Dunleavy appoints new members to boards of Fish, Game


Gov. Mike Dunleavy has made several appointments to two important boards in Alaska — the Board of Fisheries, and the Board of Game:

Board of Fisheries

Gerad Godfrey (Eagle River) is a chairman of the FirstNet Tribal Working Group, a board member of Kizhuyak Oil Sales Inc., the treasurer of Native Public Media, a council member for the Native Village of Port Lions, and a director of the Connecting Alaska Consortium. 

Greg Svendsen (Anchorage) is a third-generation Alaskan, avid hunter, and fisherman. He is a member of the Barker Ranch Board of Directors, and leads sponsored duck hunts for combat veterans. 

Mike Wood (Talkeetna) is a commercial fisherman in the Upper Cook Inlet and the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Fish and Wildlife Commission chair, and is the vice chair of the Alaska Department of Fish & Game Upper Susitna Advisory Committee.

Retiring from the Board of Fisheries on June 30 are McKenzie Mitchell, John Jensen, and Mike Heimbuch.

David Lorring

Board of Game

Jake Fletcher (Talkeetna) owns and operates a small guiding operation on Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge and the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. He is being reappointed and has served on the Board of Game since 2020. 

Stanley (Stash) Hoffman (Bethel) is reappointed and has served on the Board of Game since 2008 and had his Assistant Guide License from 1997 to 2017 and his Commercial Fishing Permit from 1983 to 2014. 

David Lorring (Fairbanks) is an active hunter and fisherman for subsistence. He is a licensed falconer and president of the North American Falconers Association. In addition, he is a commercial pilot with Wright Air Service in Fairbanks. He is a North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association member and hunts upland game birds with his three German Wirehair Pointers.

Retiring from the board on June 30 is Lynn Keogh.


  1. State of Alaska has been tough on Fish and Wild Life from over harvesting to promoting 796 square miles of open pit mining on Bristol Bay spawning grounds, catering to outside interests, Safari Club, decimation of Fish and game habitat while at the same time neglecting subsistence, food for Alaskans, small halibut, very few fish in the Kuskoquim, Yukon Rivers, how embarasing.

    • 796 square miles of open pit mining you say? Please let us know what the largest open pit mine in the world is, since you are aware that a 796 square mile open pit mine would dwarf the largest open pit mine in the world by what a factor of 79.6 to 1. You environmental whackos are embarrassing yourselves when you claim such easily refuted nonsense.

      • Steve; As usual you are incorrect; Many open pits, not one open pit.
        God put that salmon run in BB and not to be monkeyed with.

        • So then you admit you were incorrect when you said “796 square miles of open pit mining on Bristol Bay spawning grounds” glad you’re finally coming around, next time try to stick to the facts instead of repeating the same nonsense.

  2. One hopes they will do better and restore the salmon runs. They need to look at the halibut quotas verses how many charters and personal craft. It’s harder to find halibut now with the large increase in boats in PWS.

  3. Maybe they will look at the ecology on the bottom of the ocean after the draggers get done. The ocean bottom will need years to recover and the food supply will be reduced. No more dragging it tears up the bottom.

  4. Glad to see McKenzie and Lynn Keogh go. Sure wish stosh wasn’t there. Gerard Godfrey is Glenn Godfrey son.

  5. It’s a known fact that the CCP is experimenting with our cold food stocks and viruses. Li Meng Yan, whistleblower & virologist.

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