Dunleavy announces more funds for unemployment claims due to coronavirus


Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy today announced another $62 million in funding for the FEMA Lost Wages Assistance program.

Alaskans who have lost work and wages due to COVID-19 disruption in their jobs will be entitled to another $300 a week if they qualify for at least $100 a week in unemployment insurance, and are unemployed or partially employed.

“I want to thank President Trump for his executive order directing FEMA to assist displaced workers, including self-employed workers, through the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program,” the governor said in a statement. “Financial assistance to Alaskans now, who are ready and waiting to go back to work when their jobs return, will help protect Alaskan families and the overall economy.” 

The funds are being made available after Trump acted through executive order, after Congress failed to provide another round of supplemental benefits to keep families afloat during the pandemic crisis.

The $600 extra weekly unemployment benefit expired July 31. The average unemployment benefit fell from $812 per week to $257 per week for Americans. Democrats have blasted the executive order as unconstitutional.


  1. Trump will nominate Judge Amy Barrett to replace Ginsberg……. before the election. Ohhhhh….it’s going to be good.

    • The person who wins the US presidential election now underway should nominate the person to replace Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. There is no need to rush this.

      • According to Ruth Bader Ginsburg There is need….
        A Quote from a New York Times interview when asked if the Senate has an obligation to consider Obama Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland to replace the deceased Antonin Scalia before the 2016 election Ginsburg replied…. { Thats their job. There is nothing in the Constitution that says the President stops being the President in his last year.}

  2. Hiding from this bogeyman called Covid… what a pathetic show. They called themselves Alaskans… Endless unemployment is not a rational answer…. We live till we die… period.

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