The money came from 47 donors, 46 of which were Alaskans, and the 47th contributor was Dunleavy’s brother in Texas. Some contributions were as little as $20, while others were in the tens of thousands.

Over $75,000 was raised in just the last 10 days.

The Dunleavy for Alaska group is separate from the actual campaign, which is named “Alaskans for Dunleavy.” The two groups are not able to coordinate their efforts in any way. Dunleavy for Alaska is what is known as an “independent expenditure group,” whose chair is Terre Gales, formerly a resident of Anchorage and now of Wasilla; Bob Griffin of Anchorage is treasurer.

So far, three groups have formed to support the candidacy of Mead Treadwell for governor: Alaskans Against Dunleavy, Alaskan Workers for Treadwell, and Treadwell for Alaska. Their financial disclosures won’t be known for several days.

For Gov. Bill Walker’s re-election, and Mark Begich’s campaign for governor, no independent expenditure groups have announced their existence yet.


    • Exactly. We need a governor who will do the job, and Dunleavy will do the job–his record speaks for itself.
      Treadwell has baggage, his money is coming from Outside, which begs the question of why he would seek Outside cash when he’s running for gov? Especially, a fundraiser hosted in DC at Lisa Murkowski’s residence.

  1. If you’re a fiscal conservative, there is only one choice for Governor – Mike Dunleavy.

    If you believe that Alaskan’s are entitled to receive the PFD as lawfully calculated, there is only one choice for Governor – Mike Dunleavy.

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