Dunleavy and 24 other governors request Biden-Harris reveal number of illegals sent to each state



Twenty-five Republican governors, including Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy, want to know how many illegal foreign nationals have been flown into their states by a Biden-Harris administration plan they argue is burdening their residents and creating an unsafe environment.

Those being flown in have arrived through more than a dozen parole programs created by U.S. Department of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The governors only inquired about one: the CHNV parole program, created to fast track previously inadmissible citizens of Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua and Venezuela moving into the country.

According to the latest U.S. Customs and Border Protection data, 530,000 CHNV parolees were released into the country in the past year, in addition to 813,000 foreign nationals processed into the country from all over the world through a CBP One app.

Attorneys general from multiple states sued to stop them, arguing they are illegal. The U.S. House impeached Mayorkas for them and other actions they argue created the border crisis.

The 1.3 million inadmissables released into the country are among nearly 14 million illegal border crossers reported since fiscal 2021, the greatest number under any administration in U.S. history.

In a letter to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the 25 governors described how the CHNV parole program negatively impacted their communities and expressed bewilderment over no communication provided about their “arrival times, duration of residency, legal status, and location.”

The influx and lack of communication “has created considerable confusion and alarm among local officials and the general public. In the absence of direction from DHS, law enforcement and municipal leaders have often been left to rely upon news reports and social media posts to determine size and location of incoming migrant populations in order to assess what impact they may have on already limited government services including local public schools,” they said.

“The apparent dumping of migrants into our cities and small towns with no advance notice has not only sowed mistrust and fear among the public, but it has also placed the migrants themselves at potential of physical harm. After being met with understandable skepticism from the communities in which they are now living, migrants have become fearful to interact with the public. This isolation has created a ripe environment for their exploitation and abuse.”

The governors requested the information they said to best protect illegal foreign nationals who might be targeted for abuse by cartel operatives or are already victims of human smuggling and trafficking, and to protect their citizens.

“Without information about the migrants’ sponsors or the location and employment status of migrants, state and local law enforcement are extremely limited in their abilities to investigate potential exploitation of migrants and the possibility of their victimization from human trafficking,” they said.

“As chief executives of our states directly responsible for the safety of our citizens and those who reside within our borders,” they said, they are demanding “a full accounting from the Biden-Harris Administration and DHS.” They requested information about the location of each parolee in their state, the vetting process conducted for each parolee, the name and location for each sponsor granted guardianship of parolees, and the system in place to monitor them.

The request came after the DHS Office of Inspector General issued multiple reports detailing the administration’s repeated failure to vet them and inability to monitor them after their release. The OIG also expressed alarm that federal agencies were flying illegal foreign nationals on domestic flights who hadn’t been properly vetted and have no identification. It also came after U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, demanded answers about how many were being flown and housed in airports, raising concerns about terrorist threats.

An unknown number of illegal foreign nationals arriving in their states “potentially in need of state and local services” was done “without our consent, any advance notice or resources,” the governors said. “Accordingly, we request your administration furnish our states complete information about the location and status of migrants being directed to our communities.”

Those demanding answers include Govs. Kay Ivey (AL), Mike Dunleavy (AK), Sarah Sanders (AR), Ron DeSantis (FL), Brian Kemp (GA), Brad Little (ID), Eric Holcomb (IN), Kim Reynolds (IA), Jeff Landry (LA), Tate Reeves (MS), Mike Parson (MO), Greg Gianforte (MT), Jim Pillen (NE), Joe Lombardo (NV), Chris Sununu (NH), Doug Burgum (ND), Kevin Stitt (OK), Henry McMaster (SC), Kristi Noem (SD), Bill Lee (TN), Greg Abbott (TX), Spencer Cox (UT), Glenn Youngkin (VA), Jim Justice (WV), and Mark Gordon (WY).


  1. Ha, nothing like waiting till years after the fact to somewhat sorta kinda grow a pair. Please, we’ve watched how spineless you’ve been over the years and we know the communists will just laugh at your sternly worded letters as they destroy out country.

  2. I’m sure it’s just a “coincidence” that the same tactics are being used against European nations also. Speaking out against the great replacement lands people in prison all over the UK, Ireland and Europe right now. Saying it’s okay to be White and White lives matter IS considered a crime by the Supra national government of finance and war.

  3. Please report the results. Our schools are failing in Anchorage given all the sanctuary city policies which bring multiple cultures into our schools if most students cannot speak the language teaching becomes very difficult and learning even harder!

  4. If, and that is a BIG IF, these numbers are actually revealed, I suspect the blue states will have received a LOT less asylum seekers than the red states.


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