Dunleavy bans TikTok from State of Alaska equipment


Gov. Mike Dunleavy has issued an order banning the social media app TikTok from State of Alaska-issued equipment.

“Simply put, TikTok poses a risk to any network or user it touches,” Dunleavy wrote in a memo to commissioners.

In November, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned of security concerns regarding the Chinese-owned company ByteDance. U.S. officials have said that the Chinese government can force the company to share the extensive data it collects on its users. Wray said the Chinese company “doesn’t share our values.”

“National security experts continue to highlight TikTok as a national security concern, including the possibility that the Chinese government may use TikTok to control data collection, influence TikTok’s recommendation algorithm, and compromise personal devices. Use of TikTok on state-owned electronic devices or on private devices that are connected to state networks poses a risk that a foreign government may access confidential or private data from State agencies and employees,” Dunleavy said.

“Therefore, effective immediately, all State Executive Branch agencies, including all departments, corporations, authorities, divisions, offices, bureaus, or other entities may not use TikTok on any State-owned electronic device, download or use the TikTok application or visit any TikTok website on the State network. Additionally, if TikTok is currently downloaded on any State device, it must be immediately removed, and appropriate steps shall be taken to secure the device,” his office wrote.

“Alaskans must remain vigilant to evolving threats both domestically and abroad and work together to defend ourselves against these threats, in order to defend our way of life and right to privacy.”

Today’s announcement from Gov. Dunleavy comes as states across the country, as well as the federal government, move to prohibit TikTok from government devices. TikTok has more than 1 billion active global users.

The governor’s full memo can be found here.


  1. This is a good thing for the reasons stated. Tick Tock allows the app’s creators/owners to access any info on the device. That’s a huge security risk. Trump wanted to ban it years ago, but he was called a tyrant for it.

      • Why do you mock the idea of this? This is not a stand alone app. Having this app on a computer/phone gives it access to all data on that device. The very idea of this is contrary to all aspects of personal security and doubly so for personnel in military or government service. If you insist on an app like this, at least get one from an American company. Not foolproof but safer than one from the chinese communist government.

  2. Lol. Looks like the Feds showed up and are camping out. Until the State becomes legally compliant with federal, state, and local laws.

  3. Have to agree on this one. Too much is becoming known to what TikTok really is. I never used it myself and try to stay off of most social media. We usually give up too much information and allow hackers to steal our identities easier than we should. The fact that we also have to subscribe to either ID protection services or data transmission encoding shows how vulnerable using the Internet and computer has become.

  4. Why are state employees even using social media on our dime? They should use their spare time to answer the phone.

  5. Eye roll about this one. Of course a data collection app, controlled by the chinese communist government, is a bad thing to have! A deeper question is why these apps are legal AT ALL in the U.S.?

  6. Just goes to show you how hard state employees work. Years ago, I believe it was under Gov Parnell, state employees were forbidden and administratively blocked from accessing all non-work related websites unless a work-related cause was provided to justify that use. Employees went ballistic and sports-related websites (ESPN in particular) were reinstated. Now why does a state employee need to look at non-work related websites while on the clock? Answer: walk through any state office on any day at any hour and see how much critical work is being accomplished vs how many people are goofing off.

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